Thursday, October 31, 2019
Business Globalization in China Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Business Globalization in China - Essay Example To be able to create a comprehensive business report, we need to evaluate the background of business dynamics by keeping in mind the social fabric. Accumulating all necessary data regarding China's business prospects will require careful study of the government's past and present policy. We need to assess China's history to completely comprehend the progress and development of the Chinese economy. China offers a lot of compelling reasons that make it an attractive business destination and hence it is imperative that business entities have local knowledge about China and the different cultural, economic and business idiosyncrasies. To get a first-hand experience about the local business dynamics, we will administer a comprehensive interview with local entrepreneurs to get the essence of China's business environment. Additionally, we want to interview both successful and unsuccessful local and international entrepreneurs who have done businesses in China so as to get unbiased views. In addition to qualitative analysis of Chinese business customs, this report will have a quantitative analysis that will have statistical data and in formation that support our hypothesis. Surveys will also be carried out to create graphic and numerical representations with regards to the economic condition and the market system of China. The process of shifting from closed, protected and government regulated economy to a globalized economy is generally a turbulent one. However, the decision to shift had been a compulsion and not a luxury. The importance of globalization and integration with the world economy was in critical for the growth of any economy. Globalization has led to numerous improvements and innovation in technology and business, and has touched our everyday life. Globalization has not only opened the doors to foreign markets for Chinese goods, but it has also created numerous avenues of growth for other economies. Through globalization, we have experienced a balance of global economic and technological activities between countries from the Far East and countries from the Far North. Additionally, globalization has positively impacted small and micro enterprises all over the world. Regardless of how big or small the business venture is, it is inevitable for any company to adapt to new business dynamics. China's attempt for global expansion has triggered a growth of the country's economy, political and business system. In addition to foreign markets, the local demand has also increased tremendously and that has led to the initiation and growth of many small businesses in China. Due to this fact the standard of living, Gross Domestic Product and income per capita of the Chinese inhabitants have significantly improved over a period of 10 years. Moreover, the rapid abolishing of government regulations by the communist regime has brought countless small and micro enterprises to the forefront of globalization. China has become a string global economic force that other countries need to recognize. Hence, the new look China is a very important player in the new world economy scenario. 3. SOCIAL CUSTOM AND BUSINESS CULTURE Just like any society, China
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Summary of article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summary of - Article Example A rather shortsighted tendency exists where clubs look at the contracts as an easy source of revenue while clubs also go into the contracts as a tactic for marketing communication. The objective from both parties ought to be building relationships, acquisition and development of resources and strategy for networking. But many corporates as well as clubs have continued to view the sponsorship contracts as short-term hence failing to strategically evaluate the kind of contracts they go into. Corporates in most cases have tendencies of hurrying into contracts with clubs without proper negotiations, hence failing develop and manage the relationships. There is therefore a need to proactively monitor the contracts on the side of sponsors especially, negotiate properly, enter the contracts for reasons more than just communication, make rational decisions on the same and ultimately enter into relationships that add value. With growth in value of sponsorship programs not being questionable organizations must think broadly and consider the contracts as strategy, networking and relationship building avenues. There is a need to leave the short-term perspective of the transactions and embrace a long-term value approach in signing the sponsorship
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Orwells Newspeak And Influence On Modern Days
Orwells Newspeak And Influence On Modern Days After the experience of two World Wars and Cold War, George Orwell realized the danger of imperialism and of misled communism/socialism, and then he decided to warn the feasibility of totalitarianism. In addition, he observed the language manipulation from his contemporary period, and he dissolved the language corruption as a tool of totalitarian regime, used for thought control. Orwell changed the feature of Newspeak in real world especially during the wartimes because the setting of the novel is more extreme than the situation of present. As Orwells prediction on the emergence of totalitarianism and of Newspeak, there are lots of linguistic phenomena around us. The realization of Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-Four implies the continuous existence of language manipulation in the future in the evolved ways. Keywords: George Orwell Nineteen Eighty-Four Newspeak Introduction of George Orwell Eric Arthur Blair, whose pen name is George Orwell, was born in India. After graduation, he worked as the Indian Imperial Police in Burma for five years. Under the combination of the experience in Burma and the influence of his father, who served the British Empire as well, he had developed a strong hatred toward Imperialism. After the service as Imperial Police, he returned to England and experienced the life in slums. Based on his personal experience, he started to dislike all kinds of authorities. Then he joined the Spanish Civil War, and there he found the ugliness of authorities. The greatness of George Orwell is that he dissolves every idea and experience in his works: he expresses a satire on Russia under Stalin in one of his master piece, Animal Farm; he depicts the danger and the feasibility of totalitarian regime in another representative work, Nineteen Eighty-Four. For these reasons, George Orwell remains still around us as a great writer. Introduction of Nineteen Eighty-four The setting of this story is an imaginary world divided into three superpower countries: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia. These three countries are always in the situation of the confrontation against each other. Among these countries, Orwell especially picked out Oceania that resembles the contemporary Britain as a setting of the story in order to make readers concentrate on the story by feeling the sympathy, which is caused by the similar background. Oceania is a country ruled by one party, whose name is uncertain and is just described as the Party in the book. At the top of this country, there is a man called as Big Brother, who the people do not know whether he really exists or not, however, the people in Oceania could not doubt his existence, but follow his words blindly. As a result, everything in Oceania goes around Big Brother and the Party, and people always obey their orthodoxy. If there is a person who does not follow the order or rebel against it, he or she will disappear w ithout any traces. The totalitarian character of the Party is also shown very clearly at the beginning of the story. The story starts on a bright cold day in April (Orwell 3), however, it is impossible to observe that special-maybe peculiar weather in England in April. Orwell makes use of this kind of trick to create the disharmony of the background, and finally he intends to deepen the potential uneasiness, which is spread through Oceania. This characteristic society is ruled by four major government agencies: the Ministry of Peace, Ministry of Love, Ministry of Plenty, and the Ministry of Truth. Winston Smith, a protagonist of Nineteen Eighty-Four, constantly fabricates the history and cuts off the past from the present as a worker at the Ministry of Truth. While he is working, he confronts many facts that are against the doctrine of the Party. Then he starts to feel uncomfortable about the existence of the Party, has the hatred toward Big Brother in confidence, and is curious about the social mechanism with its motive so that he starts a diary as an attitude of defiance. One day, at work, Winston meets two important characters, who influenced him a lot: one is Julia, who becomes his lover afterward, and starts an affair, which violates the doctrine of the Party; the other one is OBrien, who is regarded as a sort of his company no matter he is an enemy or an associate and gives Winston the forbidden book written by Em anuel Goldsteinà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢the most influential traitor in Oceania. Through the affair, he becomes very glad for a reason that he violates the orthodoxy of the Party-all form of love and loyalty between individuals are prohibited, instead, all of them should be toward Big Brother and the Party; Through reading, he becomes very pleased, for he understands how the society proceeds to corruption. Finally, Julia and Winston are captured and tortured. The purpose of their torture is not to rebuke their insubordination but to re-education them into love Big Brother and the Party without any doubt. After the torture, both of them are broken in spirit so that when they meet on the road by chance, they can not feel the love to each other. On a sunny day in April, Winston feels love for Big Brother and realizes that he is finally cured. By the protagonist, Winston Smith, it is shown that people in Oceania are always watched whenever and wherever they are, and that the Party does not stop doing propaganda and implements several policies in order to brainwash the nations. The totalitarian state, where we watch through Winstons eyes, seems much more horrible than people expect. The author discloses the unrealized facts how danger the totalitarianism is by dramatically exaggerated conditions in the novel. Unfortunately, for a long time, Nineteen Eighty-Four had been misunderstood as an anti-communist novel, as Orwells former publication Animal Farm was regarded as a condemnation against Socialism, which applied the Soviet Union as a model. Yet, in Why I write, which was written before Nineteen Eighty-Four, Orwell confessed that every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written, directly or indirectly, against totalitarianism and for democratic socialism (Orwell 314) In addition, he stated while he experienced imperialism, Hitler, Totalitarianism, and the Spanish Civil War, etc, he found some lies to disclose and some facts to draw attention. From these evidences, it is shown that Orwell wrote this novel under wholly public-spirited (Orwell 316), not only in order to expose the truth that people did not or could not recognize before-for example, the misleading fact of peoples understanding toward Russia under Stalin, or Japan during the warfare, but also in order to give people a warning for potential danger of totalitarian society. Orwell and Newspeak Before analyzing the relationship between Orwell and Newspeak, it should be better to know the behind-the-scenes story of Nineteen Eighty-Fours birth. In wartime, it was very common that almost all of European-not only the left even also the right, did not understand clearly what Socialist exactly is. They confused the meaning of the terms such as Socialism, Communism, and Stalinism, and treated all of them as the same notion. What was worse, they did not notice flaws of so called Socialism, but just drew applause to everything related to it, especially the Soviet Union. On this widespread social phenomenon all around Europe, Orwell became alerted and started to write Nineteen Eighty-Four, which reflected and exaggerated the contemporary socialistic state. Actually to Orwell it was neither a socialistic problem nor a communistic one. To be more precise, the ill polity was totalitarianism, which could cover both political concepts. Consequently, he decided to write the novel based on his experience and understanding about it, in order to disclose the real picture of totalitarianism. From this perspective, the mechanism in the novel reflects on the contemporary situation. Newspeak is no exception to this rule. For this reason, newspeak can not be treated as an invented tool by Orwell in order to express how horrible the totalitarian state is at all, but an already existed and practiced policy in the real world. In the short run, Orwell named the contemporary abused language planning as Newspeak. Furthermore, in the novel he exaggerated its related policy to the extreme degree in order to maximize its function dramatically. Because of extremely exaggerated newspeak, it is easily and clearly found that there are some more reasons of applying newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-Four, except its main purpose-to show the fear of totalitarianism. To begin with, Orwell designed Newspeak to indicate the possibility of deterioration of the English language by external factors, especially politics. In Politics and the English Language, Orwell stated the interrelation between language and peoples activity. He believed if peoples thought becomes degraded, so does the language people used, and its process could reverse. At the same time, he also mentioned the language did not naturally change, but was shaped by peoples own intentions and ways of thinking. From this aspect, it is shown the bad politics intentionally make the language corrupt in order to pollute peoples way of thinking, and even more peoples life style could be led astray. Secondly, as the mentioned above, newspeak is the product of Orwells experience. During the warfare, he observed many linguistic abuses not only by socialistic government but also by the proclaimed democratic/republic governments. Through the intended misusages of language in politics, Orwell purposed to awaken people not to unconsciously be involved in speaking, writing and thinking in the way the rulers guided. The overstated description of newspeak makes Orwells intention much explicitly. The explanation of newspeak both in the story and the appendix is in harmony with other totalitarian devices so that the author not only can emphasize the main purpose of the story but also can express warning to the corruption of English language. Purpose of the Study This paper is mainly about newspeak not only in George Orwells novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, but also in the real world. First, the study shall be examined the relation between Orwell and Newspeak. After this, based on the premise that language has a political dimension, it will be inquired into the applied example of newspeak from past to present, and be defined how the way of using newspeak has been changed. By this examination, not only how deeply newspeak has infiltrated into our daily life and how it influence peoples way to think in subconscious but also how newspeak is going to develop and apply to real world in the future will be lighted. Literature Review Relationship between Language, Perception, and Politics The reason for the great reputation about Nineteen Eighty-four is Orwell not only expresses a savage and bitter critiques of modern times, a scarring denunciation of our century and some of its corrupt practices and existing institutions, but implies the feasibility of totalitarian state and the feasible execution of its administration tools. As he predicted, the described policies and devices in the novel have gradually filtered into peoples daily life. Therefore, more and more scholars and researchers have begun to take an interest in the totalitarian features remaining around people. Among them the study on Newspeak has taken on renewed importance in recent days. Much interest has been aroused in the relationship between language, human perception, and politics, because Newspeak is based on Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Unless the hypothesis is not established, Newspeak cannot exist; without newspeak, the danger of totalitarian state could not maximize. Related to the basic concept of Newspeak, the existence and necessity of political correctness language is suggested by taking the example of making a distinction between impairment and disability, which results in granting more convenience to the disabled by drawing others attention to the difference between these two words. As Orwell, the idea that the different use of language changes peoples perception, and that this interaction produces the possibility of the language in political usage is taken a step forward (Jones and Wareing 36). The related idea, which penetrates the core of newspeakà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬the interrelationship among language, perception and politicsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¢is mentioned by Chomsky and Otero: There is a tenuous relationship, in fact several different kinds. I think myself that theyre exaggerated in importance. There is in the first place the question discussed, for example, by Orwell and by a number of others of how language is abused, tortured, distorted, in a way to enforce ideological goals. A classic example would be the switch in the name of the Pentagon from the War Department to the Defense Department in 1947. As soon as that happened, any thoughtful person should have understood that the United States would be no longer be engaged in defense. In would only be engaged in aggressive war. That was disguise that fact. Terms like the free world and the national interest and so on are mere terms of propaganda. One shouldnt take them seriously for a moment. They are designed, often very consciously, in order to try to block thought and understanding. (Chomsky and Otero 471) Meanwhile, Joseph comprehensively deals with its relations from the analysis on the assumption that the language is created in order to fulfill humans political purpose to various issues related to what language should be spoken, whether the spread of a dominant language can equal to the transformation of power, and to who linguistic right should belong to, etc. With regard to the features of newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four, he says its features, especially its political purpose, is not limited to the characteristic of totalitarian language, and every using language is employed intentionally in various fields such as commercial, religion, and education, etc. (Joseph 120) Unfortunately, there is no overall agreement as to the interaction among language, perception and politics. Most of people, who refute to study on their interaction, insist language should be studied only as an entity on itself, without any other external factor. To those people, the collapse of Communism in Central Europe in 1989 may give much room for argument, because the people from European communist countries was not indoctrinated in spite of the execution of thought control using language as a tool. However, the example they mentioned can be interpreted like this: the circumstance of European communistic countries was not like the extreme totalitarian state in Oceania. The people in those countries could keep a touch with outside world. On that account, there exist several external factors behind the fall of Communism in Europe, and it can not be evaluated that the collapse of European communist countries is caused only be the fail of Newspeak. Anyway, language is used to expr ess humans thought since its emergence. Then language has been closely connected with humans activities, and at the same time, as humans needs arises, lots of words and expressions have been added and disappeared. As the result of this, human language has included sociological characteristic. In this sense, language possesses great influence on both humans mental and physical activities, and vice versa as the concept of Orwells Newspeak. Evaluation of Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four While people agree with the feasibility of totalitarian state, there is a rich diversity of opinion on the degree of Owells reflection on the enforced newspeak in the contemporary period. Young examines whether Orwell exaggerated the extent of linguistic corruption in totalitarian societies both by the comparison between Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four and its application to real world, especially Nazi Germany and the German Democratic Republic and by the analysis of its effect on Soviet peoples subconscious. Meanwhile, Gerovitch conducts a specific study on the phenomena of newspeak in Soviet Union. His study concentrates on the newspeak of Soviet science in counterpoint to the far-reaching range of Youngs research on the example, and then, the researcher evolves the main idea into the emergence of CyberNewspeak-the combination with Cyberspeak and newspeak, in Soviet Science. Because the present part is primarily the evaluation of newspeak in scope, I am choosing to ignore the stud y related to other things. There also exists the study on childrens early language learning combined with the concept of Newspeak. As the foregoing explanation, these studies estimate Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four from various aspects. In detail, Young draws two reasonable conclusions after the scrutinized study on totalitarian language. First, there exist some similarities between the totalitarian language in real world and Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four, aside from differences in ideological content (Young 230): both are alike in the aim and the used ways for expressionà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬they share the similar intention to confirm the orthodoxy of the rulers, and its goal is brought by euphemisms, superlatives, dehumanizing and abusive expressions (Young 230). Second, Orwells Newspeak is somewhat electric and overall logical than totalitarian language in Nazi Germany and in German Democratic Republic. For reasons, Young concludes Orwells description of totalitarian language is still very accurate, and it is inevitable for the gap between the Orwellian model in the novel and the application in reality for different setting condition. Similar with Youngs view toward Newspeak, another study points out the limitation of Newspeak as novel device. It examines the failed redefinition of the meaning of freedom in communist countries, which represents the limit of newspeak policy in real world. Particularly in Poland, the amalgamation of the meaning of freedom and the concept of newspeak failed because the Communists could not brace the economic element of the word. From the failure of redefining words like freedom or democracy, the study suggests two conditions for the realization of newspeak in reality: language does changed, and it can change in response to political pressures-but only where the change fits meaningfully with the linguistic context; has meaningful continuity with past usage, and looms large in shared experience. (Buchowski et al. 573). That is, Newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four must change their shape in order to apply themselves into the practical world, and it can be realized only under the rational s ituations. The first conclusion of the study is alike to Youngs one, while it expands it idea to giving what specific limited condition of applying Newspeak to reality. Lastly, there is the research on another feature of totalitarian language in Real World. Different from Orwell, Gerovitch focuses on the flexibility rather than the rigidity [both] of this ideological language [and of Soviet Union] (Gerovitch 13). In his opinion the skillful use of newspeak allowed one to manipulate ideology and to some extent, to define what was permitted in a Soviet context(Gerovitch 15). Newspeak in Soviet Union should have been flexible because newspeak words and expressions were applied to whenever needs to describe Soviet ideology. In this sense, newspeak should have change it meaning according to different purposes, conditions and contexts. As a result, according to Gerovitchs analysis, newspeak applied in real world has more flexibility, while newspeak in Nineteen Eighty-four is fixed in its meaning and use under ultimately controlled society. As the researcher above, with respect to Newspeak, there is general agreement that it mirrors the totalitarian language in the contemporary society to some extent, and that the difference between Newspeak as a novel device and the totalitarian language in the practical world is unavoidable because of the distinction between the imaginary world and reality. Besides, no one deny there still exists the possibility of the emergence of Newspeak in the future. Analysis of Newspeak In Nineteen Eighty-Four, the Party is processing the publication of 10th newspeak dictionary, and they expect the appearance of the complete newspeak system in Oceania in 2050. As readers of Nineteen Eighty-Four know, the two aims of the Party are to conquer the whole surface of the earth and to extinguish once and for all the possibility of independent thought (Orwell 223). The Party desires not only the control of materials but also the thorough surveilance of peoples inside, and newspeak is one of their innovative and tactic devices of the mental control. The concept of newspeak starts from the idea that peoples thoughts and their use of language are interacted. The Party uses the interrelation between the language and peoples thought in order that the Revolution will be complete when the language is perfect because orthodoxy means not thinking-not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness (Orwell 61). In other words, newspeak is created to make the expression of anti-governm ent feelings impossible, and eventually to follow the doctrine of the Party unconsciously. Then which characteristic of newspeak helps the complete reign of the Party over Oceania possible? Under the process of making newspeak, the English language in Oceania has faced five great changes, and their interplay makes the impact to the language maximize. First of all, the biggest feature of English used in Oceania is the changed intention of usage. As mentioned above, newspeak is made to devote to achieve Ingsocs political goal, while Standard English is for expressing and sharing ones thought. According to the Party, English in Airstrip One is divided into three word groups and among them, the feature as the artificial language created in political purpose is vividly showed in B vocabulary words. The second change is that the English language has become more implicative than ever. It is because the Party summarizes various meanings into a few words, which are palatable to its principle, for securing their political legitimacy. Particularly, compound words in B vocabulary words show the political implication much noticeably rather than other newspeak terms. The terms, which have more implication than the past, distort the original meaning of the words with other vocabulary consisting of the prefix/suffix and the word. To take the example of compound words in B vocabulary words, the Thought Police, which indicates a police officer who finds out the person thinking anti-government idea, consists of the word thought and police. In the past, the police officer did not relate with thoughtcrime. Yet, when the Party becomes to need to eliminate unorthodoxy, the word the Thought Police is created with the birth of the word thoughtcrime, which can point out anti-Big Brother concept. Me anwhile, ungood can be one of the most striking words, which not only include prefix in words form but also results in the vagueness of the words meaning because of its implication. In the case of ungood, it is made when the prefix un-, which means not, attaches in front of the word good. It is the antonym of good under the doctrine of Oceania. For prohibiting the expression of anti-government idea, the Party cuts out bad, which has the possibility to show the doctrine against Ingsoc. Thus after completing the process of newspeak, the exact notion of goodness and badness will disappear, because there are no precise words to express what bad and good means, while there are only the word good and its antonym un-good. However, there exists slight difference between un-good and bad, which even the dictionary can not clearly demonstrate. As a result, the lack of precise way to express the words meaning, he or she only could use abstract description, which may evoke various kinds of inter pretations by different people and leads the vagueness in meaning, if a person tries to explain what badness is. For this reason, Symes saying that Standard English has more vagueness rather than newspeak seems wrong. Similar to Oldspeak, newspeak also is full of vagueness, however, the vagueness of newspeak is resulted only from political abuses while the imprecision of Standard English has various resources. Another representative example, which has a prefix/suffix, is the title of four main government quarters: the Ministry of Love, the Ministry of Plenty, the Ministry of Truth, and the Ministry of Peace. According to the order of newspeak, their abbreviations are Miniluv, Miniplenty, Minitrue, and Minipax. The abbreviation of every ministry of Oceania is combined with an prefix mini- and each afterward words abbreviation. Thus, in case of the Ministry of Truth-Winston Smiths work place, its name is combined with mini- and true. To account the meaning of this combined word, it se ems to mean the minimized truth, because the prefix mini- means small. According to this kind of interpretation, ironically, the abbreviation of each agency explains what they do much clearly rather than the originally united words. It is because the actual work the Ministry of Truth do is concealing facts and distorting information, although its original name seems the place that offer the truth to people, Same as Miniture, Miniluv is the place that people are tortured, not encouraged to love each other; Miniplenty represents not richness but famine; Minipax causes wars rather keeps worlds peace. Therefore, the English language in Oceania has more implication, which leads the vagueness of words meaning, and the vagueness in meaning and expression produce the corruption of the language. Thirdly, the English grammar becomes more regularized because simplified forms of words. In detail, in newspeak, there is no precise way to distinguish the difference between word classes, because the Party removes one of them if two words share the same root no matter which class the word belongs to. For instance, the verb think in Standard English is used both as a noun and as a verb at the same time according to the rule of newspeak. In this manner, the barriers among different words class has been taken down. Moreover, it becomes also very easy to transform words class. In the case of adverbs and adjectives, the stage of transformation is totally different from the case of nouns and verbs. (Some nouns and verbs are united into one word.) In newspeak, most of adjectives have the suffix -ful while adverbs got -wise. Thus, there are only a few adjectives, which has a strong meaning, left. For example, speedful and speedwise replace other similar words such as rapid, rapidly, and fas t, etc. The pattern of tense change also contributes to the setting of the regularized grammar system. In Oceania, irregular verbs and nouns no longer exist. In consequence, the form of every past tense changes that -d or -ed is attached after a noun or a verb, and it can be a plural form if -s or -es is added after a noun. Under the regularized grammar, peoples spiritual becomes simplified because they do not need to consider whether the word is an irregular one or not. Thus, the systemized grammar makes the rule of the Party much easier to manipulate, distort, and control. In this sense, the role of the regularized grammar system seems like a lubricant, which makes the rule of the Party smoother. Fourthly, the structure of newspeak becomes simplified. Not only it is influenced by the regularized English grammar in newspeak, but also the range of vocabulary becomes much smaller than before the Revolution because of the reduction of the number of English vocabulary. In detail, most of words have only one meaning remained but others, which may be danger for the Party to execute their doctrine, rejected. To take the example of the word free, now it only can be used as the meaning of without or no. Free does not means political or physical freedom any more. As the number of the reduced meaning of free, the structure of newspeak becomes much simpler than of Standard English. In addition, the appearance of lots of abbreviations promotes its simplification but at the same time, it also adds the difficulty of interpretation. Comintern, for instance, remind people of the closed and enthusiastic socialist/communist group rather than the composite picture of universal human brotherhood, red flags, barricades, Karl Marx and the Paris Commune (Orwell 351). The last feature belongs to the irony of its usage. Though the main slogan of the Party is made of the imperfect newspeakà ¢Ã¢â‚¬ â‚ ¬though the definition of freedom in newspeak dictionary is already without the things mentioned, many people still use it in various meaning, it emphasized the irony of newspeak by the sentence consisting of words, which have opposite meaning. WAR IS PEACE. FREEDOM IS SLAVERY. IGNORANCE IS STRENGHT. Every line of the slogans consists of two contradictory words: war and peace, freedom and slavery, and ignorance and strength. In the practical world or in Oceania before the Party, its composition seems very ridiculous and irrational, however, in 1984, it has no problem to deal like this in Oceania, where even 2+2=5 can be believed if the Party insists. To forbidden unorthodox idea and to strengthen the control over the population, the Party is obliged to emphasize sentences meaning by strong tone made of contraction, and this results in the increased irony of newspeak. These described features of newspeak actually reflect Orwells observance and opinion about contemporary totalitarian language. For example, the changed formation of English language in Oceania reflects one in modern English, and Winstons hatred toward newspeak reflected the authors. The explanation of the example is like this: he once wrote the range of verbs is further cut down by means of the -IZE and DE- formations, and banal statement are given an appearance of profundity by means of the NOT UN- formation (Orwell 160), he might have thought that the English language could loss its vividness by the change of formation when he wrote Politics and the English Language(1946). As times went by, his thought might change and expanded to the worry about the imprecision of modern English. Then he made use of newspeak to express his anxiety toward the decreasing number of verbs, which could result in the uncertainty of English words and phrases. In summary, Orwells worry and idea about totalitarian language comes through newspeak, and the consequence of newspeak can be observed: under the diminished range of expression and simpler way of thinking, people become brainwashed, and eventually they just follow the governments direction without any doubt. Newspeak Applied in Real World 4.1 Newspeak in Wartime It is a well-known fact that Orwells Newspeak reflects the language corruption by the authorities in his contemporary period. Thus, we can find how newspeak developed and changed by shedding new light on Newspeak in war times. One of Soviet propagada expert once mentions Newspeak in the report: We have created in our press a special language-the language of a socialist for a socialist citizen onlyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦This language is unfamiliar and sometimes unintelligible to the masses, even to the leftist masses, in the capitalist countries. [1] The advanced citation about Newspeak in communist countries seems half right and half wrong. Actually, even the leftist in communist regimes sometimes could not understand or confuse the meaning of expressions, which is applied the concept of Newspeak. It is because Newspeak is both radical and deliberate language reform in order to conceal the original purpose of the
Friday, October 25, 2019
how to argue and win every time Essay -- essays research papers
HOW TO ARGUE AND WIN EVERYTIME Jerry Spence startes off by asking why do we argue? He says that he doesn't like to argue and he doesn't like people that do. The confused me at first. He askes why not ty to get along, and besides when he argues he loses. He says we were born to make a winning argument just as we were born to walk. Mr. Spence says that we are so bound up, so mute. From the moment we have been conditioned to avoid confrontation. We have been taught not to let our emotions show. By the time we become adults the word argue calls up dark and negative feelings. Many throughout our lives have forced up to accept their ways, their relugion, their values, ect... The key to our freedom is embarrassingly obvious. We need only to give ourselves permission, to unlock to doors. The key is to give ourselves permission to peer out of our closets and to look around, to ask questions and demand respect. We need to speak out and just to be. Most people are afriad to argue because it just causes trouble. Our arguements turn sour, the words ugly, the passages to the heart close, and the feelings of love are replaced by the hurt and the anger. But, fear is ourr ally. Fear confirms us. Fear is our energy that is convertible to POWER-our power. We need to learn not to afraid of our fear but to embrace it. If you feel your fear, you can also feel its power and you can change its power into YOUR power. First, to win an argument, exhaustive preparation is essential. The most prepared person will usually win. In the preparation process, you must thoroughly research and understand your case, and you must also thoroughly research and understand your opponent's position. You should know and understand the facts and arguments of your opponent better than he or she does. Second, you must have a profound understanding of the thinking and emotions of the decision maker(s) - in his case, the jury. Your argument should be framed to harmonize with the decision makers' values, wants and needs. You must understand the prejudices of the jurors and address the built-in objections they may have to your arguments. You must help them to understand the motives of your client and identify with them as their own. In other words, empathize with the jurors and help them empathize with your client. Mr. Spence emphasizes that, in order for the jurors to believe your arguments, you must ar... ... listen with empathy to the other side of the argument. This is so critical in our everyday lives. We must listen not to refute but to learn. Many times we will be able to avoid an argument altogether and quickly reach common ground. At the very least, we will be able to clearly understand where the other side is coming from. Even though Gerry Spence is a lawyer, he addresses the types of argument most of us will face. He writes about how to win argument in love relationships as well as business relationships. He even has a separate chapter entitled, " Arguing with Kids.†Spence builds his argument chapter by chapter. He carefully lays out his well-reasoned case in such a manner that the reader may find her or himself nodding in agreement. Spence's skills in the art of persuasion may remind you of a master in the martial arts. I found this book an easy and enjoyable read. How to Argue and Win Every Time is filled with many chunks of wisdom. Some of the insights have been stated before, but the book contained a surprising amount of unique, original material. Do I now win every argument? Well no, but I must say that I have avoided several since reading this wonderful book.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Economic and Political Conduct
The policy of any country or individual or group of individuals to conduct business and induce growth in the GDP is known as its economic conduct- it has global impact by way of international trade, foreign exchange and fiscal policies too. Nowadays economic policies are increasingly governed and shaped by global factors and imperatives.So the overall situation is dynamic and ever changing Political conduct essentially means what ideologies determine the policies and the leadership of any country, and how the representatives who form the leadership or Government interpret the ideologies and run the country- e.g. democracy, monarchy, communist state, fascism, etc. Political conduct determines loyalties and groups, collective developmental activities and global initiatives, and the overall growth of a country or state. Existentialism Defines the thought processes of those who believe and profess that it is we ourselves who create the essence and raison d etre in our lives, and not peop le above us or before us, or religious dogmas or deities. It is a school of thought which believes in finding things out in its own way, and do not believe in traditions, or what is already there and proved.They refuse to conform to any one school of thought. Existentialists like to set out and find their own way. They believe that there is surely a reason to exist and that existence precedes consciousness. Some of them even think that the concept of having a God is obsolete- that’s not what they need! As a result of the wide approach, they seldom agree with each other as well on various things. But they all seek a meaning in their lives by their beliefs in existence. Jean Paul Sartre was an existentialist. (you could read more through Googlesearch)Machiavellian Politics. Machiavelli a political thinker propounded the view that the ‘ends justifies the means’- so if you have used arbitrary or unacceptable means and achieved whatever you had set out to achieve, in his view, it is justified. As long as the end result is in the interest of the majority of the people, its fine. This form of politics is not very ethical, in fact quite radical, often used by the very ambitious, and quite often successful! It has an element of shrewdness and negative connotation. Not very favourable with the conservatives.You could go to the Net and read his book ‘The Prince’ in its translated version. Platonic Justice In his book, The Republic, written in 360 BC, Greek philosopher Plato has defined every conduct and every action required to govern a country. In short, the elements which contributed to creating and running of an effective Government at that point in time are all defined by him. It is another matter that over the centuries, transformations have happened, and though the basic aspiration of the government (to take care of its citizens/ public) stays the same, the rules of the game have changed dramatically.Platonic justice is the name giv en to his version of justice, as also propounded by Socrates before him- how a shoemaker must continue being a shoemaker because it is only fair that he does what he is good at, etc. (Please Googlesearch ‘The Republic by Plato’ and read on the Net for more) Monetarism Milton Friedman, the father of Monetarism, says that money supply (the amount of money in any economy at a given point in time) is the chief determinant of the level of economic activity at that point in time, especially with regards to the demand side.Simply put, the purchasing power of money is the prime mover. Monetarism is pretty much what we see today†¦though it has its origins in the oldest classical version of economic theory. (explains what we have stated in the research on flat world- the base maybe the same old theory, but the changing paradigms have rendered the theories very different from what they originally were- have improvised, built upon them to make them relevant to the current scen ario. And the current scenario is determined by those who need, not by those who offer- it is a buyers market.) Capitalism Capitalism is a form of liberal economic policy and governance where private entrepreneurship is given priority over government intervention in economic activity (all activities which contribute to a country’s GDP), because it has been seen and believed that private sector tends to be more progressive and efficient as a result of ensuing competition- each capitalist entrepreneur tries to be better than his competitor because that way he can earn higher profits, have a higher market cap, and prosper better.US is one of the very early capitalist countries, which explains the leadership position, while other countries were still being conservative and trying out a mixed economy model, or a communistic model. Communism Communism is a political term used to describe the ideologies of Karl Marx, the father of Communism. He firmly believed that the state or coun try should be run totally by the government, where everyone is equal- there is no blue collar and white collar demarcation and there is no private sector or capitalist aspirations.The Government is supreme and all people are equal in the eyes of the government. ‘From each according to his ability to each according to his need’ was his rule for governance. We owe May Day to Communism- it is Labour Day. His famous words: â€Å"Workers of the world unite; you have nothing to lose but your chains- you have a world to win! †You could read his treatise ‘Das Kapital’(translated version) – its available quite easily. Communist ideologies are exactly the opposite of Capitalist thinking.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Stakeholders of Carrefour in Oman
Stakeholders Carrefour Group Employees as stakeholders: Carrefour is planning to become distinction from others in terms of human resources management and social responsibility in all the countries where it operates. Attracting, training, supporting and retaining loyalty while remaining open to people from a diverse range of backgrounds. The group do its best to ensure that all employees fulfill their potential and perform to the best of their abilities. Carrefour recruits 90% of its employees in its store catchment areas.Carrefour recruitment policy is based on equal opportunity, and the Group gives those from all backgrounds a chance to succeed, with or without qualifications. When people start working with Carrefour, they are choosing a responsible company that incorporates its sustainability policy into all of its business lines. Therefore, Carrefour is accepting its employees to perform at their best, be creative, respect the company code of ethics, serve customers in the best w ay and respect the regulations and policies.Moreover, Carrefour aims to boost workplace well-being by constantly communicating with employees and their representatives in compliance with Group values, this policy makes a major contribution to increasing motivation and collective and individual performance. Carrefour group also gives its employees the chance to express their opinions regarding their jobs and their life within the company. The results are then handed out to employees and their representatives, allowing for the identification of areas for improvement and the implementation of action plans. Carrefour ensures that employees benefit from appropriate social protection.When employees face any problems in terms of coverage, Carrefour provides for additional welfare, health and retirement coverage, either to cover what’s missing in local systems or complement them. Carrefour helps its employees to arrange schedules, enabling them to better balance their professional an d personal lives. Carrefour is committed to provide part time jobs for young Omanis, in order to mate the needs of its customers, perform its business activities and gives its employees the chance to finish their own daily needs. The group is committed also to ensure the safety of its employees and customers at all. As one its mployees stated the group adopted French and Oman safety standards. Furthermore, is to reduce workplace accidents through prevention training and awareness campaigns. The Group ensures that its teams understand health and safety regulations, offers training, enforces procedures and performs regular on-site audits. On the other hand, employees also expect from Carrefour to perform and respect their efforts and works. Employees want the group to pay them the best compensation, which refers to all forms of pay and rewards received by employees for the performance in their jobs including all forms of cash, benefits, services, and perks.Also, employees want from Ca rrefour training and development programs to improve their skills and abilities, gain more working experiences and give them promotions. Moreover, employees in Carrefour expect from the group their jobs and to appreciate their inputs for the group and how they contributes to the group business activities. Employees how are working as cashier want from the management break time after working in rush hours. Also, employees expect from Carrefour to define clear goals and objectives for them to make their jobs easier, so they can finish what is require from them within a time.Some employees want freedom and responsibilities over their work, which actually make them more productive. Employees also want from Carrefour guidance and feedback to acknowledge them their performances. Customers as stakeholders: Without customers a business would not exist. One of the major objectives of Carrefour is to win and maintain customers by developing and providing products and services which offer valu e in terms of price that customers pay. Carrefour is not only interested in its customers money only, Carrefour wants that people have wonderful time spent by shopping in Carrefour.Moreover, Carrefour offers and meets almost all customers' needs by offering different types of products. Carrefour provides assortment of products in order to save customers time and effort in searching. The group ensures safety and environmental place for families while there are in Carrefour. Carrefour is committed to provide its customers with quality and low price products. Carrefour built and maintains relationships with long-term customers to maintain profit and image in the market. On the other hand, customers expect from Carrefour to provide the best products services.Employees in customers prospective should be knowledgeable and available staff, while a customer is making the buying decisions, they want knowledgeable assistance and available when they want it. Some customers value on accurate in formation and want to be served by employees who know the product. Also, customers expect from Carrefour employees to give them more information about different products in the same categories. Customers not only want sales people to knowledgeable and available, they want them to be friendly and courteous with them. Customers expect from Carrefour employees to value them not the sales they make.Customers want convenience and easier shopping by well organizing the merchandise, attractive displayed and easy to find. Customers want a fast finish and they want to complete buying process and be on their way as quickly as possible. Suppliers as stakeholders: Suppliers are the most important partners for Carrefour in doing their business activities every day. Carrefour has different in its chain of production. Carrefour has a number of core values that are central to everything it does with its suppliers. Carrefour expects from its suppliers to supply products and supplies in time and orga nized it in the right places.Moreover, Carrefour expect from suppliers to keep supplying it on timely and orderly bases. Carrefour expect from its suppliers never be late in supplying necessary goods in time. Also, Carrefour operates a network between its suppliers, in order to share data and information to make supply chain management very easy. Integrity, decency and fairness during the contract period, and after contract award. Carrefour expect from suppliers continuous improvement, sharing benefits, market improvements and innovations. Furthermore, receptive to requests for information and responsive to general enquiries.High quality, value for money products or services backed by efficient manufacturing and distribution systems. Demonstrably sound financial standing and strong business performance. On the other hand, suppliers want from Carrefour to pay its payment to them in time. They also expect from Carrefour repeat orders and respect them and their proficiently in doing th eir jobs. They also expect from Carrefour to share financial information. Some of suppliers want from Carrefour to allow them to show and represent their own brand in Carrefour. Moreover, they want from Carrefour to give the freedom in providing whatever they want in Carrefour shops.Government and local community as stakeholders: Since Carrefour is a foreign group Omani government expects from it to develops the well fare of the society. Also, to respect the roles and regulations of Oman. to ensure that corporations take into account the interests of a wide range of constituencies, as well as of the communities within which they operate Moreover, the government wants from Carrefour to pay its taxes in time. The government state over the fate of a company and its investors. The government determines who benefits from corporate actions. Also, the government asks the group to operate in environmental condition.Helps to assure that Carrefour operate for the benefit of society as a whole . Society provides a licence to operate in return for benefits to the community as a whole and a respect for ethical values, people and the environment but can. AL-Fair Employees as stakeholders: Employees who provide the human resources that power the engines of marketing and productivity. Without human resources the business is unlikely to function even if there are shareholders and potential customers waiting to buy from AL-fair. Al-fair value its employees and it believes they one of the most important resources.AL-Fair Management policies are focusing in employees how much they are needed by the company, recognizing, rewarding and investing in them. Welfare of their employees is very important to the company as company employees stated. Company wants its employees to be pride in being a part of that AL-Fair. Al-Fair management believes engagement valuable to make employees feels their work makes something that really matters to company. Company helps its employees to have an op en and clear view about how they would do in their jobs. Building people is a line responsibility of the management has to accept that expending energy is part of their job.Customers as stakeholders: Customers provide revenue in return for the benefits that ownership of the product or service brings. AL-Fair offers products and varieties of them to meet all people needs. In AL-Fair customers finds more fresh foods. In AL-Fair company try to earn customers trust by understanding them. Customers buy therefore they expect recommendations to be received from employees. Customers want from AL-Fair employees to know as much as possible about the products and services they provide. Prices varies from low to high prices to meet all customers requirement.Customers expect relationship between them and employees. Suppliers as stakeholders: AL-Fair wants from suppliers to present their products and goods in Al-Fair. Timely product and service delivery. AL-Fair wants from its supplier to be Rece ptive to requests for information and responsive to general enquiries. High quality, value for money products or services backed by efficient manufacturing and distribution systems. Demonstrably sound financial standing and strong business performance. AL-Fair expect from its suppliers to be enable and remain efficient in dealing with the company.Moreover, is expected from suppliers to be quick and effective saving in serving business time. Government and local community as stakeholders: AL-Fair realizes that success of its business in directly tied to the sustainability of the community in which they operate and business sustainability, managers are seizing this value. The company has found mutual value in its business and social awareness has been a major source of increasing its loyalty. Therefore, building strong two-way stakeholder relationships is important component to long-term business sustainability.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essays
The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essays The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essay The Future Hospitality Trends Tourism Essay Essay The cordial reception industry is one of the most of import industries globally since it generates one million millions of dollars across the world.This industry is big and it indirectly and straight employs staff in different professions including hotel industry, touristry industry, air travel industry and other industries. The cordial reception industry chiefly relies on disposable income of clients and presence of leisure clip since many services in this industry are enjoyed during leisure clip ( Beaver, 2002 ) . This industry is an of import gross earner in different economic systems particularly those which rely on touristry as a major beginning of authorities gross. However, the cordial reception industry is a really sensitive industry which thrives on economic and political stableness of assorted finishs and economic systems. Political and economic instability has a direct inauspicious consequence on this industry and may take to drastic gross losingss by such economic systems ( Clifford, 2008 ) . It is hence of import to analyse this industry in relation to available chances and present menaces in order to foretell future tendencies. This paper will measure the hereafter trends in the cordial reception industry. The available chances and present menaces will be used to determine these tendencies. The paper will concentrate on both a planetary attack and an attack from the United States concern environment. Recommendations on what should be done to better the hereafter of the cordial reception industry will besides be given. The discussed issues will be summarized at the terminal. Future tendencies Short term diminution of industry due to economic crunch The cordial reception industry is one of the most affected industries every bit far as the planetary economic crunch is involved. This industry relies on disposable incomes of households and due to the effects of the crunch ; people are no longer able to afford vacations and leisure activities. Almost all states experienced inauspicious effects of the crunch and the touristry industry was one of the most affected. For case, touristry in Europe declined by over 5 % over the past three old ages, due to effects of the fiscal crisis ( Theobald, 2008 ) . In the US, the industry declined by 3 % in footings tourist reachings. Worldwide, the touristry industry declined by an norm of 4 % over a similar period, which translated to 880 million tourers ( John, 2010 ) . Although many economic systems are fighting to cut down the effects of the crisis, the cordial reception industry will be among the last to bask the benefits of monolithic fiscal injections to economic systems by authoritiess. Thi s is because services in the cordial reception industry are considered luxuries by many families and luxuries are the concluding demands satisfied by rational existences after all other demands are exhausted. Long term growing due to monolithic investings In the long tally, the cordial reception industry is expected to turn mostly due to the massive investings which are being undertaken around the universe. One of the finishs where there is heavy investing in the industry is the Middle East and specifically Dubai. Billions of dollars have been invested in Dubai with the intent of developing substructure needed to do it a universe category finish. Investing in hotels, belongingss, golf classs, conveyance, edifices, cultural museums and other tourer attractive forces have been realized in recent old ages. This includes the worldaa‚Â ¬a„?s tallest edifice and a seven star hotel ( Conrad A ; Alison, 2009 ) . Other authoritiess which rely on touristry as an industry for gross aggregation have besides made monolithic investings. This shows that in the long tally, consumers will hold a larger assortment of leisure activities to take from, which will promote the growing of the cordial reception industry. Execution of entire quality direction There has been a gradual betterment of service proviso in the cordial reception industry due to the execution of entire quality direction. This scheme involves betterment of the quality of services provided to increase efficiency, cut down costs and run into the demands of all stakeholders in the industry. The Malcolm Baldridge Awards introduced in recent old ages has helped better quality of service in this industry since it targets entire choice direction of houses in the industry ( Christine, 2006 ) . The Ritz Carlton hotel was one of the first to win the award, and to put new criterions in proviso of service in the hotel industry. Many houses in the cordial reception industry have recognized the importance of bettering service proviso due to intense competition and market consciousness of merchandises offered. The betterment of service proviso is likely to promote the growing of the industry in the long tally. Potential menaces and chances There are assorted chances which can be exploited in the cordial reception industry. There are besides assorted menaces to this industry and these should be mitigated to guarantee the industry is successful in the long tally. These chances and menaces will be discussed below ; Opportunities The major chance in the cordial reception industry is investing in substructure needed to fuel the growing of the industry and aim new and emerging markets. It has been discussed that many authoritiess and private house are puting in the industry particularly in the Middle East. It is of import to promote consumers to demand such services if the effects of the planetary economic crunch are to be mitigated. This can be done through supplying markets with unique services which were antecedently non offered and decrease of merchandise monetary values to promote local touristry in different states ( Jacques, 2000 ) . Local touristry has a really big potency in many finishs, although it is underexploited in most instances. Packages which encourage local touristry should be developed and services which meet local demands made available in order to enable long term growing of the industry. Menaces Global economic crisis One of the greatest menaces to the hereafter of the cordial reception industry is the planetary economic crunch. The planetary economic crisis has led to decrease of the growing and development degrees of most economic systems. This crisis has besides led to massive unemployment and decrease of the disposable income of many households ( Lennon A ; Malcolm, 2008 ) . It was antecedently discussed that the cordial reception industry thrives on disposable income of clients and presence of leisure clip. The planetary economic crunch has reduced the disposable income of households. It has besides led to decrease in leisure clip since many employees strive to work for longer hours in order to gain higher wages which can extenuate effects of the crisis. The decrease of incomes and leisure clip has led to a lessening in purchase of services in the cordial reception industry by consumers. Fewer people are able to go for leisure or have repasts at eating houses and hotels since they consider t hese services to be luxuries. Unless equal stairss are taken to cut down the effects of the planetary crunch, many houses in the cordial reception industry may confront losingss in the long tally. Deductions of the tendencies on cordial reception industry The deduction of these tendencies in the cordial reception industry is a short term diminution and a long term growing of the industry. Although the industry has declined late due to the effects of the fiscal crunch, there is possible for growing in the hereafter due to monolithic investings and consumer consciousness of merchandises offered. However, the private sector and authorities have a duty of collaborating of this growing is to be achieved. Massive investings, invention of alone services and consumer consciousness of merchandises offered is cardinal to accomplishing this growing. It is of import to do the undermentioned recommendations if long term growing of the cordial reception industry is to be achieved in future. Recommendations Government intercessions There are assorted authorities intercessions which should be implemented if the cordial reception industry is to turn and develop in future. Government intercessions should largely affect steps which stimulate economic growing and development every bit good as the creative activity of an environment which encourages the growing of the cordial reception industry ( Cooper, 2005 ) . This includes a fiscal bundle which is geared towards promoting more public investing and economic stableness of houses particularly during the current planetary economic crisis. It should besides affect development of substructure which will guarantee that the cordial reception industry is able to run into the diverse demands of clients. Merchandise distinction Product distinction is of import in run intoing alone market needs across different environments. It involves developing alone merchandises to run into diverse demands in different environments. Firms in the cordial reception industry should set about research on market demands and develop merchandises which meet alone demands across different environments ( Wilkerson, 2003 ) . This will guarantee that customersaa‚Â ¬a„? demands are satisfied and they remain loyal to suppliers of such services. In bend, the cordial reception industry will bask long term profitableness.
Monday, October 21, 2019
The Life of Dr. Feynman †Physics Research Paper
The Life of Dr. Feynman – Physics Research Paper Free Online Research Papers Feynman received a bachelors degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1939, and a PhD from Princeton University in 1942. His thesis advisor was John Archibald Wheeler. After Feynman completed his thesis on quantum mechanics, Wheeler showed it to Albert Einstein, but was unconvinced. While researching his Ph.D., Feynman married his first wife, Arline Greenbaum, who had been diagnosed with tuberculosis, a terminal illness at that time; they were careful, and Feynman never contracted TB. At Princeton, the physicist Robert R. Wilson encouraged Feynman to participate in the Manhattan Project. This was a wartime U.S. Army project at Los Alamos developing the atomic bomb. He visited his wife in a sanitarium in Santa Fe on weekends, right up until her death in July 1945. He immersed himself in work on the project, and was present at the Trinity bomb test. Feynman claimed to be the only person to see the explosion without the dark glasses provided, looking through a truck windshield to screen out harmful ultraviolet frequencies. As a junior physicist, his work on the project was relatively removed from the major action; consisting mostly of administering the computation group of human computers in the Theoretical division, and then, with Nicholas Metropolis, setting up the system for using IBM punch cards for computation. Feynman actually succeeded in solving one of the equations for the project which were posted on the blackboards. However They didnt do the physics right and Feynmans solution was not used in the project. After the project, Feynman started working as a professor at Cornell University, where Hans Bethe, the formulator of nuclear fusion worked. However he felt uninspired there; despairing that he had burned out, he turned to more concrete problems, such as analyzing the physics of a twirling, nutating dish, as it is being balanced by a juggler. As it turned out, this work served him in future researches. He was therefore surprised to be offered professorships from competing universities, eventually choosing to work at the California Institute of Technology at Pasadena, California, despite being offered a position near Princeton, at the Institute for Advanced Study. What, at that time, included Albert Einstein on its list of elite faculty members. Feynman rejected the Institute on the grounds that there were no teaching duties. Feynman found his students to be a source of inspiration and also, during uncreative times, comforting. He felt that if he could not be creative, at least he could teach. Feynman is sometimes called the â€Å"Great Explainer†; he took great care when explaining topics to his students, making it a moral point not to make a topic arcane, but accessible to others. Thus clear thinking and clear presentation were fundamental prerequisites for his attention. It could be perilous to even approach him when unprepared, and he did not forget who the fools or pretenders were. On one sabbatical year, he returned to Newtons Principia to study it anew; what he learned from Newton, he also passed along to his students, such as Newtons attempted explanation of diffraction. Feynman did much of his best work while at Caltech, including research in Quantum electrodynamics. The problem for which Feynman won his Nobel Prize involved the probability of quantum states changing. He helped develop a functional integral formulation of quantum mechanics, in which every possible path from one state to the next is considered, the final path being a sum over the possibilities. Physics of the superfluidity of supercooled liquid helium, where helium seems to display a lack of viscosity when flowing. Applying the Schrà ¶dinger equation to the question showed that the superfluid was displaying quantum mechanical behavior observable on a macroscopic scale. This helped with the problem of superconductivity. Weak decay, which shows itself in the decay of a neutron into an electron, a proton, and an anti-neutrino. Developed in collaboration with Murray Gell-Mann, the theory was of massive importance, and resulted in the discovery of a new force of nature. He also developed Feynman diagrams, a bookkeeping device which helps in conceptualising and calculating interactions between particles in space-time. This device allowed him, and now others, to work with concepts which would have been less approachable without it, such as time reversibility and other fundamental processes. These diagrams are now fundamental for string theory and M-theory, and have even been extended topologically. Feynmans mental picture for these diagrams started with the hard sphere approximation, and the interactions could be thought of as collisions at first. It was not until decades later that physicists thought of analyzing the nodes of the Feynman diagrams more closely. The world-lines of the diagrams have become tubes to better model the more complicated objects such as strings and M-branes. From his diagrams of a small number of particles interacting in spacetime, Feynman could then model all of physics in terms of those particles spins and the range of coupling of the fundamental forces. But the quark model was a rival to Feynmans parton formulation. Feynman did not dispute the quark model; for example, when the 5th quark was discovered, Feynman immediately pointed out to his students that the discovery implied the existence of a 6th quark, which was duly discovered in the decade after his death. After the success of quantum electrodynamics, Feynman turned to quantum gravity. By analogy with the photon, which has spin 1, he investigated the consequences of a free massless spin 2 field, and was able to derive the Einstein field equation of general relativity, but little more. Unfortunately, at this time he became exhausted by working on multiple major projects at the same time, including his Lectures in Physics. While at Caltech Feynman was asked to spruce up the teaching of undergraduates. After three years devoted to the task, a series of lectures was produced, eventually becoming the famous Feynman Lectures on Physics, which are a major reason that Feynman is still regarded by most physicists as one of the greatest teachers of physics ever. Feynman later won the Oersted Medal for teaching, of which he seemed especially proud. His students competed keenly for his attention; once he was awakened when a student solved the problem and dropped it in his mailbox at home; glimpsing the student sneaking across his lawn, he could not go back to sleep, and he read the students solution. That morning, at breakfast, he was again interrupted by a triumphant student, but he informed him that he was too late. Feynman was a keen and influential popularizer of physics in both his books and lectures, notably a talk on nanotechnology called Plenty of Room at the Bottom. Feynman offered $1000 prizes for two of his challenges in nanotechnology. He was also one of the first scientists to realise the possibility of quantum computers. Though he never actually wrote any books, many of his lectures and other miscellaneous talks were turned into books such as The Character of Physical Law and QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter. He would give lectures which his students would annotate into books, such as Statistical Mechanics and Lectures on Gravity. The Lectures on Physics took a physicist, Robert B. Leighton, as full-time editor a number of years. Feynman travelled a lot, notably to Brazil, and near the end of his life schemed to visit the obscure Russian land of Tuva, a dream that, due to Cold War bureaucratic problems, never succeeded. During this period he discovered that he had a form of cancer, but, thanks to surgery, he managed to hold it off. Feynman had very liberal views on sexuality and was not ashamed of admitting it. In Surely Youre Joking, Mr. Feynman!, he explains that he enjoyed hostess bars and topless dancing, and drew a decoration for a massage parlor. He also explains how he learned to play drums in acceptable samba style in Brazil (by persistence and practice). Such actions got him a reputation of eccentricity. In addition, he considered using cannabis as well as LSD because he wished to know effects of hallucinations. Feynman served on the commission investigating the 1986 Challenger disaster. For a successful technology, reality must take precedence over public relations, for Nature cannot be fooled.Feynman was requested to serve on the presidential Rogers Commission which investigated the Challenger disaster of 1986. Tactfully fed clues from a source with inside information, Feynman famously showed on television the crucial role in the disaster played by the boosters O-ring flexible gas seals with a simple demonstration using a glass of ice water and a sample of o-ring material. His opinion of the cause of the accident differed from the official findings, and were considerably more critical of the role of management in sidelining the concerns of engineers. After much petitioning, Feynmans minority report was included as an appendix to the official document. The book What Do You Care What Other People Think? includes stories from Feynmans work on the commission. His engineering skill is reflected in his estimate of the reliability of the Space Shuttle (98%), which is unhappily reflected in the 2 failures over the 100-odd flights of the Space Shuttle as of 2003. However good he was at engineering, Feynman always drew a careful distinction between science and technology. The cancer returned in 1987, with Feynman entering hospital a year later. Complications with surgery worsened his condition, whereupon Feynman decided to die with dignity and not accept any more treatment. He died on February 15, 1988. Mark Martin. â€Å"Biography.†Feyman Online (2004): 11/02/2004 Unknown Author. â€Å"Richard P. Feynman – Biography.†(9-24-2004): 11/02/2004 J J OConnor and E F Robertson, â€Å"Richard Phillips Feynman.†(8-2002): 11/10/2004 Research Papers on The Life of Dr. Feynman - Physics Research PaperStandardized TestingThe Project Managment Office SystemResearch Process Part OnePersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseBringing Democracy to AfricaIncorporating Risk and Uncertainty Factor in Capital
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Learning to Write Chinese Characters by Hand
Learning to Write Chinese Characters by Hand Learning to write Chinese characters is one of the most difficult aspects of learning Mandarin Chinese. There are thousands of different characters, and the only way to learn them is by memorization and constant practice. In this digital age, it’s possible to use a computer to write Chinese characters, but learning how to write Chinese characters by hand is the best way to gain a thorough understanding of each character. Computer Input Anyone who knows Pinyin can use a computer to write Chinese characters. The problem with this is that pinyin spellings can represent many different characters. Unless you know exactly which character you need, you will likely make mistakes when using the computer to write Chinese characters. A good knowledge of Chinese characters is the only way to write Chinese correctly, and the best way to gain knowledge of Chinese characters is by learning to write them by hand. Radicals Chinese characters may seem incomprehensible to anyone who doesn’t know the language, but there is a method to constructing them. Each character is based on one of 214 radicals -  the basic elements of the Chinese writing system. Radicals form the building blocks of Chinese characters. Some radicals can be used as both building blocks and independent characters, but others are never used independently. Stroke Order All Chinese characters consist of strokes which should be written in a specific order. Learning the stroke order is an important part of learning to write Chinese characters. The number of strokes is used to classify Chinese characters in dictionaries, so an added benefit of learning strokes is being able to use Chinese dictionaries. The basic rules for stroke order are: left to right and top to bottomhorizontal before verticalhorizontal and vertical strokes which pass over other strokesdiagonals (right-to-left and then left-to-right)center verticals and then outside diagonalsoutside strokes before inside stokesleft verticals before enclosing strokesbottom enclosing strokesdots and minor strokes You can see an example of stroke order in the illustration at the top of this page. Learning Aids Workbooks designed for writing practice are widely available in Chinese-speaking countries, and you may be able to find them in cities with a large Chinese community. These workbooks usually illustrate a character with the proper stroke order and provide lined boxes for writing practice. They are intended for school children but are useful for anyone learning to write Chinese characters. If you can’t find a practice book like this, you can download this Microsoft Word file and print it out. Books There a several books about writing Chinese characters. One of the better ones is Keys to Chinese Character Writing (English).
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Analysis of investment and management of portfolio Assignment
Analysis of investment and management of portfolio - Assignment Example The following part of the paper presents a detailed SWOT analysis and Porter’s five forces analysis of the Keppel Land Limited. SWOT analysis is used to analyze a company’s internal and external environments. By evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of an organization, one can assess the organization’s internal management efficiencies. In contrast, opportunities and threats assessment enables the marketer to get a clear view of the firm’s external environment. Diversified property business is one of the major strengths of Keppel Land. Since the company focuses on different areas of property business, it can take advantages of economies of scale and thus spread risk factors effectively. It is obvious that many areas of property business have seasonal demand variations, and this situation adversely affects firms that deal with limited number of property business segments. Therefore, diversified property business assists Keppel to keep its market position stable regardless of seasonal market fluctuations. Substantial asset portfolio is another notable strength of the organization. This strength adds to the firm’s market reputation and aids Keppel to easily capture investor attention. In addition, an improved asset portfolio benefits the organization to easily raise funds in times of needs. Finally, Keppel’s strong operational performance can also be considered as its potential strength. On the strength of better operational per formance, the firm can trim down its operating expenses to some extent. Furthermore, strong operational performance contributes to the organization’s good will. Increasing debt appears to be the major weakness of Keppel Land. The company largely uses debt financing approach to promote its expansion operations and this method adds to the firm’s net debts. Although debt financing is a potential approach to enhance an organization’s growth, over debt levels may threaten the firm’s long term sustainability.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Health care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 20
Health care - Essay Example Therefore, one should make financial options because they are many ways of receiving financial support in starting a health care business. These include receiving grants, loans, contribution from families, bootstrap or venture capitalist. For instance, an entrepreneur may choose bootstrap as a financial option. However, it is essential to focus on the external financing sources rather than internal financial sources only. 2. One of the significant steps of becoming a successful entrepreneur is making the decision on funding alternatives and employing target marketing strategies. One should evaluate the target market by employing strategies that can contribute to effective business performance. Many entrepreneurs fail to sustain the business venture because of failure to select clear financial alternative and the target marketing strategy. Therefore, before starting a business, an entrepreneur should evaluate the safety of business finance and focus on factors that will enable an entrepreneur to return the money. Moreover, determining the required finance for starting the business is crucial because it will enable an entrepreneur to make effective financial options. Thus, realizing the financing level of the business start-up will enable an entrepreneur to become successfully in the competitive health care
What is a hero Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
What is a hero - Essay Example As Nanda would put it, a hero need not be somebody of dignified importance, a common man be a hero (1). A hero can come in many different shapes and sizes. Male or female, child or elderly, family member or a complete stranger, there is no limit to who can be someone’s hero and anyone can â€Å"fit as aptly into the category as a king or an eli†(Nanda 1). In the selections that were read, hero came in various forms and even in unusual way. Perhaps, the closest to the stereotype of hero is the character of Hard Rock in the poem â€Å"Hard Rock Returns to Prison†by Etheridge Knight, where a tough guy is type casted to the typical mold of a hero. He is a big black man from prison that everyone knows as being rough and tough. He was â€Å"known to take no shit from nobody.†( Etheridge Knight, 194) he would whoop on anyone who said anything bad towards anyone. So the other prisoners looked at him as their hero. One had said â€Å"he had been our Destroyer, the doer of things we dreamed of doing but could not bring ourselves to do.†(Etheridge Knight, 195). In a way they all looked up to him, because he had the courage to do and stick up for what he believed in. Heroes need not to be as tough as Hard Rock also. They can be as gentle as our mothers but can become a hero in someone else’s eyes. This was the case in the short story â€Å"The Train from Hate†there is a completely different type of hero. The hero is a young boy’s mother where her character was not necessarily as tough and popular as Knight’s Hard Rock but rather of someone with steely disposition. This was evident when they were kicked off the train for being colored. Instead of causing a big scene she simply gets off. The boy was very upset they had to do this but she explained to him carefully it is has nothing to do with them. â€Å"She assured me that the conductor was not superior because he was white, and I was not inferior because I was black.†(John Hope Franklin
Thursday, October 17, 2019
History Of The Internet Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
History Of The Internet - Assignment Example 263). The early traces of internet can be found towards the 1970s when it was primarily used for the defense purposes in United States. The concept of common man using it was a mere illusion and no one could have imagined it. Its primary function and usage for shifted to the satellites systems for navigating and communicating with the towers and equipment installed at a distance of thousands of miles from the surface of earth. The M.I.T, I.B.M and A.T.& T were few of the pioneers who provided assistance and support in the early days of internet becoming a common and relatively known concept. It was the commercialization of the concept and technology which soon led to the entailment of the technology of internet becoming public and commercial. This came about in the form of World Wide Web becoming a common concept where the slow transition was seen towards people using it. In the initial days the transmission of internet was relatively slow and limited to the analogue mode of communications. The speeds so offered were relatively slow in terms of Kilo bits per second and providing support and connectivity to the limited number of users. United States of America, its commercial enterprises, the telephony supporting systems and the students and the universities have a considerable role with regard to the overall progress the internet has made. The World Wide Web and the establishment of the T.C.P/ I.P layer support system under the name of I.T.U enabled gaining further progress with regard to bringing about a medium of wireless technology and communication which would enable people getting connected despite being at a large distance from one another. The major step of the world wide web came about in the year 1991-1992 when the venture was formally undertaken by set of students who through their own launched browser gave the technology a new touch in the form of Mosaic browser. This was the first step
How significant was the division between the Scottish Highlands and Essay
How significant was the division between the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands - Essay Example It is interesting to note, that the topic of Highlands-Lowlands division is closely connected with the discussion of the British imperialism and its impact on the development of Scottish nationalism (or national identity), as it is a historical fact, that the development of imperialism had already reached rather significant level, but its spreading onto the Highlands territory was prevented by the division between Highlands and Lowlands; although the connection between the division and the Scottish nationalism is seen, the work will not make special accent on this topic, but we will here look at the general impact on people, their culture and the whole future history of Scotland which was made by this division. The division of the Highlands and Lowlands has created a major impact on the fact that Scottish people didn't feel like entire nation and the notion of nation has ceased to exist for them. However, this impact was created through the number of factors, which are to be consider ed separately in this work. The feudal movement, which existed in Scotland, was one of the major engines, making the division of the Scotland closer. The roots of the division lay in the fact, that King David, being active supporter of the feudalism and making everything possible to spread it over the country, has unconsciously divided Scotland into two parts: the estates, which he often granted to his lords, were mainly situated in the southern part of the country, making it more bourgeois and developed, and thus closer to Britain - not physically, but in economic development and culture. It is already by that time, that Scottish nation was characterized by two different languages spoken, and two different political preferences - while the Highlands was closer to Ireland, the Lowlands at the moment tended to speak Teutonic (modern English) and thus culturally to be closer to England. The manners and customs of the Scots vary with the diversity of their speech. For two languages spoken amongst them, the Scottish and Teutonic, the latter of which is the language of those who occupy the seaboard and plains, while the race of Scottish speech inhabits the Highlands and outlying islands. The people of the coast are of domestic civilized habits; the Highlanders and people of the islands, on the other hand, are savage and untamed race, rude and independent, given to rapine, ease-loving, hostile to English people and language - and exceedingly cruel.'1 This extract makes it evident, that though the division between Highlands and Lowlands is mostly discussed through the period, starting with the 17th century, the roots of the problems were already apparent in the 14th century. Knowledge and understanding of these roots is essential for defining the significance of this division both for the history and for the people. Though the later period became a mark of more equal feudal development of both Scottish parts, but the discrepancies, planted earlier, remained to grow into more serious forms, which later turned into huge cultural, religious and attitudinal division between the people of one state. Closer to the beginning of the 18th century, it has become apparent that the division betw
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Macro Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Macro Economics - Essay Example b) In an economy with a fixed exchange rate, the government or the central bank interfere through buying and selling of foreign currency to maintain a fixed exchange rate. However, a continuing current account deficit may propel the central bank to devalue the currency. The managed exchange rate regime of China is not a floating one. In spite of the huge current account surplus of China, the government and the central bank of China have not allowed the exchange rate of Chinese â€Å"yuan†to appreciate in spite of the upward pressure on the currency. 2. The BP or â€Å"FE†curve was first given by Robert Mundell of Columbia University and Marcus Fleming of the International Monetary fund. This curve explains the effect of monetary policy and fiscal policy on the exchange rate of an open economy. According to the BP curve analysis, an increase in government spending or fiscal expansion leads to an increase in output, an increase in interest rate, an appreciation in the f oreign exchange rate and vice-versa. Similarly a monetary contraction leads to a decrease in output, increase in interest rate and appreciation in the exchange rate.
How significant was the division between the Scottish Highlands and Essay
How significant was the division between the Scottish Highlands and Lowlands - Essay Example It is interesting to note, that the topic of Highlands-Lowlands division is closely connected with the discussion of the British imperialism and its impact on the development of Scottish nationalism (or national identity), as it is a historical fact, that the development of imperialism had already reached rather significant level, but its spreading onto the Highlands territory was prevented by the division between Highlands and Lowlands; although the connection between the division and the Scottish nationalism is seen, the work will not make special accent on this topic, but we will here look at the general impact on people, their culture and the whole future history of Scotland which was made by this division. The division of the Highlands and Lowlands has created a major impact on the fact that Scottish people didn't feel like entire nation and the notion of nation has ceased to exist for them. However, this impact was created through the number of factors, which are to be consider ed separately in this work. The feudal movement, which existed in Scotland, was one of the major engines, making the division of the Scotland closer. The roots of the division lay in the fact, that King David, being active supporter of the feudalism and making everything possible to spread it over the country, has unconsciously divided Scotland into two parts: the estates, which he often granted to his lords, were mainly situated in the southern part of the country, making it more bourgeois and developed, and thus closer to Britain - not physically, but in economic development and culture. It is already by that time, that Scottish nation was characterized by two different languages spoken, and two different political preferences - while the Highlands was closer to Ireland, the Lowlands at the moment tended to speak Teutonic (modern English) and thus culturally to be closer to England. The manners and customs of the Scots vary with the diversity of their speech. For two languages spoken amongst them, the Scottish and Teutonic, the latter of which is the language of those who occupy the seaboard and plains, while the race of Scottish speech inhabits the Highlands and outlying islands. The people of the coast are of domestic civilized habits; the Highlanders and people of the islands, on the other hand, are savage and untamed race, rude and independent, given to rapine, ease-loving, hostile to English people and language - and exceedingly cruel.'1 This extract makes it evident, that though the division between Highlands and Lowlands is mostly discussed through the period, starting with the 17th century, the roots of the problems were already apparent in the 14th century. Knowledge and understanding of these roots is essential for defining the significance of this division both for the history and for the people. Though the later period became a mark of more equal feudal development of both Scottish parts, but the discrepancies, planted earlier, remained to grow into more serious forms, which later turned into huge cultural, religious and attitudinal division between the people of one state. Closer to the beginning of the 18th century, it has become apparent that the division betw
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Principles of Economics.Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve Essay Example for Free
Principles of Economics.Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve Essay Investment and consumption decreased during the 2007 and 2009 recession. Government expenditure can increase Aggregate demand because it increases liquidity in the market. The government may operate below full employment when job seekers are more than available job hence end up accepting low wages. The multiplier can have a negative effect when people lose jobs as a result of government cut spending. This causes initial decrease in national income. The relationship between marginal propensities and multiplier is that an increase in MPC leads to an increase in multiplier. Similarly, increase in MPS causes a decrease in the multiplier (Farmer, 2008). 2. Fiscal Policy      9/11 attack led to decrease in aggregate demand, in United States. An example of a sector that was hit hard is entertainment and travel sectors. It also led to decrease in personal consumption. The attack caused an increase in equilibrium price levels. This is because there is an inverse relationship between Aggregate demand and equilibrium price levels.An Expansionary fiscal policy and Contractionary fiscal policy is used to increase aggregate demand. Expansionary fiscal policy is a policy used during the recession to increase AD by increasing government spending or decreasing taxes. Contractionary fiscal policy is used during inflation in order to decrease AD by decreasing government spending or increasing taxes (Farmer, 2008). After September 11’s attack, the government increased expenditure in different sectors such as national defense. 3. Money and Banking      Factors that led to the mortgage default crisis is much borrowings and flawed financial modeling majorly based on an assumption that prices of homes only go up, greed and fraud. Mortgage defaults affected lending banks in that their loans were not repaid leading to huge losses. In many cases, they got real estate that was valued far below what mortgage was when borrowers had a note. Default of bonds income backed by mortgage loans was interrupted banks were left with unwanted real estate (Friedman, 2010). Securitization is pooling different types of contractual debt. TARP is a program formed by the government of US to buy assets and equity from institutions that offer financial services in order to strengthen the financial sector. TARP opened a window of opportunity for banks to pay their own debt and acquire other businesses instead of lend money to private sectors. The Federal Reserve injected funds into the credit markets in order to help them lend again. It also reduced the target federal funds rate. Major provisions in the Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act include Office of Insurance which creates Federal Insurance Office that monitors aspects of the insurance industry and Consumer Protections that creates Consumer Financial Protection Agency which protects Americans from unfair financial products and services. 4. Monetary Policy and the Federal Reserve      The Federal Reserve System refers to the central banking system of United States. Fed was launched in response to a series of financial panics. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta covers the states of Alabama, Georgia and Florida, 74 counties in Tennessee, 38 parishes of Louisiana, and 43 counties of Mississippi. William H. Rogers, Jr is the current Chairman of this Fed. This fed should remain politically independent because its rate is determined by market and is not explicitly determined by the Fed. The target for federal funds is adjusted by 0.25% or 0.50% at any given time. Fed give liquidity to banks to enable them gives credit in times of recession. Federal Open Market Committee is a committee in Federal Reserve System that is charged with the responsibility of overseeing the country’s open market operations. Fed should decrease their rates to help spur the economy of US. This is expansionary monetary policy (Axilrod, 2011). 5. Free Trade      I support free trade and the NAFTA. They are based on comparative advantage. Countries produce what they can export cheaply. US exports goods like corn and meat to Mexico. Some of goods imported into USA include snacks and processed fruits. However, despite the having the benefit of increasing growth and collaboration between countries, free trade has the cost of dumping goods into the country and destroying infant industries. Free trade should be restricted on some goods like natural resources. 6. Foreign Exchange      US dollar is currently losing value against the euro. This is because the European Union is finding solution to Euro crisis. Dollars are supplied by the Central Bank of USA. A dollar loses value when its demand goes down. For example, whenever US citizens buy products from Germany, the demand for Euro goes up against the Dollar. A falling US Dollar increases ones travel expenses. This is because has to use more dollars to buy a foreign currencies which are expensive. However, a cheap dollar is bad for the US economy because it discourages exportation. A free floating exchange rate refers to a monetary system whose exchange rates are free to move due to forces of the market without intervention by the government (Friedman, 2010). References Axilrod, S. H. (2011). Inside the Fed monetary policy and its management, Martin through Greenspan to Bernanke (Rev. ed.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press. APA formatting by Farmer, R. E. (2008). Aggregate demand and supply. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Friedman, M., Heller, W. W. (2010). Monetary vs. fiscal policy. New York: Norton. Starr, R. M. (2011). General equilibrium theory: an introduction (2nd ed.). New York: Cambridge University Press. Source document
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