Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A New School - Original Writing - 1798 Words
I walked into a new school, in a new town. I was barely seven years old and I didn’t know what life is going to be like from there on out. Loaded down with pencils, paper, and pages one to one hundred of the Crayola catalog, I wandered into the big brown building and down the pale blue halls to find my classroom. I stumbled upon the room labeled 2E to find a score of other children talking about how the summer went and where they went on vacation. A petite young teacher walked over to greet me and my mother; she directed me to my desk and sat me next to a young girl. The seats were labeled in alphabetical order: Guerrero, Hobbick, Hodges. The girl seated next to me bubbles with excitement and asks me my name, saying she’s never seen me†¦show more content†¦A once pleasant, friendly girl was now irritated and annoyed that a foreign boy had invaded the space between her and her best friend. I stood isolated and alone in the big room surrounded by strangers while the two chattered around me. â€Å"Lindsey, Casey, it’s the first day. I do not want to separate the two of you already.†The two girls looked at the rubber floor and turned to the boy who had made them speak louder than they needed to before. The two girls saw only a barrier between them, a 38th parallel of friendship stood between them. The young girl who once greeted me with a friendly smile, now wanted nothing to do with me. I stood surrounded by other students, but I was alone in unfamiliarity of the new school. Five years went by, and life was no longer solitary; it was fun again. I knew everybody there, and people liked me now. However, I didn’t know what seventh grade would bring with it. And, what it did bring was the best thing to ever happen to me. The little girl who shot icicles through me on my first day became my best friend. She’d grown up just like I had and a mild friendship grew with us. One late night in December, I sat in my bedroom of the old country farmhouse. The house had no central air conditioning so the thermometer crept further and further toward fifty degrees on those cold winter nights. As I sat in bed looking through my phone underneath all of the blankets. I found the girl’s number and grounded up theShow MoreRelatedMy New School - Original Writing1890 Words  | 8 PagesI finally stepped into my new school, in an unfamiliar town. I had just turned seven years old and I was unsure about what life is going to be like from there on out. Loaded down with pencils, paper, and pages one to one hundred of the supplies from the Crayola catalog, I wandered into the towering brown building and down the pale blue halls to find what would be my classroom for the next nine months. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Drop Box Application and Organizational Behavior Theory,...
Part 1: Organizational Issue From its birth, Dropbox has been known for its light-hearted consumer product, cutesy drawings on its website, and some may call it, immature attitude. It’s not a far stretch to say business consumers did not take Dropbox’s mascot, an AK-47 wielding T-Rex riding a shark, with a bald eagle on its back, seriously, which did not bode well for the company’s future. It was time for Dropbox to â€Å"grow up.†Businesses needed to know that Dropbox could be â€Å"secure, scalable, and great for complex teams†with a serious demeanor. (Constine) In response to this criticism and the opportunity to grow its product architecture, Dropbox launched Business Dropbox in late 2012 and created the second massive growth period for Dropbox’s workforce (200 to 500 employees in a matter of months). Though the new software had many of the features the consumers of the business world had been asking for, was it enough? It seems Dropbo x cannot shake its immature reputation in the eyes of business owners. Dropbox’s main competitor, Box, has released a product similar to Business Dropbox and, due to their serious business culture, has acquired many Fortune 500 companies including Procter Gamble, MTV, and other large companies. Currently, Dropbox’s fun-loving, laid back culture is strong and loved by all employees, but the external environment, mainly its business consumers, are not as fond. Business clients would like a feeling of security and trust with the company theyShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual CH 1 Management A Practical Introduction 6th Edition8886 Words  | 36 Pagesï » ¿ Chapter Management Theory: Essential Background for the Successful Manager Major Questions the Student Should Be Able to Answer 2 Overview of the Chapter 3 Lecture Outline 4 Key Terms Presented in the Chapter 32 Lecture Enhancers 34 Critical Thinking Exercise 36 Homework Assignment 37 Management in Action Case Study 39 End of Chapter Self-Assessment 41Error: Reference source not found Legal/Ethical Challenge 42 Group Exercise Read MoreCrm Theory For The Need Of Crm3735 Words  | 15 Pages Table of Contents Acknowledgement 2 Introduction 3 Historical Account of CRM 3 Underpinning Theory for the need of CRM 4 Types of CRM Systems 5 Operational Customer Relationship Management 6 Analytical Customer Relationship Management 8 Collaborative Customer Relationship Management 10 Success Stories 12 ICICI Bank 12 Raymond – Premium Circle 14 CRM Failure 15 References 17 â€Æ' Acknowledgement We take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of all the people who took activeRead Morecibm7098 Words  | 29 Pagesperformance: Beyond high performance work systems. Human Resource Management. 49 (6). pp. 977-998. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Interpersonal Communication for British Psychological Society
Question: Discuss about theInterpersonal Communication for British Psychological Society. Answer: Introduction: Interpersonal communication plays an important role in sending as well as building of successful relationships at work (Dixon, 1999). Interpersonal communication in workplace is mainly seen to involve interactions in varying relational situations not only among coworkers and even among the superiors and the subordinates. Interpersonal communication, not only, has the power of developing the productivity of the organization but it also helps in effective negotiation, relationship development and in conflict resolutions (Walker, 2011). This assignment will mainly focus on the concept of interpersonal communication and the different aspects associated with it. It will also depict a reflection of the incident that could have been handled effectively if effective communication had been carried out. Reflection: Igot an opportunity to lead a team during my internship years as my immediate mentor had lot of expectations from me. I had to lead a team of six members who were also fresher like me. I was quite excited to get the opportunity to lead a team and therefore after getting the first assignments, I allocated respective job to the individual team members and asked them to start their work. Two of the members came to me the next day and stated that the job activity given to each one of them cannot be completed successfully as they are not skillful enough to complete the work. They actually wanted to say that they want to swap the job roles as they could perform the tasks which as given to the other. I got so impatient from their discussion, I cut them short stating that I do not want to hear and excuses and they need to complete it as soon as they could. My impatient listening skill prevented me from listening to the entire situation and I commented without allowing them to complete their concern. This made them upset and they left the spot immediately without saying anything. On another instance, two of another team member approached me and suggested me to conduct a team meeting for two important purposes. They said that it would help in developing communication among the team members so that everyone comes to know how others are approaching their tasks and how much time they would require to complete the task. They wanted to suggest that as they were working individually, they cannot develop ideas about what others are doing and this may result in mismatch of task outcomes. I did not listen to the suggestion completely and asked them not to waste time suggesting different ideas and to concentrate on their work activities. These made them upset and they felt hurt. Lessons learnt from incidence: If I had listened to them properly, I could have known the entire scenario. They could have swapped their assignments for which the work could have done with quality. Researchers have stated that effective listening skills are extremely helpful in gaining information (Miller, 2012). Moreover, active listening also gives individuals the time to observe the attitudes and behaviors of the speaker that in turn gives lot of ideas about the feelings and concerns of the speaker. Moreover, it is also seen that active listening skills help in developing trust among the employees. When employees listen to each other concerns and issues, it helps in developing bonds and emotional attachments that in turn has the capacity o develop productivity and smooth workflow. Moreover, researchers have also stated that such active listening helps to develop the reputation of a good professional as customers feel that they are paid importance too (Yourish Hargie, 2004). In other cases, managers and leaders or even employees need to develop patient listening skills as that help in reducing conflict. Effective listening reduces the chance of confusion and thereby prevents any failure of tasks (Mazuttis slawinski, 2008). Therefore, if I had correctly conducted my active listening skills, I could have listened to the concerns of the team members and both their performance and the project would not have failed. Ineffective listening affects the morale of the employees as they feel that they are not paid importance to or that their concerns are not addressed. As I did not listen to them, they felt that I am ride and that I am not concerned about their issues. Interpersonal communicational skills: Interpersonal communication skill can be defined as the procedure for the expression of feelings, thoughts, information, ideas as well as information. This kind of communication can be conducted in two ways like the verbal way as well as the non-verbal way (Issac, 1999). Researchers are of the opinion that interpersonal communication is helpful in establishing relationships between two people thereby helping them in forming bonds. Just like verbal communication is important for the sharing of information, developing relationship, overcoming confusion and resolution of conflicts, verbal communication skills are also found to be important. Researchers are of the opinion that non-verbal skills are effective in understanding the body language of the opposite person along with their gestures, facial expressions, aesthetics, silence and many others (Fairhurst, 2008). Both the forms of communications are also very much importance in developing relations, understanding the intensity of the s ituations, showing empathy and sympathy, connecting emotionally and many others. Benefits: All these help in employee engagement and employee morale that help individuals to overcome any concerns or issues they are facing. Often effective interpersonal communication skills prevent employees from burning out and therefore help in job satisfaction and higher retention (Gergen, Gergen Barrett, 2004). Listening and negotiations skills are also very important for business organizations as that have the capability to overcome long periods of conflicts and help people to negotiate and come to a solution. This ensures smooth workflow and higher productivity. Also higher assertiveness skills are important for influencing others and these helps in motivating employees and make them align with the organizational objectives and goals. Such skills have the capability to make people work beyond their potential and hence every professional should develop such skills of communication. Researchers have stated that interpersonal communication skills are indeed important in creating as well s developing relationships, making new decisions, solving problems and many others (Gerard nEllinor, 2001). Expression of emotions and needs, persuading others, influencing and motivating them can only be achieved by effective interpersonal communication skills. It has been seen that those professionals who have good interpersonal skills are more confident as well as optimistic in comparisons with others. Such skills help professionals not only to maintain professionalism but also develop bonds with others in the workplace by connecting emotionally and participating in each others periods of crisis (Douglas, 1982). This ensures trust among the employee helping them to participate in teamwork and meeting up the lags of each other, ultimately helping in success of the overall projects of the organizational goals (Eisenberg, goodall Trethaway, 1993). Moreover, maintaining the right body language and being culturally competent in communication skills and procedures are extremely impo rtant while interacting with culturally different individuals (Eunson, 2012). Conclusion: From the entire discussion, it becomes clear that effective interpersonal communication has a large number of benefits in the workplace. It helps leaders to manage his team effectively by sharing concerns of the subordinates and helping them to align with organizational goals. It ensures development of bonding among employees helping them in emotional connection and thereby overcoming workload and pressures. Besides, organizational functioning, planning, negotiations and others and only be conducted successfully when individuals involves have effective communication skills. Co-ordination and conflict resolution are only achieved through effective communication ensuring higher productivity. Team building and employee morale are also developed. Effective listening and feedback sharing are two important aspects of communication. Every organization should therefore try to achieve effective communication attributes to reach their goals. References: Dixon, N. M. (1998). Dialogue at work: Making talk developmental for people and organizations.London: Lemos Crane. Douglas, J.(1982), A'systems' perspective to behavioural consultation in schools: a personal view, Bulletin of the British Psychological Society,35, 195-7. Downs, C. W., Adrian, A. D. (2012).Assessing organizational communication: Strategic communication audits. Guilford Press. Dwyer, J. 2012, The Business Communication Handbook, 9th edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. (Available via UTS Library Open Reserve) Eisenberg, E. M., Goodall, H. L., Trethewey, A. (1993).Organizational communication: Balancing creativity and constraint. New York: St. Martin's Press. Eunson, B. (2012).Communicating in the 21st Century, John Wiley Sons., 3rd ed., Wiley, Milton QLD. Gerard, G., Ellinor, L. (2001).Dialogue at work: Skills for leveraging collective understanding. Pegasus Communications. Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA. Gergen, K.J., Gergen, M.M. Barret, F.J. 2004, 'Dialogue: Life and Death of the Organization', in D. Grant, C. Hardy, C. Oswick L. Putnam (eds),The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse, Sage, London, pp. 39-59. Fairhurst, G. T. (2008). Discursive leadership: A communication alternative to leadership psychology.Management Communication Quarterly,21(4), 510-521. Isaacs, W.N. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life, Currency, New 02/03/2018 (Autumn 2018) University of Technology Sydney Page 6 of 9 Isaacs, W.N. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life, Currency, New York. Mazutis, D. Slawinski, N. 2008, 'Leading Organizational Learning Through Authentic Dialogue', Management Learning, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 437-56. Miller, K. 2012, Organizational Communication. Approaches and Processes, 6th edn, Cengage Learning, Boston. Tourish, D. Hargie, O. 2004, Key Issues in Organizational Communication, Routledge, London. Walker, R. 2011, Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd international ed., South Western, Mason.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops Essay Example For Students
Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops Essay Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops remember that song? This is just one example of a successful advertising campaign if the slogan is remembered then so is the product. A consumer in the world of the twenty first century is very much a victim of the media; the main vulnerability lies in the campaigns put forward by advertising. Advertising is very persuasive and develops strong compulsions. Its sole purpose is to influence the public into choosing the advertisers product over all the others on the market, although this has proved harder to do in todays society as we, the purchasers, have become more aware of the way that they try to manipulate us. To overcome this problem, the advertisers have had to make their campaigns more sophisticated in very subtle ways. Advertising is all around us, so much so that many people dont realise that it is there, although we are all affected by it. For example, think of a major football team, then think about their shirt. One of the things that people remember about it is the name of the company on the front Manchester United are sponsored by Vodaphone, Arsenal by We will write a custom essay on Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Dreamcast, Chelsea by Autoglass and so forth. Also many sports personalities are paid to wear a product made by the company. One example: most children that are interested in golf would want a Nike baseball cap, as worn by Tiger Woods. This shows a very successful way to sell the name as parents are besieged by their children wanting to own the product. Using famous characters can, however lead to complications. Just recently there has been a case with the company that makes the Brylcreem gel, as they used David Beckham to sell their product, because many children wanted their hair like his. The problem arose when David Beckham had all of his hair shaved off, as he had no need for gel anymore, and the Brylcreem campaign folded. Advertising can be found almost anywhere. Just walking down the street, its in shop windows, bus shelters, hoardings and phone boxes. Also the radio is an extremely good way to advertise as most people listen to the radio at least three or four times a week. When products are advertised on the radio, as there are no visual aids for people to remember, advertisers tend to add a jingle at the end. A jingle is like a slogan but it is edited into a short catchy piece of music so that it will stay in the minds of the public. Although advertising is good for the companys profit there has to be some control over what is broadcasted or presented to the public. The Advertising Standards Authority is the authority that has the control. They see every advert before it goes out and if they dont think that the advertisement is suitable, they will not allow it to be shown. They also encourage members of the public to report any adverts they think are offensive, incorrect, or misleading. An image is a representation of the personality of the product. Every product on the market has an image. One outstanding example of this is the advert for the Levi twist jeans. This has a strong sexual image, as the advert shows a young, beautiful, sexy lady who has recently got out of her bed where she has left a young, good-looking man sleeping. The actor and actress used in the advert help to create the image of the product, and give the message that wearing these particular jeans can improve your social life. It is especially effective because it appeals to both sexes. .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .postImageUrl , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:hover , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:visited , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:active { border:0!important; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:active , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music industry report EssayThe advertisers hope that the public will buy their product because they think it will make them become like the actor in the advert. This is why many companies use aspirational figures in their advertisements. These are people we are supposed to aspire to be like, or become in some way. Also the story and the setting for the advert plays a big part in conveying an image, as certain places give certain images. A loud and busy night club would put forward a fun-loving, young and naughty image, whereas a quiet office with efficient looking professional people in, would give a sophisticated, independent and intelligent image. The image is connected to the target audience of the product in many different ways. The characters in the advertisement must be someone who the target audience can relate to, whether that is someone of the same age, or someone who the age group would admire or look up to. Also the setting of the advertisement connects to the target audience of the product. If the target audience was 10-15 year olds it could be staged in a school, as all children in the age range would attend a school so they could relate to this. On the other hand if the target audience was affluent thirty year olds the advert could be set in a night club or an exotic holiday location, as they would probably be able to relate to this. One recent advertising campaign that has proved to be very successful was the adverts for the Orange Tango. These particular adverts were aimed at young children to teenagers, aged around seven to fourteen. The advert was shown in the afternoon and early evening when most young people are watching television. The way the advert was intended to appeal to young people was shown by the way that in the television campaign the advertisers used action replays and sporty voice overs to explain what was going on. Tango used this effect as many children in their target audience would enjoy playing and watching sport. Also the way that the tango man ran around like a little child helped to appeal to the target audience, as it appeals to their sense of humour. A man covered in orange paint running around slapping people, is somewhat strange and not an everyday occurrence. Because it is so strange, and very different to normal adult behaviour, the children think it is funny.
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