Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A New School - Original Writing - 1798 Words
I walked into a new school, in a new town. I was barely seven years old and I didn’t know what life is going to be like from there on out. Loaded down with pencils, paper, and pages one to one hundred of the Crayola catalog, I wandered into the big brown building and down the pale blue halls to find my classroom. I stumbled upon the room labeled 2E to find a score of other children talking about how the summer went and where they went on vacation. A petite young teacher walked over to greet me and my mother; she directed me to my desk and sat me next to a young girl. The seats were labeled in alphabetical order: Guerrero, Hobbick, Hodges. The girl seated next to me bubbles with excitement and asks me my name, saying she’s never seen me†¦show more content†¦A once pleasant, friendly girl was now irritated and annoyed that a foreign boy had invaded the space between her and her best friend. I stood isolated and alone in the big room surrounded by strangers while the two chattered around me. â€Å"Lindsey, Casey, it’s the first day. I do not want to separate the two of you already.†The two girls looked at the rubber floor and turned to the boy who had made them speak louder than they needed to before. The two girls saw only a barrier between them, a 38th parallel of friendship stood between them. The young girl who once greeted me with a friendly smile, now wanted nothing to do with me. I stood surrounded by other students, but I was alone in unfamiliarity of the new school. Five years went by, and life was no longer solitary; it was fun again. I knew everybody there, and people liked me now. However, I didn’t know what seventh grade would bring with it. And, what it did bring was the best thing to ever happen to me. The little girl who shot icicles through me on my first day became my best friend. She’d grown up just like I had and a mild friendship grew with us. 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