Saturday, August 31, 2019
Sludge retention time in aerobic granulation
AbstractionThis paper shows the function of sludge keeping clip in aerophilic granulation under negligible hydraulic choice force per unit area. Consequences showed that no successful aerophilic granulation was observed at the studied SRTs in the scope of six-eight months. A comparing analysis revealed that hydraulic choice force per unit area in footings of the minimal subsiding speed would be much more eective than SRT for heightening heterotrophic aerophilic granulation in sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) . It was shown that SRT would non be a decisive factor for aerophilic granulation in SBR.IntroductionSludge keeping clip ( SRT ) is one of the most of import design and operation parametric quantities in the activated sludge procedure. It has been known that SRT may hold singular eect on bio & A ; # 64258 ; occulation of activated sludge.Basically a SRT of 2 yearss is frequently required for the formation of & A ; # 64258 ; occulated activated sludge with good subsiding ability ( Ng, 2002 ) , while the optimal SRT for good bio & A ; # 64258 ; occulation and low vitamin E & A ; # 64260 ; uent COD was found to be in the scope of 2 and 8 yearss ( Rittmann, 1987 ) . It has seen believed that a SRT shorter than 2 yearss favors the growing of spread bacteriums that in bend would ensue in increased SVI and e & A ; # 64260 ; uent COD concentration. In aerophilic farinaceous sludge sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) without knowing control of SRT, it was found that SRT would change in a really big scope of one to forty yearss along with granulation ( Pan, 2003 ) , while Beun et Al. ( 2000 ) reported that the SRT increased from 2 yearss to 30 yearss, and so dropped to 17 yearss, & A ; # 64257 ; nally the SRT was stabilized at 9 yearss along with the formation and ripening of aerophilic granules in SBR. So far, there is no research available in the literature with respect to the indispensable function of SRT in the formation of aerophilic granules in SBR, i.e. , the eec t of SRT on aerophilic granulation remains unknown.It has been shown that aerophilic granulation in a SBR is driven by hydraulic choice force per unit area in footings of lower limit settling speed of bioparticles ( Liu et al. , 2005a ) . Therefore, to look into the eect of SRT on aerophilic granulation in SBR, the intervention of hydraulic choice force per unit area needs to be avoided. For such a intent, this survey aimed to demo if SRT is indispensable for aerophilic granulation in instance where hydraulic choice force per unit area is absent and it is expected to oer in-depth penetrations into the mechanism of aerophilic granulation every bit good as operation scheme for successful aerophilic granulation in SBR.2. Methods2.1. Experimental set-up and operationTwo columns ( 157 centimeter in tallness and 5 centimeter in diameter ) , each with a on the job volume of 1.26 L, were operated as sequencing batch reactors, viz. R1, R2, which were seeded with the activated sludge taken from a SBR working on Phenols remotion effluent intervention. R1-R2 were run at a several SRT of 24,48hours, while the other operation conditions were kept the same, i.e. 24 H of entire rhythm clip, 5 min of & A ; # 64257 ; lling, 30 min of subsiding and 5 min of vitamin E & A ; # 64260 ; uent backdown. The staying clip in each rhythm was the aeration period. In the last 2 min of aeration, a certain volume of the assorted spirits was discharged out of the reactor in order to keep the coveted SRT. Fine air bubbles were introduced at a & A ; # 64258 ; ow rate of 3.0 L/min through a dispenser located at the underside of each reactor. At the terminal of the subsiding stage, supernatant was discharged from an mercantile establishment located at half the tallness from the reactor underside. A hydraulic keeping clip of 24-48 H was maintained in reactors. The consecutive operation of the reactors was automatically controlled by timers, while two peristaltic pumps were employed for in & A ; # 64258 ; uent eating and supernatant backdown. Paper mush industry effluent used for granule cultivation.2.2. Analytic methodsBiomass concentrations in footings of entire solids ( TS ) and volatile solids ( VS ) every bit good as sludge volume index ( SVI ) were determined utilizing standard methods ( APHA, 1998 ) .The size of sludge was measured by a optical maser atom size analyzer ( Malvern Mastersizer Series 2600, Malvern ) , or an image analyzer ( IA ) ( Image-Pro Plus, V 4.0, Media Cybernet ics ) . Cell surface hydrophobicity was determined utilizing the method developed by Rosenberg et Al. ( 1980 ) . In this method, 2.5 milliliter hexadecane was used as the hydrophobic stage, and cell surface hydrophobicity was expressed as the per centum of cells adhering to the hexadecane after 15 min of breakdown.3. Consequences3.1.General observation by image analysisOn twenty-four hours 3 after the start-up of SBRs, some microbic sums with a regular form appeared in R1 tally at the SRT of 3 yearss, while really few regular-shape sums were observed on twenty-four hours 4 and twenty-four hours 5 in the SBRs operated at the SRTs of 6-40 yearss. After the & A ; # 64257 ; rst a few yearss, the development of sludge morphology became insigni & A ; # 64257 ; buzzword in R1- R2 until the reactors were stabilized in footings of changeless biomass and vitamin E & A ; # 64260 ; uent concentrations after the 30-day operation. At the steady province, it was found that aerophilic granules with a size bigger than 0.35 millimeters merely accounted for a really little fraction of entire biomass in SBRs, i.e. , bio & A ; # 64258 ; ocs were perfectly the dominant signifier of biomass in all & amp ; # 64257 ; ve SBRs operated at the SRT of 6-8 months3.2. Development of sludge sizeFig. 1 shows the remotion of COD in reactors when operated. The seed sludge had a average size of about 75.lmm. A signi & A ; # 64257 ; cant addition in the aggregative size was observed in the & A ; # 64257 ; rst month of operation in all the SBRs. From 1st month onwards, the mean size of sums bit by bit stabilized in the SBRs tally at dierent SRTs of 6-8 month. It appears that no aerophilic farinaceous sludge cover was developed in the SBRs operated at the big SRT scope of 6-8 months. Merely a few aerophilic granules with unit of ammunition form were found after 8 month of operation, while comparatively a big measure of bantam sums seemed dominant in the sludge community cultivated at the dierent SRTs. The size distribution of sums was determined on twenty-four hours 30. The peak values of the size distributions fell into a narrow scope of 150-350 lumen in R1-R2. These seem to bespeak that the SRT in the scope studied would non hold singular eect on the formation of aerophilic granules. Based on the size distribution, the fraction of aerophilic granules de & A ; # 64257 ; ned as microbic sums with a average size bigger than 350 lumen and a unit of ammunition form ( Qin et al. , 2004 ) was found to be less than 20 % in all the reactors, bespeaking that bio & A ; # 64258 ; ocs would be dominant signifier of biomass.3.3. Settleability of sludgeChanges in the sludge volume index ( SVI ) at dierent SRTs were determined in the class of SBR operation ( Fig. 2 ) . The SVI observed in all the reactors tended to diminish quickly in the & A ; # 64257 ; rst 4 month of operation, and bit by bit approached a stable degree of around 50 milliliter /g in all the instances. In add-on, a horizontal comparing across the SRTs besides shows that the SVI of sludge cultivated at the SRT of 6 month decreased more easy than those developed at the comparatively short SRTs.3.4. Biomass concentrationThe biomass concentration in footings of MLSS was measured along with the reactor operation ( Fig. 2 ) . The biomass concentrations in R1-R2 bit by bit increased up to a stable degree. It was found that the biomass concentration at steady province was proportionately related to the SRT applied, i.e. , a longer SRT would take to a higher biomass accretion.3.5. Substrate remotion dynamicssThe TOC pro & A ; # 64257 ; lupus erythematosuss within one rhythm were determined after 3 month of operation in R1-R2. A fast TOC debasement was observed in all & amp ; # 64257 ; ve SBRs, i.e. , about all input TOC was removed during the & A ; # 64257 ; rst 20 min. These finally lead to a long dearth period which has been believed to favor aerophilic granulation in SBR ( Tay et al. , 2001 ; Li et al. , 2006 ) . further revealed that the deliberate, i.e. , a higher TOC remotion rate is observed at a longer SRT. However, the lower speci & A ; # 64257 ; degree Celsiuss TOC remotion rate was observed at higher SRT. This can be moderately explained by the dierences in biomass concentrations as shown in Fig. 3a.3.6. Cell surface hydrophobicityThe cell surface hydrophobicities of sludges cultivated at dierent SRTs were found to fall into a narrow scope of 25-40 % , while the seed sludge had a cell surface hydrophobicity of 22 % . Merely the cell surface hydrophobicity of sludge developed at the SRT of 3 yearss seems somewhat higher than that of the seed sludge, whereas the cell surface hydrophobicities of sludges cultivated at the SRTs longer than 1st month are reasonably comparable with that of the seed sludge. These mean that the SRT in the scope studied would non hold singular eect on the cell surface hydrophobi city.3.7. Shift in microbic populationThe sludges cultivated in R2 were sampled on twenty-four hours 3, 10, 17, 24 for microbic analysis. It was found that the isolates some were really near to the strain Brevundimonas vesicularis, while the isolates could belong to the strain Comamonas testosterone. farther survey is needed in this respect. The population displacement s in the class of operation of R2 and R1. It can be seen that the dominant species varied along with the reactor operation, e.g. some of them was the most dominant species on 3 month onwards in R2 and R1, but this species wholly disappeared from R2 and R1 on twenty-four hours 24. Some were found to be undetectable on twenty-four hours 3 and 4 month, while they became dominant get downing from twenty-four hours 17 in both R2 and R1. It should be realized that the switching forms of microbic species in R2 and R1 are similar, however the denseness of the isolates in footings colony organizing units ( CFU ) dry biomass is much higher in R2 than in R1.4. DiscussionExisting grounds shows that the formation and construction of aerophilic granules are associated really closely with cell surface hydrophobicity which can originate cell-to-cell collection that is a important measure towards aerophilic granulation ( Liu et al. , 2004 ) . It is observed that the cell surface hydrophibicities of the sludges cultivated at the SRT of 6-8 month are reasonably comparable with that of the seed sludge. These seem to connote that that the SRT in the scope studied would non bring on signi & A ; # 64257 ; cant alterations in cell surface hydrophobicity, and the low cell surface hydrophobicity observed in bend may partly explicate unsuccessful aerophilic granulation in SBR. In add-on, Liao et Al. ( 2001 ) reported that hydrophobicities of sludges in footings of contact angle merely increased from 25 to 35 grades as the SRT was prolonged from 4 to -8 month.In the & A ; # 64257 ; old age of environmental technology, the SRT is correlated to the speci & A ; # 64257 ; hundred substrate use rate by the undermentioned look: in which Q s is the speci & A ; # 64257 ; hundred substrate use rate in a rhythm, and K d is the speci & A ; # 64257 ; hundred decay rate. Harmonizing to Eq. ( 3 ) , Y T and K vitamin D can be estimated from the secret plan of 1/SRT versus Q s, i.e. , 0.29 g MLSS/g 1 COD for Y T and 0.12 d1 K d.In fact, the ascertained growing output ( Y obs ) determined at different SRTs decreased from 0.23 g MLSS /g 1COD at the SRT of 3 month to 0.05 g MLSS g 1COD at the SRTf 40 days.Liu et Al. ( 2005b ) besides reported a growing output of0.29 MLSS g1COD and a decay rate of 0.023-0.075 vitamin D 1for glucose-fed aerophilic granules. In activated sludge modelNo. 3 ( Gujer et al. , 1999 ) , the decay rate for heterotrophic bacteriums has been reported in the scope of 0.1 and 0.2 1/d at the 10 and 20 0C, severally. Basically, a rhythm ofSBR consists of banquet and dearth stages ( Liu and Tay,2004 ; McSwain et al. , 2004 ) . In this survey, about all exter-nal organics could be removed within the & A ; # 64257 ; rst half an hr of each rhythm, i.e. , more than 75 % of each SBR rhythm would be capable to famine status, which would trip a signi & A ; # 64257 ; cant microbic decay finally taking to the low ascertained growing outputs. It appears1 that in R2 and R1 operated at the several SRT of 6 and 12 yearss, the displacement form and distribution of microbic species isolated did non demo signi & A ; # 64257 ; cant dierence. For case, on twenty-four hours 24, 10isolates were found in the sludges cultivated in R2 andR3, out of which 6 were the same. These seem to connote that in the present operation manner of SBRs, the choice of microbic species by the applied SRT would be weak, and such a weak choice on species may in bend, at least partly explain the fact that the belongingss of sludges developed in all & amp ; # 64257 ; ve SBRs merely showed some fringy dierences as discussed before. As no successful aerophilic granulation was observed in R2 and R1, it is difficult to pull a so lid decision with respect to the possible correlativity between aerophilic granulation and the ascertained alterations in microbic species. In fact, it has been thought that aerophilic granulation would non be closely related to a peculiar microbial species because aerophilic granules grown on a really broad spectrum of organic Cs have been developed, including ethanoate, glucose, phenol, p-nitrophenol, nitrilotriacetic acid ( NTA ) andferric-NTA complex synthetic and existent effluents ( Beun et al. , 2000 ; Tay et al. , 2001 ; McSwain et al.,2004 ; Schwarzenbeck et al. , 2004 ; Nancharaiah et al.,2006 ; Yi et al. , 2006 ) . As discussed earlier, SRT in the scope studied would non hold a signi & A ; # 64257 ; cant eect on the formation of aerophilic granules in SBR. For a column SBR, the travel distance of bioparticles above the discharge port is L ( distance between H2O surface and dispatching port ) . For a designed subsiding clip ( t s ) , bioparticles with a settling speed less than L/t s would be washed out of the reactor, while merely those with a subsiding speed greater than L/t s will be retained. Harmonizing to Liu et Al. ( 2005a ) , a minimal subsiding speed ( V s ) min exists in SBR, and it can be de & amp ; # 64257 ; ned as follows: shows that a long L or a short subsiding clip would ensue in a larger ( V s ) min, and frailty versa. It has been believed that aerophilic granulation in a SBR is driven by hydraulic choice force per unit area in footings of lower limit settling speed of bioparticles ( Liu et al. , 2005a ) . This means that to analyze the eect of SRT on aerophilic granulation in SBR, the intervention of hydraulic choice force per unit area needs to be avoided. In this survey, in order to look into the eect of SRT on aerophilic granulation without intervention of hydraulic choice force per unit area, the choice force per unit area in footings of ( V s ) min was minimized to an highly low degree of 0.76-0.78 m /h. Qin et Al. ( 2004 ) studied aerophilic granulation at dierent settling times with a & A ; # 64257 ; xed L, while Wang et Al. ( 2006 ) investigated aerophilic granulation at dif- ferent L at the changeless subsiding clip. Using those every bit good as the information obtained in this survey, a correlativity of the fraction of aerophilic granules and ( V s ) min is. It can be seen that the frac tion of aerophilic granules is proportionately correlated to ( V s ) min. Furthermore, at a ( V s ) min less than 4 thousand /h, aerophilic granulation is non favored in SBR, alternatively the growing of suspended sludge would be greatly encour- aged. It should be realized that the typical subsiding speed of conventional activated sludge is by and large less than 5 1/m ( Giokas et al. , 2003 ) . These imply that for a SBR operated at a ( V s ) min lower than the settling speed of con- ventional sludge, suspended sludge could non be eectively recluse. As the consequence, suspended sludge will take over the full reactor at low ( V s ) min merely every bit observed in this survey no affair how SRT was controlled. These consequences indicate that SRT would non be a primary factor regulating aerophilic granulation in SBR.5. DecisionThis survey for the & A ; # 64257 ; rst clip consistently investigatedthe function of SRT in aerophilic granulation in SBR. No success- ful aerophilic granula tion was observed at all studied SRTs, i.e. , bio & A ; # 64258 ; ocs were the dominant signifier of biomass at the SRTs studied. Dierent from the conventional activated sludge procedure, aerophilic granulation in SBR is improbable dependant on SRT, and this may hold great technology deduction in the design, optimisation and operation of a full graduated table aerophilic farinaceous sludge SBR.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Chocolate Chip Cookies
A chocolate chip cookie is a drop cookie that was originally from the United States and features chocolate chips as its main ingredient. The traditional recipe contains a dough composed of butter and both brown and white sugar with semi-sweet chocolate chips. Variations include recipes with other types of chocolate or additional ingredients, such as nuts or oatmeal. The chocolate chip cookie was accidentally developed by Ruth Graves Wakefield in 1930. She owned the Toll House Inn, in Whitman, Massachusetts, a very popular restaurant that featured home cooking in the 1930s.Her cookbook, Toll House Tried and True Recipes, was published in 1936 by M. Barrows & Company, New York. It included the recipe â€Å"Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookie†, which rapidly became a favorite to be baked in American homes. Chocolate chip cookies are commonly made with high in calorie ingredients including sugar, flour, eggs, butter, chocolates, etc. Some recipes also include milk or nuts in the do ugh. It depends on the ratio of ingredients, mixing and cooking times, some recipes are optimized to produce a softer, chewy style cookie while others will produce a crunchy/crispy style.As you can see in the ingredients, on how the cookies is baked, and the style of cookies, it can easily catch an attention of a buyer. The ingredients given are also a bit expensive nowadays. As It is said, it is full of calories. So how about the costumers that will consume the high in calorie and expensive product? How about their health and weight? Their wallets and pockets? That's the reason why the researchers come up with this research. To make a solution to these problems about chocolate chip cookies.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Fibre Optics Technology Engineering Essay
In the past year the information is fetched on developments, inventions and hereafter is explained in perceptible mode In add-on to the aforesaid benefits, fibre optics overseas telegrams have high electrical opposition, are non affected by electromagnetic Fieldss, secure, and low weight. Even so, short distance communications usually rely on electrical Cu wiring due to its much lower cost, easiness of usage, and ability to transport a current. Other utilizations of fibre optics include medical imagination and as centripetal tools. A The subject about the integrated-optic modulators in high velocity fiber-optic links, operation of devices used to externally modulate light beginnings used with fiber-optic ushers has been explained in a perceptible modeIntroductionA fiber-optic communicating system uses the same basic functional constituents as a copper-based communicating system-a sender, receiving system and transmittal medium-except that a fibre-optical nexus ( FOL ) uses optical fiber ( in topographic point of Cu overseas telegram ) as the transmittal medium. Here the optical fiber connects the sender and the receiving system. It carries information in the signifier of light and mainly consists of three parts, viz. , the nucleus, the facing, and the buffer or coating that is used to give strength and protection to the fiber overseas telegram. The nucleus is the cardinal portion of the fiber through which light base on ballss because of the procedure of entire internal contemplation. The cladding surrounds the nucleus, with a different refractile index so that light go throughing through the nucleus stays in that part. The sender consists of an electrical interface, optical modulator and light emitter, and a optical maser rectifying tube or LED for encoding. At the other side, to change over visible radiation into an electrical signal, the receiving system uses either a PIN photodiode or an avalanche photodiode ( APD ) . Several other constituents take portion in set uping an optical fiber nexus ; for illustration, multiplexer, de-multiplexer, signal regenerators, signal repeaters ( or optical amplifiers ) , couplings and splitters. In an optical transmittal system, pick of optical modulators plays an of import portion in the overall public presentation of the system. In this article, we ‘ll concentrate on high-velocity optical modulators, but before we dwell on them in item have a expression at the rudimentss of optical modulators.Optical ModulatorsConverting information in the si gnifier of electric signals into light moving ridges is known as optical transition. This sort of transition can be achieved either straight or externally. In direct transition, information in the signifier of electric signals is applied straight to the light beginning. Many links use this sort of technique to cut down complexness of the system, but when informations rates or the length of the nexus additions, ‘on'/'off ‘ velocity restriction of the optical maser generates waveguide chirp and stage transition. This causes amplitude transition deformation at the receiving system side, which is unwanted for high-definition, high-data-rate communicating. In such a state of affairs, a continuously-‘on ‘ optical maser beginning provides a better solution. That is the basic thought of indirect transition or external transition. In direct transition, digital logic province ‘1'/'0 ‘ is applied straight as ‘on'/'off ‘ electric signal or two dif ferent degrees of electromotive force to the light beginning. In these fortunes, factors like clip invariable of the drive circuitry, building of the visible radiation beginning itself and the features of the transmittal medium ( say, optical fibre ) affect the highest frequence at which the visible radiation beginning can run. Using high-velocity layout and microwave design techniques and high velocity short-pulse integrating ; the job with the circuit and transmittal medium can be minimized. But as stated earlier, the major restriction of this technique is exchanging of the visible radiation beginning itself. In a typical optical maser beginning, this shift cause ‘s electrical and thermic emphasis, which consequences in a frequence displacement known as ‘chirp, ‘ transients and decreased life of the light beginning? In external transition, the optical maser rectifying tube itself stays unmodulated. Data is delivered straight to electrically modulate the crystalli ne stuff like Li niobate. This device can repeatedly exchange visible radiation without impacting the light beginning. Three types of external modulators are normally used: electro-absorption modulators based on Ga – arsenide ( GaAs ) or indium-phosphate ( InP ) semiconducting material, electro ocular modulators based on polarized polymers, and modulators based on electro ocular crystals like Li niobate and other stuffs. Fig. 2 shows the basic difference between direct and external modulators. Over the period, external modulators based on Li niobate ( LiNbO3 ) have become more popular because of its low optical loss and high electro ocular coefficient. Next is described the working of amplitude and stage modulators, followed by their comparing with semiconducting material modulators based on GaAs ( gallium arsenide ) and InP ( indium phosphate ) . There are two normally used types of optical modulators in fibber ocular communicating systems: the electro soaking up modulator ( EAM ) and the Mach-Zehnder modulator ( MZM ) . Electro Absorption Modulator ( EAM ) EAM is little and can be integrated with the optical maser on the same substrate. An EAM combined with a CW optical maser beginning is known as an electro soaking up modulated optical maser. An EML consist of a CW DFB optical maser followed by an EAM, as shown above. Both devices can be integrated monolithically on the same InP substrate, taking to a compact design and low yoke losingss between the two devices. The EAM consists of an active semiconducting material part sandwiched in between a p- and n-doped bed, organizing a p-n junction. The EAM works on the rule known as Franz-Keldysh consequence, harmonizing to which the effectual set spread of a semiconducting material decreases with increasing electric field. Without bias electromotive force across the p-n junction, the set spread of the active part is merely broad plenty to be crystalline at the wavelength of the optical maser visible radiation. However, when a sufficiently big contrary prejudice is applied across the p-n junction, the effectual set spread is reduced to the point where the active part begins to absorb the optical maser visible radiation and therefore becomes opaque. In practical EAMs, the active part normally is structured as an MQW, supplying a stronger field-dependent soaking up consequence ( known as the quantum-confined Stark consequence ) . The relationship between the optical end product power, Pout, and the applied contrary electromotive force, Vm, of an EAM is described by the alleged shift curve. The undermentioned figure illustrates such a curve together with the accomplishable ER for a given shift electromotive force, Vsw. The electromotive force for exchanging the modulator from the on province to the off province, the shift electromotive force Vsw, typically is in the scope of 1.5 to 4 V, and the dynamic ER normally is in the scope of 11 to 13 dubnium. Because the electric field in the active part non merely modulates the soaking up features, but besides the refractile index, the EAM produces some chirp. However, this chirp normally is much less than that of a straight modulated optical maser. A little on-state ( prejudice ) electromotive force about 0 to 1 V frequently is applied to minimise the modulator chirp. Lithium Niobate Mach-Zehnder Modulator ( MZ Modulator ) Lithium Niobate Mach-Zehnder modulators are suited for usage in tube, long-haul ( LH ) and extremist long-haul ( ULH ) optical conveyance applications. The incoming optical signal is split every bit and is sent down two different optical waies. After a few centimeters, the two waies recombine, doing the optical moving ridges to interfere with each other. Such an agreement is known as an interferometer. If the stage displacement between the two moving ridges is 0A ° , so the intervention is constructive and the light strength at the end product is high ( on province ) ; if the stage displacement is 180A ° , so the intervention is destructive and the light strength is zero ( off province ) .The stage displacement, and therefore the end product strength, is controlled by altering the hold through one or both of the optical waies by agencies of the electro-optic consequence. This consequence occurs in some stuffs such as Li niobate ( LiNbO3 ) , some semiconducting materials, every bit good as some polymers and causes the refractile index to alter in the presence of an electric field. The guided-wave LiNbO3 interferometers used to modulate optical maser beams was fabricated every bit early as 1980. LiNbO3 has been the stuff of pick for electro-optic MZ modulator because it combines the desirable qualities of high electro-optic coefficient and high optical transparence in the near-infrared wavelength used for telecommunications.LiNbO3 MZ modulator can run satisfactorily over a wavelength scope of 1300 – 1550nm. It has been widely used in today ‘s high-velocity digital fiber communicating. LiNbO3 MZ modulators with stable operation over a broad temperature scope, really low bias-voltage impetus rates, and bias-free operation are commercially available. High-speed, low-chirp modulators are needed to take advantage of the broad bandwidth of optical fibers. Modulators have became a critical constituent both in the high-velocity time-domain-multiplexing ( TDM ) and wavelength-division-multiplexing systems ( WDM ) . Modulators have been traditionally used to modulate a uninterrupted moving ridge ( CW ) optical maser to bring forth the digital signal to be transmitted through a fiber. High-speed modulator with & gt ; 40GHz bandwidth has been fabricated. Low drive-voltage operation is the key to brining such modulators into practical usage because this eliminates the demand for high-octane electrical amplifiers. There is general a trade off between the velocity and the thrust electromotive force. The modulator chirp must besides be taken into consideration in the nexus design. The design of the modulator and the associated chirp can be used as a grade of freedom to widen nexus distance.Indium Phosphide Mach Zehnder Modulator with DWDM LaserFigure 1 shows the construction of the n-i-n optical wave guide. The construction consists of n-InP facing, an undoped InGaAlAs/InAlAs MQW ( I »PL = 1.37 I?m ) , an Fe-doped SI-InP bed ( Semi-Insulating InP bed ) , and an n-InP facing laminated in this sequence on an SI-InP substrate. In order to avoid losingss of the electrical signal and the optical signal caused by the p-type semiconducting material bed, both the signal and land electrode beds are made with n-type semiconducting material beds in which the loss is about 1/20 of that in the p-type. Besides, a high dislocation electromotive force feature is assured by infixing an SI-InP bed doped with Fe between the n-type clad bed and the i-MQW optical guiding bed. The SI-InP and i-MQW beds are 1.0 and 0.3 I?m. Since the electric field is applied in the limited part within the SI-InP and i-MQW beds, the efficiency of transition of the refractile index by the electro ocular consequence can be made larger. Therefore, low-tension operation and optical transition with a short electrode length can be realized. Fig. 1. Cross-sectional geometry of the n-i-n wave guide In LiNbO3 and III-V semiconducting materials, they are I?33 = 30.8 pm/V ( LiNbO3 modulator ) I?41 a†°? 1.4 pm/V ( InP modulator ) The coefficient in the semiconducting material is about 1/20 that of LiNbO3. However, while the refractile index of LiNbO3 is 2.2, that of the semiconducting material is about 3.2, so that the existent fluctuation of the refractile index in the semiconducting material is 1/7 that of LiNbO3. Therefore, when an optical modulator utilizing the electrooptic consequence is fabricated, the key to size decrease is how the high-density electric field is applied to the optical field. When the constructions of the optical wave guides are compared, the breadth of the n-i-n optical wave guide is A? that in the LiNbO3 modulator and the electrode spacing is from 1/30 to 1/50, so that an electric field more than 100 times as great is applied. Therefore, even with a shorter electrode, fluctuations of the refractile index take topographic point and stage transition can be achieved. To run an optical modulator, an electrode constellation with a distributed component type is effectual, since it is non band-limited by the CR clip changeless. In this manner, a going moving ridge electrode constellation is formed, along which the electrical signal propagates in the same way as the optical moving ridge for optical transition. In order to execute ultra-fast, high-efficiency optical transition with a going moving ridge electrode, two conditions, speed fiting between the optical and electrical moving ridges, and electric resistance matching with a drive system, are of import.a exposure of the bundle for the push-pull constellationFeaturesaˆ? Voltage programmable end product power control aˆ? Long draw public presentation with negligible punishment aˆ? Integral Etalon wavelength stabilization to within A ± 20 autopsy over life aˆ? Differential or individual 50 Ohm low electromotive force thrust transition input aˆ? Integral thermo-electric ice chest with preciseness NTC thermal resistor for temperature control aˆ? Hermetically sealed butterfly manner bundle with SMA RF connections aˆ? ITU Wavelengths available from 1527 nanometer to 1608 nanometer aˆ? 50 GHz channel spacing Parameter Conditions Min Typ Max UnitFIBER OPTIC TECHNOLOGY MICROWAVE AND MILLIMETER WAVE SYSTEMSSide igniter eliminates the dead-zone.Fibre ocular engineering, traditionally used for long draw communications, is happening new applications in short draw communicating systems in military airborne and shipboard platforms. New commercial services such as fibre-to-the-premise for broadband to the concern and place, broadband radio Internet, and digital picture services are being installed across the USA. The service suppliers and installers of these new systems require new methods of proving fibre ocular nexus public presentation in distances from a few metres to less than 1 Km. Optical clip sphere reflect metres ( OTDRs ) traditionally are used for long haul communicating systems but are limited in their usage in military systems and new commercial services due to dead zones. Artisan Laboratories Corporation has developed the Side igniter ( Patent Pending. ) ; a new trial and measuring system eliminates the dead-zone associated with OTDRs therefore doing it attractive for both military and new commercial applications. The Side igniter has a declaration of a few centimeters and is field portable.Radar and Communication System TestingRadar and communicating system trials require out-of-door scopes to find system public presentation. Using an out-of-door scope is expensive and clip devouring so alternate solutions are sought. Radar trials use fixed marks stat mis off from the radio detection and ranging for standardization. Microwave clip holds can be used to imitate marks that allow for proving in a research lab puting. Many bidirectional ( Patent pending ) microwave communicating channel simulator for two manner wireless have been developed the designed demonstrated transmittal at RF and micro-cook frequences that advanced microwave mark allow testing in a research lab environment.CommunicationssFibre ocular transmittal of digital informations for long draw and met ro entree is widely used in the telecommunications industry. As new services are being developed and offered, such as PCS, Broadband Wireless Internet, Digital Video, and Passive Optical Networks, new chances for parallel fibre ocular distribution are emerging. The presentation of a DWDM parallel fibre ocular system used to administer PCS and Broadband. Wireless Internet showed that administering RF over fibre up to 3 GHz has the advantage of simplifying the system architecture and cut downing base station complexness. In this presentation, a DWDM broadband photonic conveyance system was able to run into the demands for both IS-95 Personal Communications Services operating at 1.9 GHz and Broadband Wireless Internet operating over the set of 2.5 to 2.7 GHz. Each DWDM channel operates from 1 to 3 GHz and conveyances services up to 80 Km.Artisan Laboratories Corporation presently offers optical transmittal equipment suited for these applications.SpacecraftNew developments for the following coevals of communicating orbiters and infinite based radio detection and ranging systems include the application of active phased array aerial. In communicating systems, active phased array aerial offer on-board reconfigurability and multi-beam operation. These characteristics greatly cut down concern hazard by leting the beam form to alter depending on client demands. Fibre ocular distribution has been proposed for the transmittal of microwave signals from the orbiter coach to the phased array aerial. The advantage s of utilizing this engineering are higher stage stableness with temperature due to the fibre mechanical to belongingss ; lighter weight and flexibleness of the fiber ; and smaller size of the optical interconnect and optical power splitters. The usage of fiber besides allows for a high degree of integrating with antenna elements therefore cut downing size and weight. Developers are presently developing multi-level microwave photonic faculties that utilize such integrating. While these new developments show promise, fibre ocular distribution has the disadvantage of high power ingestion compared with inactive webs such as coaxal transmittal lines. The increased demand on power ingestion can do the usage of fiber in ballistic capsule prohibitive. To do fibre ocular signal distribution competitory with other transmittal engineerings, Scientists are presently developing a new type of fibre ocular engineering call Ultra visible radiation Fibre Optic Link that can significantly cut down the premier power ingestion of the distribution system.Satellite CommunicationssSATCOM applications make usage of fibre ocular links to have signals from the aerial at a distant location such as a shelter. These links are normally available and operate at an IF of 70 MHz. This architecture requires a low noise amplifier ( LNA ) , frequency interlingual rendition circuitry ( down- convertors ) , local oscillators, filters and a optical maser sender all located at the aerial sit e. Architecture allows for the transmittal of the RF or micro-cook frequence from the orbiter aerial straight over fiber to an integrated exposure receiving system and down-converter system located at a shelter. This architecture reduces the equipment required at the aerial site to the LNA and optical maser sender. Many research labs are offering a high public presentation Low Noise Optical Transmitter System and Integrated Photo receiver Down-Converter System that directs the signal straight from the aerial to a microwave modem. The Low Noise Optical Transmitter System is connected straight to satellite antenna systems extinguishing the demand for a separate low noise amplifier. The Integrated Photo receiver Down-Converter System is an all- in-one system that detects RF and microwave signals over fiber, amplifies the signals, and down-converts them to an intermediate frequence ( IF ) to interface with commercially available microwave informations modems. This system can observe RF over fiber at transition frequences up to 6 GHz and can change over the transition to an IF of 70 MHz or 140 MHz. In applications in which signals from multiple SATCOM aerial must be combined and distributed, DWDM parallel fibre ocular transmittal can be employed. DWDM sender and receiving system capableness include signal transmittal over 100 Km and bandwidth that exceeds multiple octaves with a CNR of 32 dubnium in the set of 950 to 2150 MHz.light beginnings used with fiber-opticOptical BeginningThe basic demands for the visible radiations beginnings used in optical communicating systems depend on the nature of the intended application ( long-haul communicating, local-area web, etc. ) . Both light-emitting rectifying tubes ( LEDs ) and laser rectifying tubes are used as beginnings. Laser rectifying tubes have the advantage of high power ( 10s of mW ) , high velocities, and narrow spectral breadth. LEDs have the advantages of huskiness, dependability, lower cost, long life-time, and simpleness of design. However, they suffer from comparatively broader line breadth and lower bandwidth. If we use external wavelength filters, this may diminish the power coupled. Even at a individual â€Å" colour †( wavelength ) several manners may be present. Matching to a single-mode fibre will lose the power in these other manners. Therefore the chief characteristics for a light beginning are: 1 ) Power. The beginning power must be sufficiently high so that after transmittal through the fibre the standard signal is noticeable with the needed truth. This includes stableness of that power both in amplitude and frequence. 2 ) Speed. It must be possible to modulate the beginning power at the coveted rate. 3 ) Spectral line breadth. The beginning must hold a narrow spectral line breadth so that the consequence of chromatic scattering in the fibre is minimized. What is the consequence of a finite I†I » ( scattering ) on your system? 4 ) Noise. The beginning must be free of random fluctuations. 5 ) Emission wavelength. Contrast to fiber fading. 6 ) Emission pattern – The beginning power must be coupled to the fibre. Both light end product country and manner distribution in the beam can be of import. Light moving ridges travel in the optical fibre in the signifier of manners, each with a distinguishable spacial distribution, polarisation, extension invariable, group speed, and fading coefficient. Thus the fibre chosen for your system must run into the design ends after consideration of: 1 ) Multi-mode fibre whether step-index, or graded-index. Single-mode fibre. 2 ) Core size 3 ) Core refractile index profile 4 ) Bandwidth and scattering features 5 ) Attenuation dB/km ( including any connections and splicings ) which is a map of cardinal wavelength. Fibers are widely used in light applications. They are used as light ushers in medical and other applications where bright visible radiation demands to be shone on a mark without a clear line-of-sight way. In some edifices, optical fibres are used to route sunshine from the roof to other parts of the edifice ( see non-imaging optics ) . Optical fiber light is besides used for cosmetic applications, including marks, art, and unreal Christmas trees. Swarovski dress shops use optical fibres to light their crystal show windows from many different angles while merely using one light beginning. Optical fiber is an intrinsic portion of the light-transmitting concrete edifice merchandise, LiTraCon. A Frisbee illuminated by fiber optics A fiber-optic Christmas Tree A fiber-optic Christmas Tree Optical fiber is besides used in imaging optics. A consistent package of fibers is used, sometimes along with lenses, for a long, thin imagination device called an endoscope, which is used to see objects through a little hole. Medical endoscopes are used for minimally invasive exploratory or surgical processs ( endoscopy ) . Industrial endoscopes ( see fiberscope or bore range ) are used for inspecting anything difficult to make, such as jet engine insides. An optical fiber doped with certain rare-earth elements such as Er can be used as the addition medium of a optical maser or optical amplifier. Rare-earth doped optical fibres can be used to supply signal elaboration by splicing a short subdivision of doped fiber into a regular ( undoped ) optical fiber line. The doped fiber is optically pumped with a 2nd optical maser wavelength that is coupled into the line in add-on to the signal moving ridge. Both wavelengths of visible radiation are transmitted through the doped fiber, which transfers energy from the 2nd pump wavelength to the signal moving ridge. The procedure that causes the elaboration is stimulated emanation. Optical fibers doped with a wavelength shifter are used to roll up scintillation visible radiation in physics experiments. Optical fiber can be used to provide a low degree of power ( around one W ) to electronics situated in a hard electrical environment. Examples of this are electronics in high-octane aerial elements and measuring devices used in high electromotive force transmittal equipment. Optical fibers are besides used in fibre ocular gyroscopes, and other interferometers instruments.Principle of operationAn optical fiber is a cylindrical insulator wave guide that transmits light along its axis, by the procedure of entire internal contemplation. The fibre consists of a nucleus surrounded by a facing bed. To restrict the optical signal in the nucleus, the refractile index of the nucleus must be greater than that of the facing. The boundary between the nucleus and facing may either be disconnected, in step-index fiber, or gradual, in graded-index fiber.Multimode fiberThe extens ion of visible radiation through a multi-mode optical fiber. Fiber with big ( greater than 10A I?m ) core diameter may be analyzed by geometric optics. Such fiber is called multimode fiber, from the electromagnetic analysis ( see below ) . In a step-index multimode fiber, beams of visible radiation are guided along the fiber nucleus by entire internal contemplation. Rays that run into the core-cladding boundary at a high angle ( measured relation to a line normal to the boundary ) , greater than the critical angle for this boundary, are wholly reflected. The critical angle ( minimal angle for entire internal contemplation ) is determined by the difference in index of refraction between the nucleus and facing stuffs. Beams that meet the boundary at a low angle are refracted from the nucleus into the facing, and do non convey visible radiation and hence information along the fiber. The critical angle determines the credence angle of the fiber, frequently reported as a numerical aperture. A high numerical aperture allows visible radiation to prop agate down the fibre in beams both close to the axis and at assorted angles, leting efficient yoke of visible radiation into the fiber. However, this high numerical aperture increases the sum of scattering as beams at different angles have different way lengths and hence take different times to track the fiber. A low numerical aperture may hence be desirable. A typical single-mode optical fiber, demoing diameters of the constituent beds. Optical fiber types. In graded-index fibre, the index of refraction in the nucleus decreases continuously between the axis and the facing. This causes light beams to flex swimmingly as they approach the facing, instead than reflecting suddenly from the core-cladding boundary. The ensuing curving waies cut down multi-path scattering because high angle beams pass more through the lower-index fringe of the nucleus, instead than the high-index centre. The index profile is chosen to minimise the difference in axial extension velocities of the assorted beams in the fiber. This ideal index profile is really near to a parabolic relationship between the index and the distance from the axis.Single manner fiberFibre with a nucleus diameter less than approximately 10 times the wavelength of the propagating visible radiation can non be modelled utilizing geometric optics. Alternatively, it must be analyzed as an electromagnetic construction, by solution of Maxwell ‘s equations as reduced to the electromagnetic moving ridge equation. The electromagnetic analysis may besides be required to understand behaviors such as spot that occur when coherent visible radiation propagates in multi-mode fiber. As an optical wave guide, the fiber supports one or more confined transverse manners by which visible radiation can propagate along the fiber. Fibre back uping merely one manner is called single-mode or mono-mode fiber. The behavior of larger-core multimode fiber can besides be modelled utilizing the moving ridge equation, which shows that such fibre supports more than one manner of extension ( hence the name ) . The consequences of such modeling of multi-mode fiber about agree with the anticipations of geometric optics, if the fiber nucleus is big plenty to back up more than a few manners. The wave guide analysis shows that the light energy in the fiber is non wholly confined in the nucleus. Alternatively, particularly in single-mode fibers, a important fraction of the energy in the edge manner travels in the facing as an evanescent moving ridge. The most common type of single-mode fiber has a nucleus diameter of 8 to 10 I?m and is designed for usage in the close infrared. The manner construction depends on the wavelength of the visible radiation used, so that this fibre really supports a little figure of extra manners at seeable wavelengths. Multi-mode fiber, by comparing, is manufactured with nucleus diameters every bit little as 50 micrometres and every bit big as 100s of micrometres.Special-purpose fiberSome special-purpose optical fiber is constructed with a non-cylindrical nucleus and/or cladding bed, normally with an egg-shaped or rectangular cross-section. These include polarization-maintaining fiber and fiber designed to stamp down whispering gallery manner extension. Photonic crystal fiber is made with a regular form of index fluctuation ( frequently in the signifier of cylindrical holes that run along the length of the fibre ) . Such fibre utilizations diffraction effects alternatively of or in add-on to entire internal contemplation, to restrict visible radiation to the fiber ‘s nucleus. The belongingss of the fiber can be tailored to a broad assortment of applications.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
EU LAW Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
EU LAW - Essay Example Article 18(1) of the E.C. Treaty provides that every citizen can move and reside freely in any part of the E.U. Article 39 (1) provides for free movement of workers. Article 43 provides for freedom of establishment by which individuals can get self employed. Article 49 gives freedom to provide and receive service in any part of the E.U.1. Citizens are bound by the law of the European Union and decision of the European Union Court of Justice is final. The individuals and Government officials should consult the legislation relating to the European parliament which represents people of Europe, the Council of the European Union which represents national governments of member states, and the European Commission that takes care of the common interest of the E.U. The Sarbotinians should exercise their votes in European Parliament elections. Some of the benefits that Sarbotinians can enjoy because of this membership in the EU are that they can travel across EU regions without passports and border checks. They can buy goods of their choice in any other member state where they may get at cheaper prices without custom duties. The single currency Euro makes it easier for all EU members to travel in any part of EU without having to convert it to local currency. Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain are already using Euro even for their local transactions. Hereafter it will be a single market without frontiers for member states thus intensifying competition and ensuring the highest possible quality for goods and services at the lowest possible prices. As per ascension treaty, there can be restrictions on work in other member states for new Sarbotinians between January 2010 and December 2015 but they will be phased o ut gradually. While the U.K.,
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Music appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Music appreciation - Essay Example After that, the musicians came out on the stage and sat down in their assigned positions. Then they started doing some practice moves on their instruments. The concert started once most of the attendees had taken their seats. This concert was divided in three parts, with two breaks in it. The show was really long as it ran for two hours. As the show started, the concert master Martine Verhoeven came out and sat down in her chair. Then, Fang-Ning Lim, the conductor of the overture to â€Å"LaCenerentola,†entered the stage and stood in front of the orchestra. The overture music was very lively, and the violin was performed beautifully. It made people feel relaxed and happy. I feel that violin sounds better when accompanied by piano, than when it is played solo. In the concert, the range of the piano was high. It was euphonious. The piano player was amazing. It felt as if she was the leader of those violin players. Also, the piano performance was like an interlude. In the hall, I saw my instructor James Martin, who was the conductor of the following music show, and Nora Chiang Worbel, the pianist for the concerto. I loved to see my instructor there. He is nice and a handsome man. Then the â€Å" Concerto No. 24 in a minor, K. 491,†which is written by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, started. I really like the song written by Mozart as I used to play it on the piano when I was young. This music touches me deeply, not only because of the voice, but also because of the feeling that it brings. It makes me feel peaceful and tranquil. The melody brings great bliss to me. The music took me to a different level of happiness. It made me forget everything around me and my usual mental state of flux disappeared, till the time the music was playing. After that, there was an intermission. After the intermission, â€Å"Symphony no. 3 in E-Flat Major, Op. 97,†made by Robert Schumann, was played. There are many different movements in this
Summary paper over Careers in Psychology Article
Summary paper over Careers in Psychology - Article Example Moreover, psychologists can also render valuable services in administrative and managerial departments. Like departments and professions, the work places of the psychologists also vary according to their proficiency. The most common places for the psychologists include schools, colleges, universities, hospitals, health centres, clinics and police stations. The degree of psychology offers the graduates and most graduates very lucrative, handsome and attractive remunerations and salaries, which is more than sufficient to lead a very respectable life in society. Psychologists are properly educated and trained in their respective fields in order to obtain the proper benefit of their skill and knowledge. The writer cites the Labour Department of the USA, according to which the psychologists climb the career growth ladder much faster than other professionals, because they are given significant motivation and salary revision so that they can work more diligently while paying their services to the individuals and institutions. Though, the status of the psychology undergraduates is far lower than that of postgraduates and doctorates, yet the undergraduates can also find their career in some comparatively trivial departments. On the contrary, the individuals having psychology degree at graduate level or above can seek wide variety and divergent range of career opportunities. There are numerous specialty areas in psychology, offering a wide range of career options. Some fields concentrate on research, while others focus on practical applications of psychological principles. Specific specialty areas in psychology include clinical psychology, educational psychology, industrial-organizational psychology, and social psychology. You can learn more in this article: Specialty Areas in Psychology What do Psychologists Do?: Psychologists work in a wide range of professional areas. Mental health, academics,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Biohacking in the mass market Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Biohacking in the mass market - Essay Example This hacking ethic has resurfaced again in garages, kitchens and closets all throughout the world. In this modern world, the practice of soldering circuit boards and programming in FORTRAN has been replaced with splicing DNA and cloning bacteria. These practices in particular are referred to, what is called in today’s world, as bio-hacking. Bio-hackers involved with this practice, manipulate the building blocks of life thereby advancing knowledge and creating new life forms with novel purposes. As has been witnessed in the past few decades, computer hacker movement sparked a revolution in the field of computer science and information technology. The revolution increased the pace at which technology had progressed thereby permanently changing the societal landscape. Similarly, it is expected that the bio-hacker movement or rather the practice of bio-hacking will have a parallel effect on the technologies solely based on biology. These changes will not only bring about a massive development in the field of science but will also fundamentally alter human experience itself. The pioneers of this regime shift would be today’s bio-hackers. ... This is primarily because with proper information more and more people will gain expertise about this product and eventually will be able to make an informed decision regarding their usage and utility (Alba and Hutchinson, 1987). The underlying idea of this business is to distribute and install the body modifications using an agreement with a chain of tattoo studios. The product that will be offered to customers is magnetic implant which is another form of body piercing. According to Brownlie and Saren (1991, p. 35), â€Å"the marketing concept defines basic benchmarks against which marketing practice, i.e. what organizations can be judged.†In order to make a successful business venture, all those benchmarks need to be met. The result of these actions can be easily measured by the market share and profitability that the business will achieve, once it has fully implemented all the marketing strategies. One of the primary drawbacks related to this business approach is that it i s a completely unexplored area and henceforth it is going to be comparatively difficult for the owner to assess the risk associated with every operation. In addition to that, the pricing of the product will be a cause of concern as there is no relative market to compare the prices in order to set it accordingly. There is a potential failure associated with the pricing of the product. If the product is priced too high, then it will trigger a negative signal within the target market and as a result, the consumers might choose to refrain from availing products from this entity. Furthermore, another cause of failure that can be attributed to this business approach is the potential side
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Capital Punishment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Capital Punishment - Research Paper Example The History of Capital Punishment The history of capital punishment is complex and diverse. The capital part of the nomenclature comes from the Latin word capitalis, which regards anything involving the head, and indeed early capital punishment often involved decapitation. Even prior to this, capital punishment was widely used and examples of capital punishment can be found in the past (or present, in 58 countries) of almost every culture. Nearly every law regarding capital punishment in the past two millennia regard capital punishment as only appropriate for serious crimes, such as murder, treason or political dissent, although there are some examples where the punishment can be used for military crimes such as desertion or refusing national service. The first recorded case of capital punishment in the United States was in 1608 on a Mexican immigrant who was accused of spying for the Spanish government (Goldberg, 1974). Since this initial incident, the history of capital punishment in the USA has been mixed throughout various states and areas. It is reported in the Espy files that over 15,000 people have been executed in the United States (or colonies before the formation of the States) since 1608 (Henderson, 2000). This suggests that the punishment is rare and, as previously mentioned, only considered in serious breaches of law. One incident stands out among the rest if only because of the nature – a mass execution of 38 people in Dakota who were convicted of rape and murder during the Dakota war of 1862 (Kronenwetter, 2001). Again, this incident stands out due to its rarity – examples of mass capital punishment are even rarer than their singular counterparts. The 20th century brought with it a more compassionate culture and thus a different attitude towards capital punishment. It is proudly announced by citizens of Michigan that the state was the first English-speaking government in the world to ban all capital punishment for crimes other than treason (Henderson, 2000). Michigan itself can also be proud of the fact that it has not carried out a capital punishment since it joined the Union. It has now been joined by 14 other states that explicitly ban the use of capital punishment, although 35 states still currently have a law sanctioning the penalty (Banner, 2002). Several other countries now ban the death penalty, including every member state of the European Union and many South American countries including Venezuela. Capital Punishment in the United States Taking into account the potted history of capital punishment, it is no surprise that it causes such a debate, particularly in the United States. The United States is often championed as being a free and liberal nation, the jewel in the crown of the Western world, but still carries out capital punishment year after year with a spike in the early 2000s to pre-1950s levels of execution (Banner, 2002). Over 40 death penalties were acted upon in the year 2010 in the United States. The US government did, however, have a brief period in the 1970s where capital punishment was completely banned, and it was expected that many states would keep this ban. However, after the ban was lifted in 1977, 37 states reinstated the death penalty. Why does this champion of modernity still hold what could be seen as archaic views on this extremely harsh (and arguably archaic) punishment? To understand this further, it would be wise to investigate the statistics in context. Since 1977, over 500 people have been executed in the United Sta
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Putnam Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Putnam - Essay Example I do believe that people still talk of divorce "in an almost pious reverence", but this I believe is bound to change since divorce is continuously becoming so common. The time will come when divorce will be talked about openly and sadly will be seen as a normal day-to-day happening in society. Putnam based his claims on the fact that he feels he still can depend on his parents although he gets to spend time with them separately. He has found resolution in his family's situation of which he has quaintly expressed when he wrote that "The safest environment for me was to be with one happy parent at a time, instead of two miserable ones all the time." I find the discussions in his essay convincing and supportive on his claim on what the divorce of his parents has done for him. He was able to present negative implications of the divorce and at the same time presented a clear understanding and acceptance of his living situation "with two houses to call home." 4.) Putnam has several warrants, some of them stated explicitly and some implied.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Jewish children and the Holocaust Research Paper
Jewish children and the Holocaust - Research Paper Example The odds of survival for the older children were comparatively higher as they could be used in ghettos and concentration camps for forced labour. The children who faced the Holocaust can be divided into three age segments: from infants to toddlers aged 6; children between ages of 7 and 12; and teenagers from age of 13 to 18. The chances of survival and the ability of performing labour at camps varied majorly between these age segments (Rosenberg 15). The ideology and the policies of Nazis specially targeted the Jews, which then resulted in the official German policy called ‘Final Solution’. The Jews and their children faced a lot of suffering at the Nazis’ hands; as soon as the Nazis came into power in January 1933, they restricted the rights of the Jewish children (Wiesel 33). The Jewish children in Germany began enduring a progressively hostile atmosphere after 1935. They faced alienation from their close friends, even aggression at their hands, and spiteful and unfriendly attitudes. The letters to editors of Der Stà ¼rmer, a Nazi tabloid by the German children, expose a reprehensible outburst of passion and foolishness against their classmates who were Jewish. Jewish and Gypsy children faced a massive amount of humiliations in the classrooms of Germany. The Social Darwinism as well as the degrading and oppressive doctrine of what was called the racial biology had a great role in humiliating these children and establishing their race as inferior. This resulted in development of education as a form of resistance in various Jewish schools in Germany after 1933, and it provided the background and experience for the secret schools which were created later in concentration camps and ghettos. Passed on 25th of April 1933, ‘The Law against Overcrowding in German Schools and Universities’ was among the initial laws that directly affected the students that were Jewish. This tyrannical law
Thursday, August 22, 2019
A Beautiful Mind Essay Example for Free
A Beautiful Mind Essay Mental disorders have been one of the most severe cases of abnormality in our society today. Filmmakers are fascinated to create movies based on these disorders. Many filmmakers tried to portray the effects of different kinds of mental illness. They are fascinated with how the human mind works whenever it is consumed with abnormalities. Some films are made to stun the audience using the gruesome effects and treatment of the illness; but in reality those stunning effects were added just to impress or capture the interest and sympathy of the general public, and sometimes it goes on to the point of exaggeration. But some are made accurately, explaining detail-by-detail symptoms, effects and treatment of the disorder. For my movie review, I tried to look for a good example, a model movie, and a work of art that really wants to share all information they could possibly share, and possibly doesn’t stray out of its purpose. To that effect, the movie â€Å"A Beautiful Mind†is the film that had captured my interest the most. This particular film portrays a man named John Forbes Nash (played by actor Russel Crowe) who was found to have a psychological disorder called Schizophrenia. See more: Perseverance essay A Beautiful Mind†is very effective in portraying the symptoms, effects and treatment of Shezophrenia. A Beautiful Mind (Schizophrenia) The movie’s portrayal of schizophrenia was mostly accurate. Nash would be described as a paranoid schizophrenic, having delusions and hallucinations with themes of persecution and grandiosity. His personality fits the description of someone with schizophrenia because he lives in his own inner world and he is socially withdrawn and isolated. The disease developed over time from a chronic history of social inadequacy. As shown in the movie, Nash had a difficult time relating to his peers and talking to women. It also developed at the standard age, late adolescence during his years at college. Another realistic feature of the film was that once the disease developed, the hallucinations were triggered by stress. Nash experienced disturbed perceptions in the form of three of his senses. He heard voices; saw people that didn’t exist and was even able to believe he was touching these people. At times schizophrenics inflict pain on themselves in response to voices or imagined reality. In Nash’s case, he tore open his arm to find a sensor he had imagined that the government put in his body. The last thing that made the portrayal realistic was that research shows that given a supportive environment, some schizophrenics eventually recover to enjoy a normal life, and in the end that’s what happened with Nash. He was able to live his life with occasional bouts of schizophrenia intermittently. According to Philip Long, Schizophrenia is a chronic, severe, and disabling mental illness (2008). Schizophrenia is a disorder that lasts for at least 6 months and includes at least 1 month of active-phase symptoms of the following: delusion, hallucination, disorganized or catatonic behavior, negative symptoms. In the movie A Beautiful Mind, the main character John Forbes Nash exhibited all of the above symptoms. He often engaged in conversations with his imagined friend and roommate, Charles Herman. He was also convinced that there was an agent named William Archer who was giving him secret assignments to be delivered at night. But it was not long when his wife, Alicia, realizes what was happening to her husband’s state of mind, and passionately helped him realize that Charles Herman, William Archer and Marcy, were all a product of his unstable mind. Furthermore, people with Schizophrenia find it hard to be sociable, and even their jobs may suffer because of this (Long 2008). In the movie, John Nash illustrated that he was no longer capable of functioning at work because he was continuously engaging in the imagined government assignments instead of attending class on a regular basis. He was also unable to function socially, he socially withdrew himself from his friends and he was no longer capable to care for his baby especially the scene in which he was out of touch with reality that he left the baby unattended in the tub. John Nash was also experiencing problems with his wife as a result of his inability to engage in sexual activities and his wife’s inability to clearly comprehend the gruesome effects of Schizophrenia. People with Schizophrenia vary with their reaction towards their own illness because of the simple fact that what they see and feel is beyond their control. It is inevitable for them to consistently rumble incoherent sentences or just respond with a very uncontrollable anger, sometimes with no apparent reason at all. John Nash exhibited this symptom especially when he was in the presence of others who were not aware of his mental disorder. People with this disorder may not be able to hold down jobs or even perform tasks as simple as maintaining conversation as John Nash exhibited in the movie A Beautiful Mind. Additionally, John Nash was given Insulin Shock Therapy, which is also known as Insulin Coma Therapy at the psychiatric hospital that he was admitted to. He received this form of treatment five times a week for ten weeks. Large doses of insulin were administered which would reduce the blood sugar and brought on a seizure-like state and then a comatose state that John Nash experienced whenever this form of treatment was done. The Insulin Shock Therapy is still done however there are critics who state that this form of treatment is cruel and inhumane but there has not been a termination of this treatment in spite of the criticisms. Furthermore, over the years more treatments have been formed in order to treat Schizophrenia. Antipsychotic drugs are thought to mainly provide relief from the positive symptoms and psychosis. Nash received antipsychotic drugs when he was released from the hospital. Some examples of the psychotic drugs that are being used now to treat Schizophrenia are Thorazine, Clozaril, and Trilafon. Unfortunately his medication disrupted his relationship with his wife almost as much as his delusions did in the first place. For example, he couldn’t respond to his wife in bed, he couldn’t show affection to their child, and he couldn’t do simple tasks around the house. He stopped taking his medication and falls back into his paranoid delusions. Nash had a breakthrough and realized that the people he was seeing were hallucinations when he realized that none of them aged. In the movie A Beautiful Mind, John Nash had the support of his wife, Alicia Nash who was very instrumental in his recovery. The support of loved ones is very vital for people with Schizophrenia in order for them to not face the challenges that they will encounter alone. This is a very unusual story since the protagonist was able to win over his disease; not all who were under Schizophrenia are able to this kind of accomplishment. Displays of acts of violence are of major issue in treating Schizophrenia (Long 2008). Nash’s reaction when he thought that Archer was threatening his family is an indication to this act. However, except from his previous flights, John Nash did not commit any serious violent acts. He unintentionally harmed himself by removing the imagined device that he stated that William Archer implanted in his hand. This is a contradiction to the usual. But we all know from the beginning that Nash is an exception to the rule. Observations over the past years suggest that Schizophrenia is most unfavorable with men than women. Maybe this has something to do with the emotional treatment suffered by men over various circumstances, and that includes the amount of rejection they received from their environment. John Nash received mainly mixed reactions as a result of his mental disorder. His wife, Alicia was devastated at first but was able to overcome all of her negative emotions when she recalled the loving man she married and knew before he was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. However, he was laughed at and mocked by some of the students who attended the university that he worked at. One unrealistic aspect of the film was that Nash was able to just ignore the hallucinations when he stopped taking his medication. In reality, the delusions would have been too intense to just take no notice of. The movie also oversimplified affects of the disease on his family. They never attended any counseling or help groups, and the disease was never explained to the wife in great detail, yet she stuck by his side. However there weren’t any parts in the film that would misinform an audience about the disorder. In conclusion, the movie A Beautiful Mind is an excellent movie that clearly depicts the life of a person with Schizophrenia. It demonstrates the challenges that individuals with Schizophrenia encounter and it also demonstrates that the support of the family is very vital for individuals with Schizophrenia in order for them to cope with the effects of this mental disorder. The movie A Beautiful Mind showed realistic dramas that John Forbes Nash encountered and problems that other individuals who have been diagnosed with Schizophrenia and other mental disorders will most likely experience.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Ferguson & Son Manufacturing Essay Example for Free
Ferguson Son Manufacturing Essay Ferguson Son Manufacturing company is attempting to increase efficiency and reduce cost by introducing monthly performance reports for each department. Robert Ferguson Jr is trying to introduce this new type of accounting system and when you try something like this you will always run into some problems, but Robert is creating a culture of resentment. Robert Ferguson is using a static planning budget to analyze the performance of each department. Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) define a planning budget as a budget â€Å"prepared before the period begins and is valid for only the planned level of activity (p. 385)†Robert is using a budgeted level of activity and comparing it to the actual level of activity as the basis for the evaluations. The information that is received from an evaluation done in this manner is going to be misleading. The budgeted level of activity is not always going to be the same as the actual level of activity, so a true comparison is impossible. For example my company manufactures safety belts for motor vehicles and the budget is based on an activity level of 5000 units for the period. The actual level of activity for the period is 4000 units and in result costs and revenue are lower than the budget amount. If our company compared the costs are going to be different simply because the activity level is different then the unchanged planned amount and the results will not provide conclusive data for performance and efficiency because there is no true controlled factor. Garrison, Noreen Brewer describe this as comparing apples to oranges. This type of system is going to provide incorrect data for performance, in result the company will not be able to understand their costs and true revenue potential. The planning budget system is going create discrepancies in the spending variance. According to Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) the spending variance is â€Å"the difference between how much a cost should have been, given the actual level of activity, and the actual amount of the cost (p. 91)†The spending variance can be evaluated as favorable or unfavorable, and this could effect how the product is priced or even purchasing new high tech equipment. You can not effectively utilize a spending variance in a planned budget system because you do not use the same activity level to compare cost. These are big decisions that can make a big impact on a companies revenue and if the system is not using the actual activity level and costs and comparing to the actual levels, the spending variance will be evaluated incorrectly. The planning budget system is going to effect the morale of the supervisors and employees dramatically. Robert Ferguson Jr is evaluating the performance of the supervisors and departments monthly based on amounts and activities that they have budgeted. This budget could be completely unrealistic and this will cause the entire staff to feel hopeless and bitter. Once people begin to feel hopeless, their work performance will fall, production and efficiency will naturally follow. Their work performance will take into consideration the quantity of their work, but more importantly the quality of their work. If your employees feel they have to cut corners to meet budget to keep their jobs, they will do so and the company could begin to alienate their customers. To continue the seat belt example, if my company had to produce 5000 units and this was impossible unless the workers cut a few corners; now the company has faulty seat belts going to car companies. This could cause a large recall on the cars that our clients produce and those clients are going to find a new company to work with for these products. In this example, my company just lost a tremendous amount of money due to an accounting system that demands so much of their workers that the quality of their work has to be sacrificed. This is all due to notion of increasing efficiency without comparing the activity levels and costs in the same manner. Ferguson Son Manufacturing should adapt a flexible budget system to improve efficiency. Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) define a flexible budget as â€Å"an estimate of what revenues and costs should have been, given the actual level of activity for the period(p. 385). Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) go on to say that â€Å"when a flexible budget is used in performance evaluation, actual costs are compared to what the costs should have been for the actual level of activity during the period rather than to the static planning budget (p. 385). †The activity level will change each period, through out the period as the business activity increases and decreases. Emory says, â€Å"those reports dont tell the whole story. We always seem to be interrupting the big jobs for all those small rush orders. All that set up and machine adjustment time is killing us. This is an example of the type of activity that is going to happen and needs to be taken into consideration when one is evaluating efficiency. The flexible budget will take into consideration this activity and compare the costs to the same level of activity. The current planned budget does not take this into consideration and these are issues that the supervisor has no power over. With the knowledge from the flexible budget, Robert Ferguson Jr may decide that if they purchase a new machine they could complete these rush orders, not have any idle time and in result increase efficiency. In the flexible budget system, Robert will be able to effectively evaluate the spending variance and assess the performance of his workers. The flexible budget is going to make the supervisors and other workers feel they are being measured fairly and can have a positive sense of accountability. During each accounting meeting supervisors like Tom and Jim will be able to walk in confidently, look at the activity of their departments, what their costs should have been based on the activity, what it was actually and see where they can improve. Tom and Jim have been working at Ferguson Son for a very long time and understand what they and their teams can accomplish. They have been praised for the quality of their work by Robert Ferguson Sr and their expertise can be the most efficient tool Robert Ferguson Jr has in the factory. Flexible budget system will create realistic goals for the workers and in turn relieve the negative stress being placed on them. The quality of work will not be sacrificed to cut costs, Tom and Jim will incorporate new work practices to increase efficiency. Activity-based costing could be a great tool for Ferguson Son Manufacturing f used properly. Activity-based costing is defined by Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) as â€Å"a costing method that is designed to provide managers with cost information for strategic and other decisions that potentially affect capacity and therefore â€Å"fixed†as well as variable costs. Activity-based costing is ordinarily used as a supplement to, rather than as a replacement for, a companys usual costing system (p. 273). †Activity-based costing takes into consideration all different types of costs as they relate to the activities, so managers can make more effective decisions. Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) state the implementation process for activity-based costing breaks down into five steps and these steps are define activities, activity cost pools, and activity measures; assign overhead costs to activity cost pools; calculate activity rates; assign overhead costs to cost objects using the activity rates and activity measures, and finally prepare management reports. The first step is going to require the company to interview supervisors of each department to understand the activities, activity cost pools and activity measures. This will involve the supervisors and give the company a better grasp of the activity, but make the supervisors feel they are a part of the process and team. This will in turn improve their confidence and overall morale. Once they have interviewed the supervisors and understand the activities, they will be able to assign overhead costs to activity pools such as the rent for the factory to production or the salaries of the marketing managers to the marketing department. The next steps will have them assign rates and costs to certain objects. Activity-based costing will allow Ferguson Son Manufacturing to become more efficient by giving them the ability to see what areas need the most improvement. Activity-based costing breaks down the costs for each department and activity in a way that Robert Ferguson Jr can assess the report and use the theory of constraint to locate the department that needs to improve and effectively take the steps to improve that department. As the system is continued to be used the company will see their efficiency rise and in results so will the company profits. Individuals are always working towards a purpose or some type of goal and that is what a budget can provide. I would utilize a budget to create a sense of urgency, competition and direction in the work place. I would utilize a responsibility accounting system. Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) define responsibility accounting as â€Å"a system of accountability in which managers are held responsible for those items of revenue and costâ€â€and only those itemsâ€â€over which they can exert significant control. The managers are held responsible for differences between budgeted and actual results (p. 337). †This type system will allow the managers to be held responsible for the items they can directly control, by involving them in the process and not automatically penalizing them for not meeting their goals immediately. Everyone wants to feel there are part of a team and involved in the process of creating their own goals. I would implement a self-imposed budget system to help create a sense of control for all workers and managers of the organization. Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) define a self-imposed budget as â€Å"a method of preparing budgets in which managers prepare their own budgets. These budgets are then reviewed by higher-level managers, and any issues are resolved by mutual agreement (p. 338)†. I would create a budget committee that includes the managers to provide everyone in the organization this sense of unity. Once a budget is created and the workers have a sense of control and unity I would create an incentive program to encourage workers to accomplish and exceed their goals. I would implement a bonus incentive plan for my workers. This system would utilize the budget created by the organization and further inspire the workers to excel. People are motivated by many different things and most of them involve factors that are not directly related to the work place. People work to provide financial security for their family, prestige outside of work and pride for the work they do. A bonus program will give each individual the opportunity to accomplish any or all of these personal goals and contribute to the success of the organization. If each person in the organization is striving to surpass their goals, the organization will do the same and the results will be evident to the shareholders. Garrison, Noreen Brewer (2012) define return on investment as the â€Å"net operating income divided by average operating assets. It also equals margin multiplied by turnover (p. 475). †The return on investment is the profit of the organization. Activity-based costing allows larger companies to understand what their costs are, where they are coming from and how to effectively reduce them to create the largest return possible. Activity-based costing systems do have start up costs associated with them. The organization must train personal to understand the process and systems in order to properly accomplish these activities. The organization must interview staff to research their departments properly to get the accurate information vital to the success of activity-based costing. These costs are the reason many smaller organizations can not apply this system. Activity-based costing provides the organization with the ability to dissect their departments activities and costs. This will allow the organization to see what areas need improvement, what costs can be avoided, in result increase profits and free cash flow for possible expansion or upgrades. If Robert Ferguson Jr can see what departments are costing the company excessive amounts of money, he can lower or eliminate those costs. Once Robert reduces the cost of production, the revenue will rise and the return on investment will grow.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Rocky Mountain National Park Tourism Essay
The Rocky Mountain National Park Tourism Essay Denver is a capital city of Colorado in US. The place is located in South Platte River Valley. Denver is a good vacation destination. You can plan for a Day trip or a trip for couple of days in Denver. Below given is a short description on three major Vacation spots in Denver. The Denver Art Museum This museum is located on 13 th avenue between Broadway and Bannock in downtown Denver. It is famous for American Indian art collections. It also contains large number of collection of works from different parts of the world. The museum was founded in 1893 and later it got expanded and the new building got opened in 2006.The museum conducts many temporary exhibitions. The tickets to the museum can be bought online. It has got a collection of ancient metals, Prehistoric potteries, renaissance paintings etc. This is the best place for the people who like historic items. 16 th street mall This is Denver s hub of shopping, entertainments and a good place for food as well. As Vehicles are not allowed inside this street most of the people come here and enjoy by walking throughout the streets. This is an environment friendly place as well .You can find almost all the brands like GAP, Virgin Records etc and food outlets in the streets. This is a very good place to spend time with your friends and family. Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater The 868-acre Red Rocks Park and amphitheater was once listed among the Seven Wonders of the World. This is a place where you can see Colorado ¿Ã‚ ½s beautiful plants and wildlife. The natural beauty of Colorado can be seen from this amazing park with a 360 degree view .The amphitheater is an open air theater where many events like concerts, graduations etc are conducted. You can find good number of hotels in this place. Modes of Transportation in Denver Denver has got different modes of transportation. To travel in and around Denver you will get different kinds of transportation. Denver is a city where you can easily go around either by walk, car or by light rail. Through online you can avail the Road maps of Denver which will also help your travel easier. These maps provide point to point information with full description. Denver International Airport- This is the one of the busiest airline service in US. Here you can get varieties for dining and shopping. You can access your internet with the help of WiFi which is available free at the airport. Almost all the major airlines is having service to and fro this airport. It hardly takes 25 minutes for a car to drop you at the city from this airport. Bicycle ride  ¿Ã‚ ½ With the help of bikes also you can travel within Denver with more ease. You can see many bike sharing stations in Denver from where you can pick your bike , travel with it and once you are done drop it back in the same station. Almost 50 Bike stations are located in the Prime Tourist areas of Denver Ground Transportations  ¿Ã‚ ½There are numerous ground transportation options available. This includes trains, car rentals, buses etc. All the information like contact number and address you can get through online. Travel Agencies  ¿Ã‚ ½ There are some good travel agencies in Denver who has a got a very good knowledge of Denver city. You can consult them and they will plan and arrange your trip in a better way. They will take you to the best and hot spots centers of Denver. Accessibility services  ¿Ã‚ ½ There are many services for Disabled people as well. To make their visit pleasant and comfortable many services will start from airport. They will be given reserved Parking spaces, special wash rooms, wheel chairs and so on With the help of all the above mentioned information you can have a safe and happy travel in Denver city. Vacation in the beach Everybody enjoys outdoor vacations especially if it is a beach vacation! The younger ones can turn over in the beach sand and splatter in the waves. The elderly ones can swim, get a tan, or just relax. The warm breezes and natural beauty are inspiring and healthful. But however you plan the trip, sometimes it may cause discomfort. Here are things you can do to make your beach vacations more comfortable, better, and more meaningful. In many parts of the world, people plan for their beach holidays in their own car. While planning a travel, it is always a good enough idea to give your car for a thoroughly cleanup out first. This will leave you additional room for your baggage. Carry your gloves package, as well, on a few first aid and comfort particulars, such as sun blocker, painkillers for headaches, some ointments for pain, a few cough syrups and a few band aids. Check the tires of your call. If the tires are flat change it or go to the service centre and get the air filled properly on all the tires. Check the oil level in your vehicle and replace it if it is necessary. And whatever you do, make a point to have a road map and a keep it in a place which is easy to get. Journey with children are always a challenge. They might be in particular thrilled and impatient of when they come to know that they are going on beach trip. Make a point to stock chilled water bottles and healthy bites to crunch. With beach vacations especially, there is always a demand to keep your skin safe from sun. Be especially aware about being in the sun for la long span of time. Apply a sun blocker with a high-level SPF range and substitute them later whenever you get wet or dry off with your towel. Put on shades to protect your eyes and few kind of foot protective covering to prevent your feet from being burned off on the hot sand. With a short planning your beach vacations could be pleasurable and problem-free. While you get into your house you will be at ease, freshened, and willing for work. Suggestions For A Safe Holiday Trip In simple words we can say Vacation is the period where we will spend and enjoy a very good and memorable moment with our family and friends. On those days we will keep our daily job schedules away from our mind. But before going for a vacation we need to plan it properly. Here we will discuss about some points to have a safe Vacation trip. There are certain set of things which should be carried with you while going for a vacation. Some of them are Basic First Aid Kit, Car tools, Bottle of water for the car as well for drinking purpose, some food items, and contact details of the destination place and so on. Keep the road map handy with you so that you will not get confused with the directions and roads. If you are going for more than one day then your mobile charger, extra pair of clothes, bathroom kit and so on. If kids are there don ¿Ã‚ ½t forget about their medicines, snacks, games, toys, small pillows, blankets. If you are traveling in your own car give your car for a full service before your travel and make sure that oil, air, extra tires, tool kits and car papers are present. Don ¿Ã‚ ½t forget o check the weather of your destination. Depending on that pack your luggage. If you are planning to stay in a hotel book it in advance and before leaving from home just give a call and confirm them about the room. Hand over the details of your travel like your contact details of the destination place to a neighbor or near friend. Once you give the details to your friend or neighbor, ask them to have a look on your house, and inform if they feel anything suspicious at your place. Follow the tips mentioned above and have a wonderful and safe holiday for you and your family. Camping Experience Camping is one of the enjoyable outdoor activity and a different experience. Most of the people do tent camping in forests or in the river valleys. It ¿Ã‚ ½s a good experience of staying in tents and cooking in camp fire. Also you can enjoy some fresh air and spend some quality time with your family. Before planning for any outdoor camping get a clear picture of the campsite. The weather conditions, surroundings and so on. So that you will be prepared for the same If you are planning to camp in the forest then you need to be careful with wild animals. In such case keep the surroundings of your camp clean. Do not throw any food items in the ground. All the trash should be disposed in a proper way. When you plan for a Camping always carry Torch, Emergency lamp, water for drinking as well for cooking, Barbeque sets etc. Try setting the Tents once before you start from home for a safer side. After setting the tent at your camp area clean the tent properly .You can lay papers, old towels or carpets on the ground and put your blanket and pillows upon it. Carry food with you in an aluminum foil so that first day you can adjust with that. Rest of the days you can cook by your own like Barbeque Chicken, Vegetables and so on. Better prepare a small menu so that you won ¿Ã‚ ½t get confused at the last moment. And you can carry the ingredients along with you according to your plans. Always carry some bites with you especially when kids are there. During camp fire be cautious. Always let the fire to be small. And after the camp fire don ¿Ã‚ ½t forget to extinguish the fire. Also clean the camping area before you leave. From the very first day onwards ensure not to litter anything on the ground. Keep the camping surroundings clean. General Overview Of Denver In Colorado Set against the backdrop of the majestic Rocky Mountain, Denver is the capital and the most populous city in the state of Colorado. If you want to visit a place which blends the Old West with the cosmopolitan culture, then Denver is the ideal place to go. Denver offers you with the apt atmosphere for both living purposes as well as for vacation purposes. Hence it is ideal if you are planning to move your base and move somewhere which will be liked by one and all in the family. Considering the size of the city, it is a quite safe city to stay. If you are not sure about the place, it is advisable to pay a visit to the place and take a look at the various nuances before deciding on relocating. You can also get enough information on internet about the beauty and bounty of Denver. Like any other place, Denver also has its set of cons which should also be considered before moving to the place. Denver allows you to enjoy a lot of activities, be it in the summer months or the winter months. It is generally seen that Denver bustles with activities all year round. If you have small and growing up children at your house, Denver gives you the ideal ambience of enjoying the warm and sunny months as much as the cold and snowy times. Denver is also a great place if you want to go for a relaxing vacation. There are a lot of places of sightseeing with the Rocky Mountain being the most popular one. You can also enjoy the various refreshing activities which Denver as a tourism centre offers you. There are a wide range of hotels and restaurants in the city catering to the growing number of tourists. Fun and food galore in the city and you can have non-stop enjoyment there. Getting In And Out Of Denver Denver hosts a large number of attractions including the great Rocky Mountain. A large number of tourists throng the city all year round. The city bustles with activities and to be an integral part of those activities a plethora of visitors come to the town from all parts of the country. Getting in and out of the city is pretty easy with land, air and train routes helping people. One can make use of the bus service to reach Denver. From there if you are planning to go to Cheyenne or Billings, use can avail the Greyhound buses which stop at Denver Bus Station. Other bus services like the Powder River Coach USA and TNMO also stops at Denver to take you to other places. As for the train services one can make use of the Amtrak ¿Ã‚ ½s California Zephyr services which ply between the cities of Chicago and San Francisco through Denver. The Union Station is mostly used for the arrival and departure of trains. During the winter season if you are looking forward to enjoy the Winter Park, then you can opt for Denver ¿Ã‚ ½s Ski Train. Throughout the ski season the Ski Train operates from the Union Station to the Winter Park during weekends. The train can be availed also in the months of July and August. A round trip in the train costs $ 49. Denver also boasts the presence of an international airport popularly known as the Denver International Airport. One can travel to nearly all the major places of USA from the airport. Around 20 airlines serve at the airport which is located 30kms from the downtown. The DIA is considered one of the busiest airports not only of the USA but of the entire world. Hence transportation to and from the city of Denver is not limited to only a single mode of transportation. You have the option for using the mode which serves your purposes the best. Hotels At Denver The beauty and the bounty of Denver attract a wide range of people from all across the country. The city enjoys a large number of tourists all year round. In order to cater to the ever increasing number of tourists across the length and the breadth of the city, Denver boasts of some of the finest hotels. Denver is the home to many fabulous hotels following under various categories. There are bed and breakfasts, luxury hotels, boutique hotels as well as budget hotels. These various types of hotels help different segments of people to visit the city and enjoy its attractions and beauty. The long list of hotels in the city includes some of the renowned ones like the Grand Hyatt, Hotel Teatro, Loews Denver Hotel, Hyatt Regency, Wingate by Wyndham, Sheraton Denver Downtown to mention just a few. The Hotel Teatro is the only luxury boutique hotel of Denver. The elegant interiors, the central location and the fine dining options make it one of the choicest hotels in the city. The Grand Hyatt is one of the most luxurious hotels in the city offering a wide range of modern amenities and facilities. It is the best place to simply relax and enjoy a luxurious vacation. It is one of the costliest hotels in the city and hence is a good option for people having a lot of money at their disposal. Facts About Denver City Denver the Capital city of Colorado is just not the capital city of this province is also very famous for many good things. Whether it is job, business, trade or vacation Denver in Colorado offers good opportunities. It is one of the best places in USA to raise families because of excellent infrastructure in terms of houses, apartments, hospitals, transport and well-developed public utility services. But before making any decision to shift to Colorado and Denver in particular, it would better sense for such persons to make a vacation to this place and find out more about this place. It is a place which is slightly on an elevated platform and so this has to be kept in mind while making a decision to shift to Denver. People with asthma and breathing problems should take special precautions and think twice before moving to this place. Not that it is so bad but moving from plains and suddenly landing in a place of higher altitude could aggravate problems for such people. For the ordinary tourist and persons who are on a vacation, it is a wonderful place and there are a number of tourist attractions in this wonderful city of Denver. From indoor attractions to outdoor beauty you have everything in this place. It is such a unique city that there is almost everything within a mile for people of almost every taste and preference. If someone is interested in horse racing there could be fewer places in the world which are as attractive as Denver. A visit to Black Hawk Town is bound to rekindle the spirits of horse racing personnel. For those willing to stay behind and enjoy this sports for a couple of days or even more, Denver offers excellent overnight stay facilities with some of the best hotels to suit every pocket and need. Denver An All Weather Tourist Destination Denver as we all know is the Capital City of Colorado Province and is situated in the Central part of The United States of America. It is around 1500 miles from New York and is well connected to the whole of the country by air, road and rail. While Denver has many specialties it is one of the hot spots for tourists and people going for a vacation. It is perhaps one of the few places in USA which is called the all-year tourists destination. It is a place which offers equal opportunity for enjoyment, be it a child, young persons or the elderly. It is one of the best destinations to holiday if you are going as a family. It has a variety of things to offer ranging from honeymoon packages, holiday packages, special packages for school children, adventure tours etc. So a visit to Denver would be very fulfilling for people of all age groups. Denver can be visited any time of the year as a tourist destination because of the variety that it has to offer. In winter if you want to enjoy the snow, it is not necessary that you be an expert skier. Denver offers snow trailers which can be an excellent mode to discover the snow filled spots in Denver. For those who are not in favor of moving around in the snow, the beauty of snow-filled Denver could be enjoyed from the balcony of your hotel room. During other seasons or even during winters a Visit to Denver would be incomplete without visiting its famous museums, theaters, zoos, aquariums and of course the cultural events that show case the rich tradition of this beautiful province and city. However, for those with a history of asthma, bronchitis and other breathing related ailments, special care should be taken while visiting Denver because of its higher altitude. But this should not keep you back from visiting this beautiful city. Denver Stands For Fun And Frolic Many people who have visited Denver quite a few times are perhaps under the mistaken understanding that they have seen almost everything of interest in this city. Nothing could be farther from truth than harboring such a thought because Denver is not a static city. It is dynamic and ever changing. It is such a big city that it would be impossible to discover the entire city even after a number of visits. If you are person who loves good food and enjoys visiting restaurants, then be rest assured that new restaurants and food joints and springing up every now and then in this great city. So while visiting the old favorite food joints, it would make lot of sense to visit the new ones and explore the same. It is the best place to be in for those who believe that  ¿Ã‚ ½variety is the spice of life ¿Ã‚ ½. If you really want to discover Denver to the fullest extent it is essential that you get out of your comfort zone and discover more of the place. However, if you are traveling with your family and have children with you it is desirable that you be that much more cautious It would be great if you could segregate your pleasure visits in such a way that it is divided into two parts; one with kids and the other without kids. This is highly recommended because Denver is too beautiful and too diverse to miss out on just because you are hamstrung with children. However, with children too there are many places to see and enjoy and it is the perfect place for people of all ages to enjoy and relish. The only point of caution could be for those who are suffering from breathing ailments. For such people it makes good sense to exhibit some degree of care by carrying the necessary medicines and inhalers should such a situation arise. What to see when you visit Denver? Planning to visit Denver? Denver is the capital city of Colorado. It is situated on the valley of the South Platte river, a great place to visit. First, you need to know where to stay. Some of the most popular hotels are Country Inn Suites by Carlson, Homewood Suites Denver International Airport, Magnolia Hotel Denver and Residence Inn Denver City Center. These hotels in Denver are reasonably cheaper, providing you good accommodation in a price range from $115 to $250. Some of them offer amenities like complimentary breakfast buffet, corporate and leisure travels. Denver Art Museum is a must-see, when you visit Denver. The architectures of the buildings are marvelous, one looking like a castle and another like a jagged crystal of titanium. It prides to exhibit a fabulous collection of old classical works of some European masters and also works created by the Native Americans. Denver Museum of Nature and Science have an wonderful collection of dinosaurs, scientific experiments and space exhibits. It also prides having a digital planetarium. Then you need to visit the famous pedestrian mall of Denver. It is a delightful place to visit. You will surely enjoy walking on the tree lined walkways. Or you may prefer a ride on the bus which are free. There are many outdoor refreshment stalls to have a coffee-break. Another interesting place to visit is the River park, also known as the confluence park. The park has many attractions including a long trail for cycling, the downtown aquarium, and the theme park named Elitch Gardens. If you are fascinated by the views of mountains and like hiking, then City Park is the place to visit, which has many lakes and an awesome view. Denver Botanic Gardens, the Cherry Creek, Red Rocks Amphitheatre are some other places to visit if you happen to stay at Denver for a few days. The places your kids will like in Denver If you are visiting Denver with your kids, it is a good idea to chalk out a plan for visiting some places that they will specially enjoy. Consider visiting the famous Butterfly Pavilion and Insect Centre. It will take you less than twenty minutes to reach there from downtown Denver. It has a rainforest full with thousands of tropical butterflies that flies freely over there. You kid will absolutely love them. If your child is in the primary school, it is a place for interactive learning and fun as well. There are plenty of adventures to enjoy out there. You can enjoy the trail in the nature, get close to the animals, or enjoy some educational tour. Your kid will love to visit the Carousel of Happiness. It is just one hour ¿Ã‚ ½s drive from Denver; a place that will offer recreation to your kids and you too will spend some nostalgic moments of your childhood. Rides are very inexpensive, only$1. Then, you can take your child to the Childrens Museum of Denver, where your child will learn something while having the fun of playing through their interactive programs and events. If you visit Denver Museum of Miniatures, Dolls Toys with your kid, this place may remind you of your childhood days. They provide special exhibits altered periodically engaging you to learn about history, art, fashion, folk tales and the like. Children below five years are allowed free, while others up to sixteen are charged $4, and $6 for the accompanying adult. Lastly, you must visit Denver Museum of Nature Science. It is rated as the most cherished place of attraction for family that you should visit in Denver. Your child will be enthralled by the wonderful display of fossils and exciting space science activities. There are mummies of Egypt, various minerals and precious stones in this museum. The tourist ¿Ã‚ ½s information about Denver Denver is one of the thriving young cities of USA, with its vibrant population of millions. The city is guarded by the famous rocky mountain range of Colorado. Downtown Denver is situated on the bank of the South Platte River. It is a great place to live and visit both from the perspective of a resident and a tourist. The city is home to a racially diverse population like the Hispanic, African-American and Asian communities. It has a gentle and pleasant climate over the year. The climate of the city is affected by the presence of the Rocky mountains. Winters are usually mild. Though there are bad snowfalls occasionally, it melts away within a day or two, due to Sunny mornings. The first snowfall of a season normally takes place during the middle of October, and the snowfall ceases around the last week of April. Summers are usually pleasant. The old neighborhood of the city of Denver has a lot of historical significance, while it has newer posh neighborhoods like Denver Tech Centre and greenwood village. There are good public transportation in the newer neighborhoods, though in the older neighborhoods one will travel better with a car. Denver is also famous for its cultural activities. The city cherishes a grand and rich cultural history. During the eighties decade Horace Tabor built Denvers first Opera House. In the Denver Performing Arts Complex, many dance, ballet and opera groups come to perform. The Red Rocks Amphitheatre hosts many popular touring bands to perform there. The Denver Art Museum has a good collection. The city of Denver is filled with art galleries, museums, restaurants and clubs. American Dreams Inc. is a famous car rental company that can provide cars in rental and they have a good selection of exotic and luxury cars. One needs a car to see around the city in a short time. The Rocky mountain National Park: an extraordinary gift of nature If you happen to visit Denver, and have enough time to have a day out, then visiting the Rocky mountain National Park can be an experience that you will not forget for years. Have you ever heard the popular song by John Denver,  ¿Ã‚ ½Rocky mountains high ¿Ã‚ ½? The lyric of this popular song was inspired by this heavenly place. This place is located at a distance of seventy one miles from Denver in the Rocky mountains. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in America. It is the nest of wild life like eagles, white hawks, elk, moose and the rare species of bighorn sheep. If you are a bird lover, you will enjoy watching birds of various species. There are birds like Blue Grouse, Gray Jay, Three-toed Woodpecker, and other Mountain species. You can drive down the Trail Ridge Road to climb up the mountains having an incomparable scenic view all over. There are hiker ¿Ã‚ ½s and jogger ¿Ã‚ ½s trails leading you to the valleys, waterfalls and jagged snowy peaks. Or you may enjoy the breathtaking beauty of high alpine lakes and wildflowers. If you enjoy hiking, you can hike through the amazing trail amid the rocky mountains, alpine lakes and valleys covered by wildflowers and green grasses in this bounty of Nature. There is a trail circling the beautiful Bear Lake that allows you to view the splendid Hallet Peak and the Flattop Moubtain. Kids especially like this place as they can see deer around the lake. Or, if you like to take a stroll through the bank of Upper Colorado River, choose the trail through Coyote Valley. You will be enchanted by the scene of multicoloured wild flowers and if you are lucky, you may find a moose. The Estes Park at the entrance to Rocky Mountain National park offers the visitors the facility of shopping and dining. Attractions At Denver The city of Denver in the state of Colorado finely blends the charm of natural beauties with the hip cosmopolitan culture giving it a unique shape. The magnificent Rocky Mountain and the urban downtown Denver together make the place a desirable and exciting place of visit. The city hosts a wide range of attractions from every sphere like sports, culture, history and natural. There is no dearth of activities in the city which can keep you busy from the morning till the night. The lively atmosphere of Denver makes it one of the choicest places of the tourists. From museums to ski resorts to live music venues, Denver has something to offer for everyone. Museums form an integral part of the sightseeing in Denver. There are quite a few museums which deserves special mention. One such is the Molly Brown House Museum in Capital Hill. The museum is dedicated to the  ¿Ã‚ ½Titanic ¿Ã‚ ½ survivor Molly Brown and offers tribute to her with docents decked up in period costumes. It is considered one of the attractions of the city which should not be missed. Amongst the other attractions of the city the ones which deserve a place in the list are Lumber Baron Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre, Adams Mystery Playhouse, Red Rocks, Cherry Creek, Colorado State Capitol and LoDo. The City of Black Hawk is a casino place full of peculiarly dressed men and short mini skirt wearing cocktail waitresses. It is the house to 22 casinos where you can enjoy the chance of winning a fortune. The place is unlike the other vibrant casinos and has a very cowboy look to it. The Red Rocks Park and Amphitheater is another place which should not be missed. It is nestled in the Rocky Mountain foothills and exhibits the sandstone Ship Rock and Creation Rock. They are considered the largest monolithic rocks. These huge rocks which are said to be taller than the Niagara Falls are situated 300 feet above the Amphitheater. The Art Community At Denver The rich and vibrant art scene of Denver is one of the main reasons of attracting such a large number of visitors. People who are culturally inclined are attracted by the fascinating art scene of the city. They visit the city to experience and feel the art community directly. Downtown Denver boasts of an active theatre district. Traditional as well as progressive art institutions can be witnessed in the district. Two of the important institutions are Denver ¿Ã‚ ½s Avenue Theatre and Denver Centre for the Performing Arts. The Denver theatre scene is not limited to showcasing and promoting the culture of America. There are institutions which are dedicated in exhibiting the cultures of various others places and religions. The multi-cultural spirit is boasted by the presence of superb organizations like the El Centro Su Teatro hosting Chicano art and the Mizel Centre for Art and Culture dedicated to Jewish art. The city of Denver also houses some fine museums which have exciting local, American and International collections. One such acclaimed museum is the Denver Art Museum having a wide collection of Western American and International items. The Denver Museum for Nature and Science, as the name suggests has a collection of superb items from the fields of science and nature and is a popular family museum. The posh Cherry Creek neighborhood is another place where one can find quite a few well endowed art galleries. If you are someone who enjoys small theatre and grand Broadway, then the Denver Centre for the Performing Arts is the place to pay a special visit. It is located centrally and is the epicenter of the city ¿Ã‚ ½s multi-faceted cultural scene and community. Exhibitions, concerts, films, musical and visual art exhibitions can be enjoyed till heart ¿Ã‚ ½s content in the city. Live musical venues also form part of the popular culture of Denver enticing a lot of people. Denver Neighborhoods The city of Denver is an attractive place enticing a large number of tourists all year round from all across the world. The Rocky Mountain is one of the most coveted of the attractions which the city features. However along with the beauty and activities of the city, the tourists will also love to pay a special visit to the city neighborhoods. The Denver neighborhoods do not have a dearth of fantastic place. One can find a long list of attractive places in the areas surrounding the city. The place which deserves a special mention is the Berkeley Park neighborhood. One will have little idea about what lies inside the place and will be surprised after the entering. Cutsie storefronts along with a lot of squirrels can be seen inside the park. Five Points is another place which will be specially loved by people interested in history. The Five Points used to be predominantly oc
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