Wednesday, December 25, 2019
A New School - Original Writing - 1798 Words
I walked into a new school, in a new town. I was barely seven years old and I didn’t know what life is going to be like from there on out. Loaded down with pencils, paper, and pages one to one hundred of the Crayola catalog, I wandered into the big brown building and down the pale blue halls to find my classroom. I stumbled upon the room labeled 2E to find a score of other children talking about how the summer went and where they went on vacation. A petite young teacher walked over to greet me and my mother; she directed me to my desk and sat me next to a young girl. The seats were labeled in alphabetical order: Guerrero, Hobbick, Hodges. The girl seated next to me bubbles with excitement and asks me my name, saying she’s never seen me†¦show more content†¦A once pleasant, friendly girl was now irritated and annoyed that a foreign boy had invaded the space between her and her best friend. I stood isolated and alone in the big room surrounded by strangers while the two chattered around me. â€Å"Lindsey, Casey, it’s the first day. I do not want to separate the two of you already.†The two girls looked at the rubber floor and turned to the boy who had made them speak louder than they needed to before. The two girls saw only a barrier between them, a 38th parallel of friendship stood between them. The young girl who once greeted me with a friendly smile, now wanted nothing to do with me. I stood surrounded by other students, but I was alone in unfamiliarity of the new school. Five years went by, and life was no longer solitary; it was fun again. I knew everybody there, and people liked me now. However, I didn’t know what seventh grade would bring with it. And, what it did bring was the best thing to ever happen to me. The little girl who shot icicles through me on my first day became my best friend. She’d grown up just like I had and a mild friendship grew with us. One late night in December, I sat in my bedroom of the old country farmhouse. The house had no central air conditioning so the thermometer crept further and further toward fifty degrees on those cold winter nights. As I sat in bed looking through my phone underneath all of the blankets. I found the girl’s number and grounded up theShow MoreRelatedMy New School - Original Writing1890 Words  | 8 PagesI finally stepped into my new school, in an unfamiliar town. I had just turned seven years old and I was unsure about what life is going to be like from there on out. Loaded down with pencils, paper, and pages one to one hundred of the supplies from the Crayola catalog, I wandered into the towering brown building and down the pale blue halls to find what would be my classroom for the next nine months. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Drop Box Application and Organizational Behavior Theory,...
Part 1: Organizational Issue From its birth, Dropbox has been known for its light-hearted consumer product, cutesy drawings on its website, and some may call it, immature attitude. It’s not a far stretch to say business consumers did not take Dropbox’s mascot, an AK-47 wielding T-Rex riding a shark, with a bald eagle on its back, seriously, which did not bode well for the company’s future. It was time for Dropbox to â€Å"grow up.†Businesses needed to know that Dropbox could be â€Å"secure, scalable, and great for complex teams†with a serious demeanor. (Constine) In response to this criticism and the opportunity to grow its product architecture, Dropbox launched Business Dropbox in late 2012 and created the second massive growth period for Dropbox’s workforce (200 to 500 employees in a matter of months). Though the new software had many of the features the consumers of the business world had been asking for, was it enough? It seems Dropbo x cannot shake its immature reputation in the eyes of business owners. Dropbox’s main competitor, Box, has released a product similar to Business Dropbox and, due to their serious business culture, has acquired many Fortune 500 companies including Procter Gamble, MTV, and other large companies. Currently, Dropbox’s fun-loving, laid back culture is strong and loved by all employees, but the external environment, mainly its business consumers, are not as fond. Business clients would like a feeling of security and trust with the company theyShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual CH 1 Management A Practical Introduction 6th Edition8886 Words  | 36 Pagesï » ¿ Chapter Management Theory: Essential Background for the Successful Manager Major Questions the Student Should Be Able to Answer 2 Overview of the Chapter 3 Lecture Outline 4 Key Terms Presented in the Chapter 32 Lecture Enhancers 34 Critical Thinking Exercise 36 Homework Assignment 37 Management in Action Case Study 39 End of Chapter Self-Assessment 41Error: Reference source not found Legal/Ethical Challenge 42 Group Exercise Read MoreCrm Theory For The Need Of Crm3735 Words  | 15 Pages Table of Contents Acknowledgement 2 Introduction 3 Historical Account of CRM 3 Underpinning Theory for the need of CRM 4 Types of CRM Systems 5 Operational Customer Relationship Management 6 Analytical Customer Relationship Management 8 Collaborative Customer Relationship Management 10 Success Stories 12 ICICI Bank 12 Raymond – Premium Circle 14 CRM Failure 15 References 17 â€Æ' Acknowledgement We take this opportunity to gratefully acknowledge the contribution of all the people who took activeRead Morecibm7098 Words  | 29 Pagesperformance: Beyond high performance work systems. Human Resource Management. 49 (6). pp. 977-998. 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Sunday, December 8, 2019
Interpersonal Communication for British Psychological Society
Question: Discuss about theInterpersonal Communication for British Psychological Society. Answer: Introduction: Interpersonal communication plays an important role in sending as well as building of successful relationships at work (Dixon, 1999). Interpersonal communication in workplace is mainly seen to involve interactions in varying relational situations not only among coworkers and even among the superiors and the subordinates. Interpersonal communication, not only, has the power of developing the productivity of the organization but it also helps in effective negotiation, relationship development and in conflict resolutions (Walker, 2011). This assignment will mainly focus on the concept of interpersonal communication and the different aspects associated with it. It will also depict a reflection of the incident that could have been handled effectively if effective communication had been carried out. Reflection: Igot an opportunity to lead a team during my internship years as my immediate mentor had lot of expectations from me. I had to lead a team of six members who were also fresher like me. I was quite excited to get the opportunity to lead a team and therefore after getting the first assignments, I allocated respective job to the individual team members and asked them to start their work. Two of the members came to me the next day and stated that the job activity given to each one of them cannot be completed successfully as they are not skillful enough to complete the work. They actually wanted to say that they want to swap the job roles as they could perform the tasks which as given to the other. I got so impatient from their discussion, I cut them short stating that I do not want to hear and excuses and they need to complete it as soon as they could. My impatient listening skill prevented me from listening to the entire situation and I commented without allowing them to complete their concern. This made them upset and they left the spot immediately without saying anything. On another instance, two of another team member approached me and suggested me to conduct a team meeting for two important purposes. They said that it would help in developing communication among the team members so that everyone comes to know how others are approaching their tasks and how much time they would require to complete the task. They wanted to suggest that as they were working individually, they cannot develop ideas about what others are doing and this may result in mismatch of task outcomes. I did not listen to the suggestion completely and asked them not to waste time suggesting different ideas and to concentrate on their work activities. These made them upset and they felt hurt. Lessons learnt from incidence: If I had listened to them properly, I could have known the entire scenario. They could have swapped their assignments for which the work could have done with quality. Researchers have stated that effective listening skills are extremely helpful in gaining information (Miller, 2012). Moreover, active listening also gives individuals the time to observe the attitudes and behaviors of the speaker that in turn gives lot of ideas about the feelings and concerns of the speaker. Moreover, it is also seen that active listening skills help in developing trust among the employees. When employees listen to each other concerns and issues, it helps in developing bonds and emotional attachments that in turn has the capacity o develop productivity and smooth workflow. Moreover, researchers have also stated that such active listening helps to develop the reputation of a good professional as customers feel that they are paid importance too (Yourish Hargie, 2004). In other cases, managers and leaders or even employees need to develop patient listening skills as that help in reducing conflict. Effective listening reduces the chance of confusion and thereby prevents any failure of tasks (Mazuttis slawinski, 2008). Therefore, if I had correctly conducted my active listening skills, I could have listened to the concerns of the team members and both their performance and the project would not have failed. Ineffective listening affects the morale of the employees as they feel that they are not paid importance to or that their concerns are not addressed. As I did not listen to them, they felt that I am ride and that I am not concerned about their issues. Interpersonal communicational skills: Interpersonal communication skill can be defined as the procedure for the expression of feelings, thoughts, information, ideas as well as information. This kind of communication can be conducted in two ways like the verbal way as well as the non-verbal way (Issac, 1999). Researchers are of the opinion that interpersonal communication is helpful in establishing relationships between two people thereby helping them in forming bonds. Just like verbal communication is important for the sharing of information, developing relationship, overcoming confusion and resolution of conflicts, verbal communication skills are also found to be important. Researchers are of the opinion that non-verbal skills are effective in understanding the body language of the opposite person along with their gestures, facial expressions, aesthetics, silence and many others (Fairhurst, 2008). Both the forms of communications are also very much importance in developing relations, understanding the intensity of the s ituations, showing empathy and sympathy, connecting emotionally and many others. Benefits: All these help in employee engagement and employee morale that help individuals to overcome any concerns or issues they are facing. Often effective interpersonal communication skills prevent employees from burning out and therefore help in job satisfaction and higher retention (Gergen, Gergen Barrett, 2004). Listening and negotiations skills are also very important for business organizations as that have the capability to overcome long periods of conflicts and help people to negotiate and come to a solution. This ensures smooth workflow and higher productivity. Also higher assertiveness skills are important for influencing others and these helps in motivating employees and make them align with the organizational objectives and goals. Such skills have the capability to make people work beyond their potential and hence every professional should develop such skills of communication. Researchers have stated that interpersonal communication skills are indeed important in creating as well s developing relationships, making new decisions, solving problems and many others (Gerard nEllinor, 2001). Expression of emotions and needs, persuading others, influencing and motivating them can only be achieved by effective interpersonal communication skills. It has been seen that those professionals who have good interpersonal skills are more confident as well as optimistic in comparisons with others. Such skills help professionals not only to maintain professionalism but also develop bonds with others in the workplace by connecting emotionally and participating in each others periods of crisis (Douglas, 1982). This ensures trust among the employee helping them to participate in teamwork and meeting up the lags of each other, ultimately helping in success of the overall projects of the organizational goals (Eisenberg, goodall Trethaway, 1993). Moreover, maintaining the right body language and being culturally competent in communication skills and procedures are extremely impo rtant while interacting with culturally different individuals (Eunson, 2012). Conclusion: From the entire discussion, it becomes clear that effective interpersonal communication has a large number of benefits in the workplace. It helps leaders to manage his team effectively by sharing concerns of the subordinates and helping them to align with organizational goals. It ensures development of bonding among employees helping them in emotional connection and thereby overcoming workload and pressures. Besides, organizational functioning, planning, negotiations and others and only be conducted successfully when individuals involves have effective communication skills. Co-ordination and conflict resolution are only achieved through effective communication ensuring higher productivity. Team building and employee morale are also developed. Effective listening and feedback sharing are two important aspects of communication. Every organization should therefore try to achieve effective communication attributes to reach their goals. References: Dixon, N. M. (1998). Dialogue at work: Making talk developmental for people and organizations.London: Lemos Crane. Douglas, J.(1982), A'systems' perspective to behavioural consultation in schools: a personal view, Bulletin of the British Psychological Society,35, 195-7. Downs, C. W., Adrian, A. D. (2012).Assessing organizational communication: Strategic communication audits. Guilford Press. Dwyer, J. 2012, The Business Communication Handbook, 9th edn, Pearson Australia, Frenchs Forest. (Available via UTS Library Open Reserve) Eisenberg, E. M., Goodall, H. L., Trethewey, A. (1993).Organizational communication: Balancing creativity and constraint. New York: St. Martin's Press. Eunson, B. (2012).Communicating in the 21st Century, John Wiley Sons., 3rd ed., Wiley, Milton QLD. Gerard, G., Ellinor, L. (2001).Dialogue at work: Skills for leveraging collective understanding. Pegasus Communications. Pegasus Communications, Waltham, MA. Gergen, K.J., Gergen, M.M. Barret, F.J. 2004, 'Dialogue: Life and Death of the Organization', in D. Grant, C. Hardy, C. Oswick L. Putnam (eds),The Sage Handbook of Organizational Discourse, Sage, London, pp. 39-59. Fairhurst, G. T. (2008). Discursive leadership: A communication alternative to leadership psychology.Management Communication Quarterly,21(4), 510-521. Isaacs, W.N. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life, Currency, New 02/03/2018 (Autumn 2018) University of Technology Sydney Page 6 of 9 Isaacs, W.N. 1999, Dialogue and the Art of Thinking Together: A Pioneering Approach to Communicating in Business and in Life, Currency, New York. Mazutis, D. Slawinski, N. 2008, 'Leading Organizational Learning Through Authentic Dialogue', Management Learning, vol. 39, no. 4, pp. 437-56. Miller, K. 2012, Organizational Communication. Approaches and Processes, 6th edn, Cengage Learning, Boston. Tourish, D. Hargie, O. 2004, Key Issues in Organizational Communication, Routledge, London. Walker, R. 2011, Strategic Management Communication for Leaders, 2nd international ed., South Western, Mason.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops Essay Example For Students
Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops Essay Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops remember that song? This is just one example of a successful advertising campaign if the slogan is remembered then so is the product. A consumer in the world of the twenty first century is very much a victim of the media; the main vulnerability lies in the campaigns put forward by advertising. Advertising is very persuasive and develops strong compulsions. Its sole purpose is to influence the public into choosing the advertisers product over all the others on the market, although this has proved harder to do in todays society as we, the purchasers, have become more aware of the way that they try to manipulate us. To overcome this problem, the advertisers have had to make their campaigns more sophisticated in very subtle ways. Advertising is all around us, so much so that many people dont realise that it is there, although we are all affected by it. For example, think of a major football team, then think about their shirt. One of the things that people remember about it is the name of the company on the front Manchester United are sponsored by Vodaphone, Arsenal by We will write a custom essay on Wed rather have a bowl of Coco pops specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Dreamcast, Chelsea by Autoglass and so forth. Also many sports personalities are paid to wear a product made by the company. One example: most children that are interested in golf would want a Nike baseball cap, as worn by Tiger Woods. This shows a very successful way to sell the name as parents are besieged by their children wanting to own the product. Using famous characters can, however lead to complications. Just recently there has been a case with the company that makes the Brylcreem gel, as they used David Beckham to sell their product, because many children wanted their hair like his. The problem arose when David Beckham had all of his hair shaved off, as he had no need for gel anymore, and the Brylcreem campaign folded. Advertising can be found almost anywhere. Just walking down the street, its in shop windows, bus shelters, hoardings and phone boxes. Also the radio is an extremely good way to advertise as most people listen to the radio at least three or four times a week. When products are advertised on the radio, as there are no visual aids for people to remember, advertisers tend to add a jingle at the end. A jingle is like a slogan but it is edited into a short catchy piece of music so that it will stay in the minds of the public. Although advertising is good for the companys profit there has to be some control over what is broadcasted or presented to the public. The Advertising Standards Authority is the authority that has the control. They see every advert before it goes out and if they dont think that the advertisement is suitable, they will not allow it to be shown. They also encourage members of the public to report any adverts they think are offensive, incorrect, or misleading. An image is a representation of the personality of the product. Every product on the market has an image. One outstanding example of this is the advert for the Levi twist jeans. This has a strong sexual image, as the advert shows a young, beautiful, sexy lady who has recently got out of her bed where she has left a young, good-looking man sleeping. The actor and actress used in the advert help to create the image of the product, and give the message that wearing these particular jeans can improve your social life. It is especially effective because it appeals to both sexes. .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .postImageUrl , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:hover , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:visited , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:active { border:0!important; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:active , .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534 .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ub16c91438f3a0f13cb81af61acbe5534:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Music industry report EssayThe advertisers hope that the public will buy their product because they think it will make them become like the actor in the advert. This is why many companies use aspirational figures in their advertisements. These are people we are supposed to aspire to be like, or become in some way. Also the story and the setting for the advert plays a big part in conveying an image, as certain places give certain images. A loud and busy night club would put forward a fun-loving, young and naughty image, whereas a quiet office with efficient looking professional people in, would give a sophisticated, independent and intelligent image. The image is connected to the target audience of the product in many different ways. The characters in the advertisement must be someone who the target audience can relate to, whether that is someone of the same age, or someone who the age group would admire or look up to. Also the setting of the advertisement connects to the target audience of the product. If the target audience was 10-15 year olds it could be staged in a school, as all children in the age range would attend a school so they could relate to this. On the other hand if the target audience was affluent thirty year olds the advert could be set in a night club or an exotic holiday location, as they would probably be able to relate to this. One recent advertising campaign that has proved to be very successful was the adverts for the Orange Tango. These particular adverts were aimed at young children to teenagers, aged around seven to fourteen. The advert was shown in the afternoon and early evening when most young people are watching television. The way the advert was intended to appeal to young people was shown by the way that in the television campaign the advertisers used action replays and sporty voice overs to explain what was going on. Tango used this effect as many children in their target audience would enjoy playing and watching sport. Also the way that the tango man ran around like a little child helped to appeal to the target audience, as it appeals to their sense of humour. A man covered in orange paint running around slapping people, is somewhat strange and not an everyday occurrence. Because it is so strange, and very different to normal adult behaviour, the children think it is funny.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Seville Essays - Province Of Seville, Seville, Giralda, Guadalquivir
Seville Essays - Province Of Seville, Seville, Giralda, Guadalquivir Seville Spanish SEVILLA, ancient Hispalis, city and capital of the provincia of Seville, in the Andalusia comunidad autnoma (autonomous community) of southern Spain. Seville lies on the left (east) bank of the Guadalquivir River at a point about 54 miles (87 km) north of the Atlantic, and about 340 miles (550 km) southwest of Madrid. An inland port, it is the chief city of Andalusia and the fourth largest in Spain. It was important in history as a cultural centre, as a capital of Muslim Spain, and as a centre for Spanish exploration of the New World. Seville was originally an Iberian town. Under the Romans it flourished from the 2nd century BC onward as Hispalis, and it was an administrative centre of the province of Baetica. The Silingi Vandals made it the seat of their kingdom early in the 5th century AD, but in 461 it passed under Visigothic rule. In 711 the town fell to the Muslims, and under their rule Ixvillia, as it was now called, flourished. It became a leading cultural and commercial centre under the 'Abbadid dynasty and the subsequent Almoravid and Almohad confederations. As the Almohad capital in the 12th century, Seville enjoyed great prosperity and ambitious building programs. But after the Muslim possession of Seville was ended in 1248 by Spanish Christians under Ferdinand III, the substantial Moorish and Jewish minorities were driven into exile, and the local economy temporarily fell into ruin. The Spanish discovery of the Americas brought new prosperity to the city. Seville became the centre of the exploration and exploitation of America through the House of Trade, which was established there in 1503 to regulate commerce between Spain and the New World. For two centuries Seville was to hold a dominant position in Spain's New World commerce; it was the site of the chief mint for gold and silver from the Americas, and many Spanish emigrants to the New World sailed from its quays. Seville was in fact the richest and most populous city in Spain in the 16th century, with some 150,000 inhabitants in 1588. This brilliance was fleeting, however, since Seville's prosperity was based almost entirely on the exploitation of the colonies rather than on local industry and trade. As a result, Seville's economy declined in the 17th century, though its cultural life underwent a great flowering at this time. The painters Diego Velzquez, Francisco de Zurbarn, and Bartolom Esteban Murillo, th e sculptor Juan Martnez Montas, and the poet Fernando de Herrera are the glories of Seville and of Spain. Miguel de Cervantes conceived of his novel Don Quixote while he was confined in Seville's jail. In the 18th century Spain's Bourbon rulers managed to stimulate a limited economic revival in the city, but in the 19th century the French invasion, revolutions, and civil war halted such development. In 1847 the April Fair, an annual gala following Easter, was established. The Iberoamerican Exposition of 1929 initiated a new renaissance in Seville. During the 20th century the port was enlarged, and the city revived as an industrial and commercial centre. The Universal Exposition world's fair opened in Seville in 1992. Seville's many architectural monuments survived the Spanish Civil War (1936-39) intact because the city was held by the Nationalists throughout the entire conflict, and was thus never fought over. The oldest part of Seville lies on the left bank of the Guadalquivir and is irregularly planned, with a maze of narrow and twisting streets, small enclosed squares, and houses built and decorated in the Moorish style. There is a somewhat more spacious layout in the central district near the Cathedral of Santa Maria and the Alczar Palace. Seville's cathedral is one of the largest in area of all Gothic churches. Most of it was constructed from 1402 to 1506 on the site of the city's principal mosque, which had been built by the Almohads in 1180-1200 on the site of an earlier Visigothic church. One of the mosque's few surviving portions, its minaret, called the Giralda, was incorporated into the cathedral as its bell tower. The minaret has surfaces almost entirely covered with beautiful yellow brick and stone paneling of Moorish design. The main portion of the Cathedral of Santa Maria is built in
Friday, November 22, 2019
Use of Spanish Subjunctive With Impersonal Es Phrases
Use of Spanish Subjunctive With Impersonal Es Phrases Learning when to use the subjunctive mood in Spanish can be a challenge, so to help you get started, this lesson looks at a particular type of simple sentence, one that starts with Es adjective or noun que. The English equivalent is It is adjective or noun that, and the usage is common in both languages. These sentences provide a good introduction to the subjunctive for Spanish students because the verb mood depends on how the verb is used rather than requiring memorization of particular phrases. The general rule about the use of mood in Spanish requires that Es _____ que would be followed by a verb in the indicative mood if the initial phrase expresses certainty- but in the subjunctive, if it expresses doubt, uncertainty, desire, probability, or an emotional reaction. The phrase can be thought of as a trigger; some phrases trigger one mood, some phrases another. The following list is far from complete, but learning them should help give you a feel for which mood will be triggered by other phrases. In the examples below, the verbs triggered by the it is statement are in boldface. Note that the that in the English translations before the verb is optional, but the Spanish que is mandatory. Es ... Que Phrases Triggering the Subjunctive Examples of the subjunctive being used to express lack of certainty: Es probable que (It is likely that): Es probable que las temperaturas mà nimas se acerquen a los 20 grados bajo cero. (It is likely that the low temperatures will approach the minus 20s.)Es posible que (It is possible that): Es posible que un religioso sea deshonesto. (It is possible that a religious person be dishonest.)Es imposible que (Its impossible that): Es imposible que el mundo termine el 2021. (Its impossible that the world will end in 2021.)No es cierto que (It isnt certain that): No es cierto que la medicina inyectable cause cncer. (It is not certain that the injectable medicine causes cancer.)No es seguro que (It is not certain that): No es seguro que el cliente tenga capacidad para devolver el prà ©stamo. (It is not certain that the customer has the ability to pay off the loan.) Examples of the subjunctive being used in giving advice: Es importante que (It is important that): Es importante que comiences una dieta sana. (It is important that you begin a healthy diet.)Es aconsejable que (It is advisable that):  ¿A partir de quà © edad es aconsejable que un nià ±o tenga mà ³vil? (Beginning at what age is it advisable that a child has a cellphone?)Es necesario que (It is necessary that): Es necesario que todo cambie. It is necessary that everything change. (Note that in this instance and the following two, the English translation explicitly uses the subjunctive mood.)Es preciso que (It is necessary that): Es preciso que Amà ©rica Latina reduzca la pobreza. (It is necessary that Latin America reduce poverty.) Examples of the subjunctive being used in expressing personal reactions: Es (una) lstima que (Its a shame that):  ¡Es una lstima que no està ©s conmigo! (Its a shame that you arent with me!)Es bueno que (It is good that): Es bueno que tus clientes te sigan en Twitter. (It is good that your customers are following you on Twitter. Note that the statement following que is factually true; the subjunctive is used here because the sentence is an evaluation of that fact.) Es ... Que Phrases Triggering the Indicative The indicative is used in these examples because of the expression of certainty, even though that certainty may be an opinion rather than factual. Es cierto que (It is certain that): Es cierto que solo dos personas conocen la formula secreta. It is certain that only two people know the secret formula. Es obvio que (It is obvious that): Es obvio que Miley Cyrus es mà ºchisimo mejor que Selena Gà ³mez. It is obvious that Miley Cyrus is much better than Selena Gomez. Es seguro que (It is certain that): Es seguro que el cliente tiene capacidad para devolver el prà ©stamo. It is certain that the customer has the ability to pay off the loan. No es dudoso que (It is not doubtful that): No es dudoso que ests obligado a restituirla. It is not doubtful that you are obligated to pay her back. (In real-life speech, however, it is fairly common to use the subjunctive after no es dudoso, despite what the rules of grammar say, possibly because Es dudoso que is always followed by the subjunctive.) Es verdad que (it is true that):  ¿Es verdad que los elefantes temen a los ratones? Is it true that elephants are afraid of mice? Key Takeaways A Spanish sentence beginning with es ____ que (it is _____ that) can be followed by a verb in either the subjunctive or indicative mood.The indicative verb is triggered by es ____ que phrases that express certainty.Subjunctive verbs are triggered by es ____ que phrases that indicate uncertainty, give advice, or provide an emotional reaction.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Global Warming. What Are the Human Behaviors which Hasten Global Essay
Global Warming. What Are the Human Behaviors which Hasten Global Warming - Essay Example Digging out the earth’s resources such as coal, gas and oil also leads burning of fossil fuels which again release one the of greenhouse gases CO. Cutting forests and grass lands and converting them into a living place and use it for farming means letting the stored amounts of carbon enter the atmosphere. This is because those plants stores carbon and cutting down means releasing more and more carbon. This is known as deforestation. Methane is another harmful green house gas which is hundred times more powerful than carbon. Methane is basically is found underwater especially when digging out fossil fuels, landfill and leakage of natural gas. Also, methane is found in the intestines of herbivorous animals so, more live stock means more manure and more manure leads to release of methane. It is also used as the fertilizer in cropping. Another source of methane is gas consuming car which are getting more in use these days. Population is another cause of global warming which means more people requires more food and use of more transportation. Cars burns fossil fuel by consuming oil where as to provide food to such a large population agriculture is a must. In twentieth century farmers started using more chemical fertilizers and machines. These chemical fertilizers are the cause of the development of nitrogen.... (Manoj Kumar, A Cooler Climate) Crake’s decision: Crake’s intentions behind creating the hominids are right as the world really seems to be environmentally devastated and corporation controlled in future. The scientists will keep on experimenting on human without checking it and directly use for genetic treatment which is becoming a threat to the survival of humanity. According to Crake they just want to earn profits and interest without giving a thought to the consequences which will occur to those human beings. Nowadays, in world such is happening. Nuclear weapons are so devastating and bio-products are so dangerous for the survival of human beings. Technology on the other hand is invented for the ease of human but it is used as a tool to earn profits. This world consists of so many problems like pollution, global warming, many pandemic diseases, and war like situation, socio-economic issues. Crake created hominids in order to make this world peaceful and environment friendly creature that loves nature and does not harm each other and there are no such catastrophes. ( Bouson, Bloom, Lin) The culture of violence and pornography is also troubling the world and it is because of the misuse of internet. Pornographic sites are becoming cheaply and easily available everywhere on the internet. Also, sites which shows live coverage suicide and gives easy access to porn sites promotes unethical and moral less people. Games on computer are highly becoming the source of mass destructions for the adolescent and children. They enjoy playing such games which indirectly teaching them violence and feeding in their mind that how to win over anything by killing or destroying everything. Unless, they win and excels in it, they keep on playing with high concentrations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
1. Leadership and Transformation 2. Reflective Journal Assignment
1. Leadership and Transformation 2. Reflective Journal - Assignment Example My transformation has significantly been impacted by this unit. I have realized that a leader should be someone who acts as a role model to other members of his team. Thus, my focus has been to come up with effective strategies that encompass the contribution of all the team members. In this way, I have modeled them in such a way that once they attain a position of becoming a leader they will also create a strong team (Hemphill, 1949). Based on my objective of creating a strong team work, my communication with members of my team has always been open. This implies that I provide my team members with opportunities to provide feedback. In this way, I have been transformed from talking too much to a good listener (Schultz, et al. 2010). In this way, other members of the team can comment and possibly give an idea on how to address a certain issue either affecting the entire team or an individual member (Robert, 2002). As indicated in this unit, a good leader should recognize and reward ha rdworking team members who attain their goals. Individually, I have been transformed in the sense that I can set my own goal as well as those of the other team members (House, 1971). I promote and reward any member who achieves his or her goals while those who do not perform I train them on how to undertake their duties. As a leader, the transformational experience will influence me as a leader and a manager in various ways. First, my management strategy will now be democratic. In this way, I will be in a position to provide my team members with ample ground whereby they will be part and parcel of the organization (Montana and Bruce, 2008). Another aspect that I will emulate as a manager is to provide the team members with an opportunity to develop (Lussier and Achua, 2010). Apart from allowing them to attend part time leadership courses, I will initiate an in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Why Do Students Shyout and Do Not Participate in Classroom Discussion Essay Example for Free
Why Do Students Shyout and Do Not Participate in Classroom Discussion Essay Why do students shy out and do not participate in classroom discussion? Chapter 1 1. 1 Abstract Research has shown that shy students participate less frequently in class, are less likely to volunteer contributions, and give shorter and less elaborate answers to questions. Differences between shy and less shy students extend to their performance on standardized tests of vocabulary. The findings of two studies undertaken are presented; in each study participants were rated for shy out students by their class teachers. The first study (of 10-year-olds) found that shy students test performance was influenced by the form of the test they performed less well when the test was administered individually relative to the same test being administered to the whole class in a group setting. A second study asked students (aged 5-9 years) to sort and describe a set of pictures. The shy student was briefer with shorter mean length of utterances and less linguistic diversity, and this difference was obtained even when the influence of vocabulary test scores was statistically controlled. The findings suggest that shy student responses are constrained by their concerns about evaluation and do not necessarily reflect underlying differences in competence. The paper discusses the implications of this research for the classroom. 1. 2 Introduction This study examines the hypothesis that shy, silent students that do not participate in classroom discussion of contraceptives in Pakistan underreport contraceptive usage. Data were obtained from the 1984-85 and 1994-95 Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys, the 1990-91 Demographic and Health Survey, and a Punjab 1993 survey. Shy or silent students were 11. 9% in 1990-91 and 11. 3% in 1994-95. The revised CPRs are 23. 7% and 29. 1%, respectively. In 1993, a follow-up survey among non-users in Punjab province showed that CPR increased from 13% in 1990-91 to 18% in 1993. Shy out students was the most widely used method, followed by the condom and female sterilization. The increase in CPR is attributed to more open reporting among shy or silent student. Revised CPRs that include shy or silent student were consistent with total fertility rates in all 3 nationally representative surveys. Typically shy or silent student were older by about 2. 3 years than current student, Shy or silent students had longer duration of greater illiteracy, and less contraceptive knowledge about methods and sources this is the cause they do not participate in classroom discussion. Research has distinguished shy out students from introversion, although they are typically related. Introverts simply prefer solitary to social activities but do not fear social encounters as do the shy, while extroverts prefer social to solitary activities. Although the majority of shy are introverted, shy extroverts are found in many behavioral settings. They are privately shy and publicly outgoing. They have the requisite social skills and can carry them out flawlessly in highly structured, scripted situations where everyone is playing prescribed roles and there is little room for spontaneity. However, their basic anxieties about being found personally unacceptable, if anyone discovered their real self, emerge in intimate encounters or other situations where control must be shared or is irrelevant, or wherever the situation is ambiguous in terms of social demands and expectations. 1. 3 Problem statement The study was carried out under the title â€Å"why do students shy out and do not participate in classroom discussion†. 1. 4 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of the study were: 1. To identify the symptoms of shy out students. 2. To explore the causes of shy out students. 3. To find out the relationship of shyness with the self-esteem of students. 4. To examine the effects of shyness on the self-esteem of shy out students. 5. Helping students learn more from lectures 6. Getting students to participate more in class 7. Recognizing the importance of conflict and conflict resolution in student learning groups 8. Introducing and reinforcing active learning 9. Getting students to come to class having read the assignment 10. Getting and giving feedback on meaningful class participation 11. Letting the classroom environment foster student participation 1. 5 Significance of topic There was a tendency for shyness to correlate significantly with measures of academic attainment. Even though the coefficients are moderate and explain little variance in test scores they are still meaningful and suggest that shy out students does have an impact on academic success. There exists some evidence of links between shyness and intelligence test scores, attainment measures, teacher-rated intelligence and academic performance but this has scarcely been explored. Contemporary theories of learning emphasize the importance of social interaction for learning, including the contribution of students active participation in classroom discussion. This suggests the value of exploring the educational significance of shy out students and reticence characteristics that may cause teachers few problems or draw attention to a students behavior but that might influence their achievement and adjustment. Being part of a discussion is a skill to learn, just like taking good lecture notes or learning to write a good essay exam. You are not doing shy students a favor by letting them off the hook completely. Rather, emphasize to your class that in order to have productive discussions, everyone needs to make a contribution. This can be done in a variety of ways: good listening, asking good questions, challenging what someone has said appropriately and inviting. Chapter 2 Review of Literature Shyness as a â€Å"state of discomfort or inhabitation in interpersonal situations that interferes with pursuing one’s interpersonal or professional goals†. According to Cheek Melchoir shyness involves the tendency to feel worried, awkward or tense when in the presence of others due to the prospect of interpersonal evaluation. Zolton and Long said that shyness is a fear of, or shy out students from, other people or social situations, can have many different causes depending on the individual student and the specific circumstances. Shyness is something that all students experience at one time or another. In most cases it is a normal, temporary behavior. In students, some shy out students is normal, especially when they are around 5-6 of age, and then again at about two years of age. Shyness at these ages is considered a normal part of development. Shyness becomes a problem in a student when it interferes with relationships with other people, with social situations, school, and other important aspects of a student’s life. In the light of the results of many psychological surveys concluded that substantial number of students regards themselves as shy. Shyness becomes problematic when it leads to the patterns of behavior that includes reluctance to enter social situations discomfort and inhibition in the presence of others exaggerated self, unresponsiveness, an increasingly negative social concept, or a combination of these . Shy individuals are anxious and unsure of themselves in social situations and often try to avoid interacting with others . Minimum level of shyness does not create problems for students. Frequent exposure to a particular or different situation makes them confident. But if they avoid contact with people, students of their age or exposure to different situations than shyness can create different problems for them. 2. 1 What is shyness? Almost all students act shy at times, especially when encountering a new person or situation. Quite sensibly most students take time to figure out what to do (and not do!) when presented with a novel situation. With time, most students start to feel comfortable in a new situation or with a person theyve recently met and, therefore, act more outgoing, relaxed, and spontaneous. Some students, however, warm up much more slowly than others. Shy students may look tense or distracted in institution as they worry about becoming the center of attention or doing something embarrassing. Teachers never see the students at home smiling, laughing, and chatting away with family members. 2. 2 Quiet or Shy out Students Even in small groups some students are quiet or shy. When we use learning logs, these students often describe their anxiety about revealing their ideas. Stating that all students are expected to participate in a discussion is likely to heighten that anxiety. We have these suggestions concerning shy students. First, the course description should make it clear that discussion is expected, and this should be emphasized in the first meeting of the class. Second, help should be available for shy students, from either the instructor or a counseling center. We strongly prefer helping students learn to participate, rather than helping them avoid taking part. Third, be accepting of degrees of participation. Students who have the courage to confront their shyness need time to develop, and all of us have â€Å"bad hair†days, when things are going terribly, and we need to be quiet. 2. 3 Strategies to Overcome Shy out students The following strategies to help the students to overcome their shyness in classroom discussion. 1. Tell the students about times when you acted bashful. 2. Explain to the children how they will benefit from acting outgoing Prevent labeling of the students as shy. 4. Reward the students for outgoing behavior 6. Read books with the students about individuals who overcome shyness or fears 8. Eliminate teasing of the students or reduce the impact 9. Teach the student to identify and to verbally express their emotions 10. Relationship of Shyness with Self-Esteem students 2. 4 Causes of shy out students Some students seem naturally shy, while others may revert to being shy because they are scared, ashamed or simply conditioned by past experiences to do so. A lack of confidence can cause a child to become shy, especially if she has been given reason to doubt her abilities in the past. This may lead to a student not participating in the classroom or having difficulty connecting with other students. * Lost Discussion Skills Students who do not interact with others in the classroom miss opportunities to learn crucial interpersonal skills. Also, students miss opportunities to develop debating skills. Students must learn how to be a part of a group discussion, which is commonly used in college classrooms and corporate boardrooms. * Lost Assertiveness Shy students may be less willing to mention when they are struggling with class material, causing them to not receive the help they need. People often interpret timidity as a sign of being stuck up, which can put off many people who would otherwise give the student learning opportunities. * Low Self-Efficacy Shy students often develop low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, which reduces the chances that they will have the confidence to pursue challenges that give them learning opportunities. Shyness can also create an unfortunate cycle, as timid students do not develop effective communication skills. The lack of social skills leads to negative social experiences for the shy out students, which increases the anxiety she feels, leading to more shy behavior. * Lost Opportunities Shyness is often caused by an exposure to new activities. Since students do not have as many experiences as adults, they experience more new activities, which can emotionally overwhelm those who have not yet developed coping skills. When students do not have enough experiences, they miss many opportunities to learn. Students who are very shy may be distracted from classroom material because of fears of social interaction or being called on in class. * Students often get ignored Shy students often have difficulty with class grades, but that largely comes from lower levels of class participation and oral skills. Whether shyness is learned, cultural, or genetic, it can present problems for both students and instructors, most commonly in smaller classes in which participation is expected/encouraged. Most classrooms have one or more students who struggle with making themselves heard or participating in class discussions. These students are usually called shy because they may speak softly, prefer to work independently or refuse to speak up at all. Often these students flourish with written assignments or tests, but fail in areas that require participation with classmates or presentations in front of other students. For shy students, keep some considerations in mind. Chapter 3 * Methodology The research approach was quantitative. Standardized questionnaires were used to collect data for the research. For this research, the research adopted analytical way of research. In this way, quantitative way of analysis was adopted. The researcher developed a questionnaire for getting the data from language teachers, and on the basis of collected data analysis was made. For effective research the feedback given by the teachers was presented in the tables and graphs. On the basis of quantitative analysis and suggestions were finalized. Research Tools Opinion scale on the pattern of analytical way of research was developed. Population The students constituted population of study. Sampling Thirty students were selected as a sample using simple random technique. Method of research The study was descriptive in nature. The survey method was used to collect the data from the respondents. For this purpose a questionnaire was developed and was administered to the sample of the study. Collection of data The questionnaire was administered to the students. For each statement, teachers were to respond one option from the given four options. * Analysis of data The data collected was tabulated, analyzed and interpreted in the light of the objectives of the study. Simple percentage was used for analysis of data. Table no. 3. 1 Do group activities break the shy out of the student? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 14| 47%| SA| 13| 44%| N| 0| 0%| DA| 0| 0%| SDA| 3| 10%| When students were asked the statement 47% students said they were agree group activities break the shy out of the student, 44% said strong agree and 10% said strong disagree. Table no. 3. 2 Have shy out students discuss their weakness in classroom as a communicator? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 0| 0%| SA| 9| 30%| N| 3| 10%| DA| 12| 40%| SDA| 6| 20%| 30% said strong agree,10 %neutral ,40%said disagree and 20%said strong disagree . Table no. 3. 3 Confer with parents give opportunities for shy out student to increase your involvement in classroom discussion? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 12| 40%| SA| 7| 24%| N| 3| 10%| DA| 8| 27%| SDA| 0| 0%| 40% said agree, 24%said strong agree, 10%said neutral and 27%disagree. Table no. 3. 4 Do shy students show sign of social anxiety? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 9| 30%| SA| 8| 27%| N| 3| 10%| DA| 10| 34%| SDA| 0| 0%| 30% said agree, 27%said strong agree, 10%said neutral and 34%disagree. Table no. 3. 5 Do not force the shy out students to prefer in front of the classmates, but encourage him to do? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 12| 40%| SA| 8| 27%| N| 8| 27%| DA| 2| 7%| SDA| 0| 0%| 40% said agree, 27%said strong agree, 27%said neutral and 7%disagree. Table no. 3. 6 Do not make shy out students that feel rushed to answer quickly? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 4| 14%| SA| 20| 67%| N| 6| 20%| DA| 0| 0%| SDA| 0| 0%| 14% said agree, 67%said strong agree and 20%said neutral Table no. 3. 7 Students have courage to comfort their shyness need time to develop? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 9| 30%| SA| 9| 30%| N| 3| 10%| DA| 27| 8%| SDA| 1| 4%| 30% said agree, 30%said strong agree, 10%said neutral, 8%disagree and 4% strong disagree. Table no. 3. 8 The environment which a student raised can affect his or her shyness in classroom discussion? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 7| 24%| SA| 18| 60%| N| 0| 0%| DA| 17| 5%| SDA| 0| 0%| 24% said agree, 60%said strong agree and 5%disagree. Table no. 3. 9 Some students have problematically shy out in varying degree? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 3| 10%| SA| 3| 10%| N| 20| 67%| DA| 2| 7%| SDA| 2| 7%| 10% said agree, 10%said strong agree, 67%said neutral, 7%disagree and 7%strong disagree. Table no. 3. 10 Shy out student diversity affect learning? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 9| 30%| SA| 13| 44%| N| 2| 7%| DA| 6| 20%| SDA| 0| 0%| 30% said agree, 44%said strong agree, 7%said neutral and 20%disagree. Table no. 3. 11 Can we suggest strategies for shy out students which help students for classroom discussion? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 11| 37%| SA| 11| 37%| N| 6| 20%| DA| 2| 7%| SDA| 0| 0%| 37% said agree, 37%said strong agree, 20%said neutral and 7%disagree. Table no. 3. 12 Can we help shy out students to set social development goal for discussion? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 11| 37%| SA| 14| 47%| N| 2| 7%| DA| 3| 10%| SDA| 0| 0%| 37% said agree, 47%said strong agree, 7%said neutral and 10%disagree. Table no. 3. 13 Can teacher s allow the students to speak for break the shyness? Options| Frequency| Percentage| A| 8| 27%| SA| 10| 34%| N| 3| 10%| DA| 7| 24%| SDA| 2| 7%| 27% said agree, 34%said strong agree, 10%said neutral, 24%disagree and 7% strong disagree. Chapter 4 4. 1 Procedure of the Study The researcher herself visited for data collection and personally met the student’s . The researcher briefed the students about the purpose of the research and the teachers identified shy out students, a careful observation was made by the researcher also and only those students were selected who were seemed to be really shy and do not participate in classroom discussion. 4. 2 Findings The data collected through questionnaires was analyzed through the research. The results were interpreted in the forms of tables. * When students were opinion the statement 47% students said they were agree group activities break the shy out of the student, 44% opinion strong agree and 10% opinion strong disagree. * 30% the opinion they are strongly agree that have shy out students discuss their weakness in classroom as a communicator,10 %neutral ,40% disagree and 20% strong disagree . * 40% opinion they are agree that confer with parents give opportunities for shy out student to increase their involvement in classroom discussion , 24%opinion strong agree, 10%opinion neutral and 27%disagree. * 30% opinion they are agree do shy students show sign of social anxiety, 27%opinion strong agree, 10% opinion neutral and 34%disagree. * 40% opinion they are agreeing that do not force the shy out students to prefer in front of the classmates, but encourage him to do? 27% opinion strong agrees, 27% opinion neutral and 7%disagree. * 14% students opinion agree do not make shy out students that feel rushed to answer quickly, 67% opinion strong agree and 20% opinion neutral * 30% students opinion they are agree students have courage to comfort their shyness need time to develop, 30% opinion strong agree, 10% opinion neutral, 8%disagree and 4% strong disagree. * 24% student’s opinions they are agreeing that the environment which students raised can affect his or her shyness in classroom discussion, 60% opinion strong agree and 5%disagree. * 10% students opinion they are agree some students have problematically shy out in varying degree, 10% opinion strong agree, 67% opinion neutral , 7%disagree and 7%strong disagree. * 30% students opinion they are agree shy out students diversity affect learning , 44% opinion strong agree, 7% opinion neutral and 20%disagree. * 37% student’s opinion agrees can we suggest strategies for shy out which help students for classroom discussion? 37% opinion strong agrees, 20% opinion neutral and 7%disagree. * 37% students said opinion can we help shy out students to set social development goal for discussion, 47% opinion strong agree, 7% neutral and 10%disagree. * 27% students opinion agree that can teachers allow the students to speak for break the shyness, 34% strong agree, 10% neutral, 24%disagree and 7% strong disagree. 4. 3 Explanation Almost all students act shy at times, especially when encountering a new person or situation. Shy sensibly most students take time to figure out what to do (and not do! ) when presented with a novel situation. With time, most students start to feel comfortable in a new situation or with a person theyve recently met and, therefore, act more outgoing, relaxed, and ontaneous. Some students, however, warm up much more slowly than others. Student who is shy may not respond when spoken to by a teacher or classmate even after weeks of academy. Or they may say little, speak very softly, and avoid eye contact. These students may hover near other students day after day but never join the others in play. Shy students may look tense or distracted in institution as they worry about becoming the center of attention or doing something embarrassing. Teachers never see the students at home smiling, laughing, and chatting away with family members. * What is shyness? Almost all students act shy at times, especially when encountering a new person or situation. Quite sensibly most students take time to figure out what to do (and not do!) when presented with a novel situation. With time, most students start to feel comfortable in a new situation or with a person theyve recently met and, therefore, act more outgoing, relaxed, and ontaneous. Some students, however, warm up much more slowly than others. Student who is shy may not respond when spoken to by a teacher or classmate even after weeks of academy. Or they may say little, speak very softly, and avoid eye contact. These students may hover near other students day after day but never join the others in play. Shy students may look tense or distracted in institution as they worry about becoming the center of attention or doing something embarrassing. Teachers never see the students at home smiling, laughing, and chatting away with family members. * What are the signs of shyness in a young student? Shy students tend to show at least 3 or 4 of the following behaviors in preschool or primary school. Shy students tend to: 1. Produce little or no voluntary speech 2. Follow directions but dont respond verbally to them 3. Turn away when spoken to 4. Watch but dont join other students in fun activities. 5. Speak softly * What are the effects of shyness on students in classroom discussion? The unfortunate effects of being shy include nervousness, decreased development of close relationships, interference with learning, and reduced opportunities to practice and improve social skills. As a shy student reaches, peers tend to start thinking of the child as not normal. This can in turn have negative effects on the childs self-esteem. On the other hand, shy student tend to act out less than other students do, perhaps because they dont want to call attention to themselves by doing something wrong. Although some students outgrow shyness as they get older, others remain painfully shy their entire life. * Relationship of Shy out students with Self -Esteem Shy students are seen less friendly than others, maybe a bit standoffish, even cold in some circumstances. shy students probably even see themselves in a more negative than positive light. Because of this worry, their thoughts and strengths are limited to a very small circle of students; they are in fact only limited by their own thoughts and emotions. They constantly think that others are slighting them, insulting them, or attacking them in some way. The shy students can actually handicap themselves with negative thoughts and wind up using their shyness as a crutch and an excuse for not pursuing more social occasions, it becomes to socialize, make friends, and establish relationships, both personal and professional. It becomes a self- defeating behavior. This kind of self-defeating behavior leads to more and more avoidance of any or all social encounters, until they become frozen in fear and completely unable to function in normal social circumstances. They quite literally lose hope in their own ability to function normally in these circumstances, so they quit trying. if the children (adult) feel that there is a discrepancy between the way they are behaving and the way they would like to react, their self esteem is likely to be low. To avoid negative feeling, children may lower their expectations of themselves and accept a lower level of performance or social interaction than they are capable of, or may try to avoid further feeling of failure by withdrawing from the situation in which they feel that there self esteem to be threatened. 4. 4 Conclusion Teachers may be able to help shy students considerably by using strategies that are relatively easy to implement and well matched to the teachers basic role as a helpful instructor to students. These strategies include providing self-concept support, encouragement, and opportunities to develop confidence and comfort in the classroom to shy and inhibited students, as well as closer monitoring, improved nonverbal communication, environmental engineering, and instructive suggestions or demands for improved concentration designed to maintain the attention of students prone to shy out students. Most teachers seem to develop an intuitive understanding of some of the needs of shy students, but many could meet these needs more effectively by systematically applying the principles and strategies highlighted here. 4. 5 Suggestion of shy out students Suggestion one Assuming that you share a common Language with this student, the first step has to be to speak to him in his own language in order to ascertain what the problem is and if he is always shy. In other words is he shy when using his native language or does this shyness only occurs when he is trying to speak? Secondly, it would be very useful to spend some time talking to him about various aspects connected to his one-to-one classes and in particular how he would like to be taught and what his aims are. You could emphasize the value of trying things out in English and learning from mistakes rather than being afraid of them. You could also clarify your role and make sure that he understands that you are there to help and to give him constructive feedback on his English. Suggestion two We provide opportunities for the shy out students to develop debating skills. Provide best activities to break the shyness of the students. Suggestion three Teachers provide group work to make involvement of the students. They help and support the shy out students in classroom discussion and do not asked to him gave answer quickly. Suggestion four You could also use homework as the basis for speaking. If he has prepared a homework exercise (a grammar exercise or similar), go through it in the next class with him reading out the answers. It’s important that he gets used to hearing himself speaking this strange foreign language and feels comfortable with it. Suggestion five Another factor could be the dynamic in the classroom. Sitting next to the student rather than standing or sitting opposite can create a feeling of co-operation and may help the student to overcome his shyness. Writing on sheets of paper on the table rather than the whiteboard could also help as could the use of visual aids on the desk such as maps, photographs, magazine pictures and so on. All of these can help to shift the focus away from the student. The important thing here is for you to experiment and find the style and approach that best suits your student. 4. 6 Recommendations * The students should talk to parents, friends, a mentor or anybody they trust most and should confide and express what they feel. * The students should avoid doing so many things at the same time. Because this could lead them to confusion and frustration if nothing gets accomplished. They must stick on one thing that they are good at. * Parents should teach their children how to behave in a social situation. * Parents should try to be good role models. They must let their children see those making social contacts, expressing themselves and interacting with others. * Parents should help their children to feel themselves important, capable and adequate. Such feelings will enhance their self-esteem. * Teachers should avoid calling their students shy. If labeling occurs in the classroom, teachers should intervene. * Teachers should encourage shy students to participate actively in classroom activities 4. 7 SUMMARY Shy students participate less frequently in class, are less likely to volunteer contributions, and give shorter and less elaborate answers to questions. Differences between shy and less shy students extend to their performance on standardized tests of vocabulary. What is shyness in students? Almost all students act shy at times, especially when encountering a new person or situation. Quite sensibly most students take time to figure out what to do (and not do! ) when presented with a novel situation. With time, most students start to feel comfortable in a new situation or with a person theyve recently met and, therefore, act more outgoing, relaxed, and ontaneous. Some students, however, warm up much more slowly than others. * Causes of shy out students Some children seem naturally shy, while others may revert to being shy because they are scared, ashamed or simply conditioned by past experiences to do so. A lack of confidence can cause a child to become shy, especially if she has been given reason to doubt her abilities in the past. 1. Lost Discussion Skills Students who do not interact with others in the classroom miss opportunities to learn crucial interpersonal skills. Students miss opportunities to develop debating skills. 2. Lost Assertiveness Shy students may be less willing to mention when they are struggling with class room discussion, causing them to not receive the help they need. 3. Lost Opportunities When students do not have enough experiences, they miss many opportunities to learn. Students who are very shy may be distracted from classroom material because of fears of social interaction or being called on in class. 4. Students often get ignored Shy students often have difficulty with class grades, but that largely comes from lower levels of class participation and oral skills. Whether shyness is learned, cultural, or genetic, it can present problems for both students and instructors, most commonly in smaller classes in which participation is expected/encouraged. 5. Low Self-Efficacy. Shy students often develop low self-esteem and a lack of confidence, which reduces the chances that they will have the confidence to pursue challenges that give them learning opportunities. Shyness can also create an unfortunate cycle, as timid students do not develop effective communication skills. * Strategies to Overcome Shyness of students Following strategies to help the students to overcome their shyness. 1. Tell the students about times when you acted bashful 2. Explain to the children how they will benefit from acting outgoing Prevent labeling of the children as shy. 3. Expose the children to unfamiliar settings and people 4. Prompt the children to interact with others 5. Reward the children for outgoing behavior * Signs of shy out students 1. Produce little or no voluntary speech 2. Follow directions but dont respond verbally to them 3. Turn away when spoken to 4. Watch but dont join other students in fun activities 5. Make little or no eye contact * Teachers do to help shy out students 1. Put children in pairs or other small groups and lead them into an activity that requires interaction. 2. Prompt interaction between students. 3. Give shy students plenty of time to respond to questions or to speak to the class. 4. Show empathy and understanding. 5. Show warmth. 6. Reward outgoing behavior. * Effects of student’s shyness on classroom discussion Effects of being shy include: 1. Nervousness in discussion. 2. Decreased development of close relationships. 3. Interference with learning. 4. Reduced opportunities to practice in classroom discussion. 5. Improve social skills. References Byrnes, A, D. (1984). Forgotten children in classrooms: Development and Characteristics. The elementary school journal, Vol. 84, No. 3 [Online] Available: http:
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Macbeth And Lord Jim :: essays research papers
Realization of one’s imminent death can drastically change an individual. Knowing that death is imminent can change the way we look at things, and cause us to confess our sins. In Lord Jim by Joseph Conrad and Macbeth by William Shakespeare, the main characters experience this trauma. The instant that Jim jumps from the Patna, his life becomes a series of lies that will tamper with him for the rest of his life. He cannot confess the cowardly act that plagues him incessantly and, thus, he is controlled by his hidden secret. Only when he realizes that he is going to die does Jim face the lie. In parallel, Macbeth also is controlled by a lie. Macbeth’s murder of Duncan ignites a guilt inside of him that can only be confronted before he fights Macduff. Macbeth also needs to face the false promises that the witches gave him. These promises give Macbeth a false sense of security which help lead to his demise. Macbeth, like Jim, is badgered by a singular act that prevents him fr om living an honest life. However, both men are able to redeem themselves prior to their deaths. By confronting the lies and dying with dignity, the two men are able to regain some of their honor. The similarity between the two works emphasizes the effect of lies on the way an individual lives, and further stresses the internal struggle that Jim faced after he had jumped from the Patna. In their respective stories, Jim and Macbeth face the lies that dictated their lives and, consequentially, die with some of the dignity and honor that they had once experienced in their lives. This process is described as each man realizes and confronts his lies, faces the fatal consequences, and eventually dies. Â Â Â Â Â The most significant point in Lord Jim and Macbeth is the respective main character’s realization of his lies. The realization of the lies begin by a singular drastic event that catches both men by surprise. When Tamb’ Itam explains to Jim about Dain Waris’ death, Jim is shocked. Jim separates himself from everyone else to ponder both the past and the present. “What thoughts passed through his head - what memories? Who can tell? Everything was gone, and he who had been once unfaithful to his trust had lost again all men’s confidence. It was then I believe, he tried to write - to somebody and gave it up.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
An American Childhood Essay
In Annie Dillard’s â€Å"An American Childhood†she takes us the reader back in time. She tells of the activities and games she played as a child, which also draws the reader in to her story more bringing back the same memories from their childhood. She sets the stage around Christmas time on a weekday in late December. Her and her friends were standing in knee deep snow along the road waiting for cars to pass by, an easy target for anyone who could throw a snowball. It was clearly a great day for hitting cars with all the traffic they encountered on Reynolds Street. After some time had passed Annie and her friends decided an ice ball was the way to go. So without further due they spread out and waited for the next victim. Sure enough a black Buick came close and they opened fire. As soon as one snowball struck the windshield something that had never happened before began. The man pulled over and the chase was on. After winding all over town on the chase the man finally caught them. Out of breath the man in a stern voice shouted â€Å"You stupid kids†. For Annie and her friends the thrill of the chase was a glory they wanted to last forever. It was surely a winter none of them will forget. Dillard’s main goal in this story was to show how great her childhood really was. It depicts how most people would describe a traditional American childhood. The great thing about this piece was the descriptiveness of it. Details describing the other characters along with the setting, and elements such as the weather really paint a great picture of the scene of the events on Reynolds Street. Also the verbs Dillard uses to describe the chase and the event in the mans pursuit shows us how terrifying it would have been as a child running from a grown man. Overall it was a great story that could easily relate to any young American child which made reading this piece very simple.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Miller further Essay
Miller further continues the feeling of contempt towards John Proctor in the following Act through Elizabeth Proctor’s despair. Instantly we can see the tension and strain is the Proctor marriage as when her husband returns home late after a long day planting in the fields, Elizabeth is intensely suspicious of him. This tension is reinforced when the couple sit down for dinner as she uses a patronising tone with him and he secretly insults her by adding more seasoning to the soup she has made when she is not in the room, this is a metaphor showing how their marriage has grown bland and tasteless. This underlying tension between them is undoubtedly caused by Proctor’s affair with Abigail. When Elizabeth informs him that Mary Warren, their servant, had been in court that day as an official of the witchcraft trials, Proctor tells her how he knows the witchcraft accusations are all false as Abby told him when he was with her last week. Elizabeth is disturbed that the two were alone together, but Proctor tells her ‘I’ll not have your suspicion anymore’. He shouts at her with a ‘violent undertone’ to ‘learn charity’, as he has ‘tiptoed around the house for seven months’ since Abigail left. He tells his wife that he has honestly confessed to his sin and tells her that her ‘justice would freeze beer’. This represents him as being an uncaring man as his wife is obviously in distress and we feel sorry for Elizabeth as he is shouting at her and telling her that she is a cold woman when it is he who has been in the wrong when he had his affair with Abby. His callous way makes the audience assume that he will later not be hanged as it is thought that he will not care about admitting to witchcraft, and therefore sacrifice his family name for his life. However, this act also allows the audience to first see how Proctor is not all an evil man through his deep, utter regret, his guilt and his constant desire to cleanse himself of his previous sinful activities with Abigail. It is this break down that helps so show Proctor as no longer being wicked, but rather as being weak and pitiful. As a result, Miller represents Proctor as humanity, as he is someone who is at the same time strong and weak, someone who has made mistakes but who has the sense to learn from them, therefore becoming a better person. The inevitability of his death therefore starts to show, as his true character is honest. The audience further start to have some second thoughts about Proctor’s first cold hearted appearance in the way that Elizabeth seems to be a cold and demanding woman and Elizabeth herself believes that her chilly behaviour may have driven her husband to adultery. She is also withdrawn and distant, this has gradually given her home a silent and insecure atmosphere, and as she continues to punish her husband for his sin, their marriage becomes increasingly tenser. The tension continues to build when Mary Warren then enters, as she informs Proctor and Elizabeth of the many people that have been arrested and how some people will hang. She hands Elizabeth a poppet that she made in court that day, ‘I made a gift for you today, Goody Proctor’ and claims that Sarah Osburn sent her spirit out in court to get them, this shows how easily Abby influenced her and the increasing power Abby is getting as the girls are willing to do whatever she orders them to do. Proctor can not believe the power Abby seems to have over the girls at court and demands evidence of witchcraft from Mary Warren and forbids her to go to court again but she replies that she is ‘amazed you do not see the weighty work we do’ but he threatens her with a whip, ‘strangely she does not resist him’. This shows how although Proctor can use his strength and power to his advantage, he can also use it in a negative way. It also illustrates how Abby is gaining increasingly more power as even the girls themselves are starting to believe that there is witchcraft. Mary claims that she saved Elizabeth’s life today, for she was accused. Elizabeth then realises that Abigail wants to kill her, ‘she wants me dead, John, you know it’. Proctor underestimates Abby, as he never once thought that she would be as wicked or malicious as to accuse Elizabeth of witchery, as Elizabeth is such a good, honest woman who strongly believes in justice and sticking to moral principles. Elizabeth is a well-respected and dignified woman and to accuse her shows that Abigail must strongly hate her as it was dangerous to accuse such a honourable, devout Christian woman of sinful activities when she has such strong religious beliefs. The religious beliefs of Elizabeth and her husband are later questioned when Hale arrives at their house, ‘I thought sir, to put some questions as to the Christian character of this house’. Proctor tries to explain why he works on a Sabbath and has not to been to church as often, he criticises Parris and claims that he spends the church’s money wasteful. Hale asks why only two of Proctor’s children are baptized and asks him to say the Ten Commandments but he can only remember nine of the ten, Elizabeth instantly gives him a sharp and bitter reminder of the tenth, adultery. This is ironic as he broke this commandment when he had his affair with Abby. Proctor obviously knows how foolish he was to be unfaithful and now feels very guilty, this is shown in his constant desire to forget about his sins, and when Elizabeth reminds him, it is ‘as though a secret arrow had pained his heart’. When Proctor tries to tell Hale that witchcraft accusations are not true he does not believe him as he feels that many have confessed to witchcraft. It is here that the hypocrisy of the witchcraft hysteria is exposed as the only way for people to save themselves from hanging was to admit to witchcraft, this sent the witchcraft trials off in a vicious spiral as people would definitely confess to witchery and accuse others, if they would be hanged for denying it. This makes the audience consider if Proctor would confess to witchcraft like the majority of the village to save his life as although he has been represented as not being totally religious by not going to church all the time like the rest of the community, he has given good, moral reasons for not attending. Some of Proctor’s qualities are also helped to be further expressed in Elizabeth’s arrest on the charge that her spirit stabbed Abigail with a needle, ‘stuck two inches in the flesh of her belly he drew a needle out’. He says that he will ‘not give his wife to vengeance’ and when Reverend Hale insists that the court is just, Proctor calls him a ‘Pontius Pilate’. His deep passion and love for his wife mounts along with his anger against the charge and how he is willing to fight for what is right and moral is also expressed. This also shows how Proctor misjudged Abigail as is actually more cunning than he first thought, this seems to show how Proctor sees some good in everybody as he thought she was better than that. The poppet shows that Abigail is yet more wicked, it illustrates how she is jealous and envious of Elizabeth because John loves her so much and also shows how she is determined, unscrupulous, cold and scheming. In the first act, she behaved just in her own interests; she was ready to harm others, but only to save herself. However, in this instance she frames Elizabeth on purpose out of revenge, planting the poppet to murder her. When Elizabeth is taken away, Proctor demands that Mary Warren come to court with him, he uses his intelligence as he knows that he can use Mary to his advantage by making her give evidence against the charges of witchcraft and therefore to prove Elizabeth’s innocence. However, Miller adds irony here as Proctor can rely on one single person to save them from Abigail’s charges but this one person, Mary Warren, is one of the weakest characters in ‘The Crucible’. She alone has the power to stop the hysteria of the witchcraft trials, but does not have the strength or will to do it. Mary needs a lot of force from Proctor to even think about coming clean about the lie in court and as Proctor uses one of his qualities, power, as he is demanding her to give evidence against Abby. She sobs ‘I cannot, I cannot’ but Proctor further expresses his love for his wife as he cries that his ‘wife will not die for him’. His morals and principles allo w the audience to believe that his death will be inescapable. Act Three continues to defend Proctor by focusing on his good points. He enters the court in a powerful manner, presenting a piece of paper signed by Mary Warren saying that the accusations of witchery are false. This shows how he is a natural leader but this quality causes friction between him and Parris. This is revealed as Parris takes the evidence from Proctor as an attack on the court, and even as an attack on him, further, it illustrates how Parris is paranoid and foolish. When Proctor is told that his wife is pregnant by Danforth; although Proctor did not know if it is true or not, he tells everyone in the court that Elizabeth never lies so he believes it, this shows that even thought Elizabeth is often cold towards him, he still deeply loves and trusts her. When Abigail starts to pretend that she can feel a sharp cold wind, ‘a wind, a cold wind has come’, Proctor calls her a ‘whore’ and grabs her by the hair, finally admitting that he had an affair with her, he cries ‘I have known her sir, I have known her’. This again shows how Proctor’s energy and strength can be used negatively. However, he also illustrates deep shame and regret for his unfaithfulness but lets all of the truth be known even if it does mean that he will be charged and the once totally respected member of the community will have a dint in his reputation. He lets all the truth be known as he knows that many innocent people are dying for stupid reasons, this expresses how Proctor supports the theme of truth and justice. It also conveys how Proctor will not lie to defend himself, therefore portraying the idea that he will not later admit to witchcraft to save his own life, therefore expressing how his death may be inevitable. This scene is very ironic as to prove that he is innocent and to show that he is now faithful to his wife, Proctor has to openly tell everyone in the court about his affair. To save Elizabeth and to stop himself from being accused of witchcraft, he has to blacken his name. Even with this sin, Proctor is still shown as a martyr, as he sacrifices his good reputation in Salem, where public reputation is very important, in order to save his wife and others who have been accused of witchcraft even though they are innocent. His great belief in justice helps the audience to believe that his death will be unavoidable as it expresses how he will not carry on the accusations, which will undoubtedly cause many more unjustified deaths, and therefore his life will be lost to save other people.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Free Essays on Role Of African-Americans During The Civil War
The foundation for black participation in the Civil War began more than a hundred years before the outbreak of the war. Blacks in America had been in bondage since early colonial times. In 1776, when Jefferson proclaimed mankind's inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the institution of slavery had become firmly established in America. Blacks worked in the tobacco fields of Virginia, in the rice fields of South Carolina, and toiled in small farms and shops in the North. Foner and Mahoney report in A House Divided, America in the Age of Lincoln that, "In 1776, slaves composed forty percent of the population of the colonies from Maryland south to Georgia, but well below ten percent in the colonies to the North." The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 provided a demand for cotton thus increasing the demand for slaves. By the 1800's slavery was an institution throughout the South, an institution in which slaves had few rights, and could be sold or leased by their owners. They lacked any voice in the government and lived a life of hardship. Considering these circumstances, the slave population never abandoned the desire for freedom or the determination to resist control by the slave owners. The slave's reaction to this desire and determination resulted in outright rebellion and individual acts of defiance. However, historians place the strongest reaction in the enlisting of blacks in the war itself. Batty in The Divided Union: The Story of the Great American War, 1861-65, concur with Foner and Mahoney about the importance of outright rebellion in their analysis of the Nat Turner Rebellion, which took place in 1831. This revolt demonstrated that not all slaves were willing to accept this "institution of slavery" passively. Foner and Mahoney note that slaves find the significance of this uprising in its aftermath because of the numerous reports of "insubordinate" behavior. Individual acts of defi... Free Essays on Role Of African-Americans During The Civil War Free Essays on Role Of African-Americans During The Civil War The foundation for black participation in the Civil War began more than a hundred years before the outbreak of the war. Blacks in America had been in bondage since early colonial times. In 1776, when Jefferson proclaimed mankind's inalienable right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, the institution of slavery had become firmly established in America. Blacks worked in the tobacco fields of Virginia, in the rice fields of South Carolina, and toiled in small farms and shops in the North. Foner and Mahoney report in A House Divided, America in the Age of Lincoln that, "In 1776, slaves composed forty percent of the population of the colonies from Maryland south to Georgia, but well below ten percent in the colonies to the North." The invention of the cotton gin by Eli Whitney in 1793 provided a demand for cotton thus increasing the demand for slaves. By the 1800's slavery was an institution throughout the South, an institution in which slaves had few rights, and could be sold or leased by their owners. They lacked any voice in the government and lived a life of hardship. Considering these circumstances, the slave population never abandoned the desire for freedom or the determination to resist control by the slave owners. The slave's reaction to this desire and determination resulted in outright rebellion and individual acts of defiance. However, historians place the strongest reaction in the enlisting of blacks in the war itself. Batty in The Divided Union: The Story of the Great American War, 1861-65, concur with Foner and Mahoney about the importance of outright rebellion in their analysis of the Nat Turner Rebellion, which took place in 1831. This revolt demonstrated that not all slaves were willing to accept this "institution of slavery" passively. Foner and Mahoney note that slaves find the significance of this uprising in its aftermath because of the numerous reports of "insubordinate" behavior. Individual acts of defi...
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